A few months ago I started using TAILS, and I transferred all my coins to an Electrum wallet. I was only using the Electrum wallet temporarily, and I'm a stupid person, so I didn't write down the seed words. When I went to enter my password, my keyboard was noticeably sticking on the "a" key, but I assumed nothing was out of the ordinary because I entered my password a second time and the two matched, and because I'm a stupid person.
As you might have guessed, the password I had created was NOT, in fact, the one I had intended. This left me with 13.5 BTC in an Electrum wallet I didn't know the password or seed words to. I had exhausted all avenues and pretty much given up on ever seeing my money again when I came across walletrecoveryservices.com. As you might imagine I was pretty skeptical about the whole thing. The idea that a complete stranger would gain access to my $3500 wallet then return all but 20% out of the goodness of their heart seemed pretty ludicrous when there are people on the street stabbing each other for 20 bucks. But all the reviews I read indicated Dave was legit, including one guy who apparently had like 30 grand in his account. I had pretty much given up any hope of getting my money back, so I decided to email Dave since I had nothing to lose.
Dave responded to my email promptly, and told that his fee is 20% of the wallet contents if he's successful, which I was totally fine with. He then told me what he needed from me to attempt to decrypt my wallet, which I sent to him via email.
A little over 3 weeks later I had pretty much given up hope that he would be successful when I received an email from Dave informing me he had finished decrypting my wallet. He cleared the contents of my Electrum wallet, then requested a new wallet address where he could send my coins, minus the 20%. His only other request was that I write a review so that people know he's legit, which I was more than happy to do. I understand there are still going to be assholes who will remain skeptical no matter how many positive reviews there are. But if you're in the market for a wallet recovery service, then you're probably in the same boat I was, in which case you have nothing to lose. It flies in the face of common sense to trust a stranger with your money, so Dave profits more by establishing a reputation as an honest person than he would from scamming people. The business he would lose by stealing your coins far outweighs the money he would make by doing so.
For my part, I'm just excited to get my money back. Because I bought my coins when the price was significantly lower, even at 80% I actually made about $300 on my investment. It feels like my birthday and Christmas all wrapped into one :)