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[–]FunnyRocker 5ポイント6ポイント  (42子コメント)


Is there really any solid evidence behind the gas chambers? Many scholars, including Jewish ones, say no. Why would they incinerate bodies pumped full of explosive gas? Why would they spend so much on lethal gas when they could have just stopped food or water rations?

Millions of people did die in concentration camps, however 6 million Jews? No. The number is closer to between 100-200 thousand. There were not even 6 millions Jewish persons living in Europe at the time.

Was there an extermination of the Jewish population? Likely not. As you said, there is no evidence. Most of the Jewish lives lost were from the Allies bombing the railroads and halting the flow of food into the camps, thus causing the prisoners to starve to death.

In this light, did the "holocaust" really happen? Being objective, not really, but it depends how you define it. Were a lot of innocent lives lost in a horrible set of events set in motion by an evil dictator? Absolutely. Were one group of people singled out on top of other groups? Yes. Was it awful? Yes.

[–]PersonMcName 12ポイント13ポイント  (7子コメント)


Is there really any solid evidence behind the gas chambers?

Yes, yes there is.

Many scholars, including Jewish ones, say no

Can you give an example? And please don't cite the Leuchter report, since there are so many holes in it it's not even funny.

Why would they incinerate bodies pumped full of explosive gas?

The gas was only explosive in very high concentrations, higher even than was needed to kill people with.

There were not even 6 millions Jewish persons living in Europe at the time.

Oh really?

Country Estimated Pre-War Jewish pop. Estimated killed % Killed
Poland 3,300,000 3,000,000 90
Baltic countries 253,000 228,000 90
Germany & Austria 240,000 210,000 90
Bohemia &Moravia 90,000 80,000 89
Slovakia 90,000 75,000 83
Greece 70,000 54,000 77
Netherlands 140,000 105,000 75
Hungary 650,000 450,000 70
Byelorussian SSR 375,000 245,000 65
Ukrainian SSR 1,500,000 900,000 60
Belgium 65,000 40,000 60
Yugoslavia 43,000 26,000 60
Romania 600,000 300,000 50
Norway 2,173 890 41
France 350,000 90,000 26
Italy 40,000 8,000 20
Russian SFSR 975,000 107,000 11
Denmark 8,000 52 <1
Bulgaria 64,000 14,000 22
Luxembourg 5,000 1,000 20
Total 8,861,800 5,93,900 67

Source: Dawidowicz, Lucy. The War Against the Jews, Bantam, 1986.p. 403

Why would they spend so much on lethal gas when they could have just stopped food or water rations?

Because that is not particularly efficient.

Was there an extermination of the Jewish population? Likely not.

See table above.

Most of the Jewish lives lost were from the Allies bombing the railroads and halting the flow of food into the camps, thus causing the prisoners to starve to death.

You do realize that even former SS members disagree with you right?

  • Hearing about Holocaust denial compelled former SS-Rottenführer Oskar Gröning to publicly speak about what he witnessed at Auschwitz, and denounce Holocaust deniers,stating: "I would like you to believe me. I saw the gas chambers. I saw the crematoria. I saw the open fires. I was on the ramp when the selections took place. I would like you to believe that these atrocities happened because I was there."

  • SS-Oberscharführer Josef Klehr has said that anyone who maintains that nobody was gassed at Auschwitz must be "crazy or on the wrong"

[–]3inchwhoreheels -5ポイント-4ポイント  (0子コメント)


trying too hard.

[–][deleted] 1ポイント2ポイント  (20子コメント)


Why use gas when a good old fashioned stick will do the job for free.

[–]4to6 0ポイント1ポイント  (19子コメント)


As the Soviets and Chinese Communists discovered, the most efficient way to kill large numbers of human beings is a single pistol round to the back of the head. That is what the Nazis probably would have used if they had ever intended to exterminate the Jews. But they did not use it, because there was no such extermination policy.

[–]PersonMcName 1ポイント2ポイント  (18子コメント)


So you're saying the Einsatzgruppen didn't exist?

[–]4to6 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)


Did not use it in the camps.

[–]PersonMcName 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)


No, but they still used it. And they used gas in the camps, because that was even more efficient.

[–][deleted] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (2子コメント)


They built huge facilities for the purpose of extermination? No, that's ridiculous. Gassing, cremation etc, is insane. The jews (Soviet jews) killed Ukrainians by starving and shooting them, there's too many jewish survivors to give any creedence to that gassing myth.

[–]PersonMcName 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)


They built huge facilities for the purpose of extermination? No, that's ridiculous.

How so? It's almost as if this was seen as a long-term project, which would require a very efficient set-up

The jews (Soviet jews) killed Ukrainians by starving and shooting them, there's too many jewish survivors to give any creedence to that gassing myth.

First of all, what does the Holodomor have to do with the Holocaust? Secondly, since when are all Soviets Jews? And finally, you do realize that among the Ukrainians killed were a significant number of Jews, right?

[–][削除されました]  (12子コメント)



    [–]PersonMcName 0ポイント1ポイント  (11子コメント)


    They were, at most, 2000 men in a brutal fight with insurgents behind the front lines.

    Actually, they ranged from between 2,700 to 3,000 men. And that was not at all their purpose.

    • In a letter dated 2 July 1941 Heydrich communicated to his SS and Police Leaders that the Einsatzgruppen were to execute all senior and middle ranking Comintern officials; all senior and middle ranking members of the central, provincial, and district committees of the Communist Party; extremist and radical Communist Party members; people's commissars; and Jews in party and government posts. Open-ended instructions were given to execute "other radical elements (saboteurs, propagandists, snipers, assassins, agitators, etc.)." He instructed that any pogroms spontaneously initiated by the occupants of the conquered territories were to be quietly encouraged. On 8 July, he announced that all Jews were to be regarded as partisans, and gave the order for all male Jews between the ages of 15 and 45 to be shot. On 17 July Heydrich ordered that the Einsatzgruppen were to kill all Jewish Red Army prisoners of war, plus all Red Army prisoners of war from Georgia and Central Asia, as they too might be Jews.

    but to put that figure at 2 million (just of Jews) is extremely difficult to prove, or to justify.

    Except that they kept very detailed records of how many they killed. In just a 5 moth period, one single unit of the Einsatzgruppen killed 136,421 Jews alone.

    [–][削除されました]  (10子コメント)



      [–]PersonMcName -2ポイント-1ポイント  (9子コメント)


      Oh yes, the infamous "Jager Report", which was "found" fifteen years later by the Soviets.

      You mean the same report which had 5 different copies (although the other 4 were destroyed), and which the guy who wrote it admitted to writing? I really hope you're not serious right now.

      The same Soviets who "reconstructed" the "gas chamber" at Auschwitz-1, according to Franciszek Piper, Director of Research at the Auschwitz State Museum.

      Are you really claiming that there were no gas chambers?

      The same Soviets who forged the identification card of Demjanjuk.

      This has never been proven. Just claimed.

      The same Soviets who tried to pin the Katyn massacre on the Germans.

      Because this somehow invalidates anything they have ever done ever?

      in addition to their job of maintaining order behind front lines, and fighting partisans?

      Their job never included maintaining order.

      [–][削除されました]  (8子コメント)



        [–]PersonMcName -1ポイント0ポイント  (7子コメント)


        I think you would be better off saying "alleged copies", if they don't exist.

        I see. And there were only four copies of the Magna Carta ever made, since let's be honest, any others that were lost just didn't ever exist.

        Well, he was found not guilty, so the court must have concluded it was forged. Plus, FBI seems to think it was forged. But hey, what would they know, right? They're probably all secret anti-semites...

        I'm not saying it wasn't forged, I'm saying there is no evidence that the Soviets were the forgers.

        It means you need more than a piece of paper, or some words spoken by a person.

        So in other words, first-person accounts are now invalid? Good to know.

        [–]qwerty_asd[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (4子コメント)


        The use of gas chambers in concentration camps is indeed a very prominent detail of the widely popularized history of the Nazis which is not substantiated by non-anecdotal evidence.

        [–][deleted] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (3子コメント)


        Ive been to Auschwitz an have seen the gas chambers. With nail marks on the walls. How could that be explained?

        [–]qwerty_asd[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)


        You're just some anonymous person on the internet who claims to have seen gas chambers years after the alleged events took place. I consider that to be anecdotal evidence.

        [–][削除されました]  (4子コメント)



          [–]DumbledoreSays 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)


          Just on the 'meth binge' thing, where is the primary evidence to support this claim?

          [–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)



            [–]DumbledoreSays 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)


            I try to avoid 'History channel' nonsense. Is there any primary evidence cited within that 'documentary' to verify the claims?

            [–][削除されました]  (2子コメント)



              [–]khamul787 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)



              Holy hell this is the funniest "article" I've read all week.

              [–]DumbledoreSays -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)


              Terrific contribution. Please keep doing good work by spreading this information. People like myself who have never really studied this aspect of history rely on people like you to present this 'side', because schools and the msm only present the ridiculous 'Germany evil, 6m Jews' side.