
残りのコメントをみる →

[–]someprimetime 1ポイント2ポイント  (8子コメント)

Hi there,

I'm Parker and I started the subreddit and run lifeprotips.com.

Most of this is correct, and doesn't need to be a secret. I registered the domain for the site around the same time I made the subreddit (in 2010 -- years before it became a default sub).

I began working on the site as a side project to be ancillary to the subreddit, where you could post guides (never implemented), and browse tips by category (something reddit does horribly through a flair system hack).

To my surprise the subreddit started growing organically. Most likely because I used to oversee all tips that were getting submitted and I had a pretty fine-grained control over it (and we didn't have as many moderators).

When reddit decided to make it a default sub, there wasn't much of a choice on our end and it happened quickly. From there, the quality started to quickly dilute. I felt that I needed to get the site (lifeprotips.com) finished before the brand died. I launched the site, but it never really saw the traffic I was hoping for to sustain the community.

I've been building sites for a long time and this is more of a side project than anything to me. I certainly don't make enough money to live off of this, but I would like the site to be self-sustainable. There are costs that go into running a website such as:

  1. Servers
  2. Sending transactional emails
  3. Source control (Github)
  4. S3 (Cloudfront)
  5. My time

For the record, we also allow Imgur.com for submissions and we have since we started re-allowing images (there was a point after the default where we had to turn off link submissions due to karma whoring). And no, we don't use bots to downvote anything other than lifeprotips.com links.

Next time you attempt to start a lynch mob for a subreddit, look at the sidebar and message any of the moderators. We're more than happy to respond, and will answer your questions.

[–]eberkneezer 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

User agreement:

You may not perform moderation actions in return for any form of compensation or favor from third-parties.

When you use your moderator powers to add an advertisement redirecting traffic to your monetised website, you are breaking the user agreement. You may not own a profitable website right now but you are clearly building a commercial asset using your moderator privileges. Including "your time" into the costing shows that is a venture that is intended to compensate you.

When reddit decided to make it a default sub, there wasn't much of a choice on our end and it happened quickly.

I believe that you can opt out of the defaults right now. Go to /r/LifeProTips/about/edit/ .
Untick "allow this subreddit to be included /r/all as well as the default and trending lists"

[–]IanPatrick1966 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Reported this garabge to admins. Let's hope the mods of /r/todayilearned have sucked their dick quota at Reddit HQ otherwise this 'gon be good.

[–]Murky42 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

While I still think glasshield raises a legitimate concern I have to say props to you for getting out here and defending yourself respectfully.

[–]glassshield[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

I started the subreddit and run lifeprotips.com.

To my surprise the subreddit started growing organically.

When reddit decided to make it a default sub, there wasn't much of a choice on our end and it happened quickly. From there, the quality started to quickly dilute. I felt that I needed to get the site (lifeprotips.com) finished before the brand died. I launched the site, but it never really saw the traffic I was hoping for to sustain the community.

The issue is that you do not technically own /r/LifeProTips. It's owned by reddit and the community. You may consider LifeProTips to be your personal brand or whatever, but in reality the subreddit does not belong to you. The admins could pop in one day and remove/replace all of you. Using your position on the subreddit (a default subreddit for that matter) to direct traffic to a website of the same name that you personally own gives the impression that reddit endorses or is affiliated with it. It also creates a situation where you could (you are) possibly make money by being a moderator on reddit.

Do you see where I'm coming from at all? If the reddit admins allow you to do this then what's stopping the moderator of other popular subreddits from doing the same thing? Hell, maybe the mods of /r/minimalism should start selling tshirts and and keychains. I could use some extra cash.

[–]someprimetime -4ポイント-3ポイント  (3子コメント)

The issue is that you do not technically own /r/LifeProTips. It's owned by reddit and the community.

To be fair, with that logic, I would be an owner if I am part of the community, but let's not be silly, I know I don't own the subreddit.

Keep in mind, we do also allow links to imgur.com (in fact one of the top tips right now is hosted on imgur). A site that more than sustains itself from ads.

Think of lifeprotips.com as another way to submit content.

[–]glassshield[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Think of lifeprotips.com as another way to submit content.

Another way to submit content the moderators of the subreddit own and attempt to convince you to use instead of reddit. If the reddit admins allow you to do this then I guess it means all of us can.



[–]Horrgs 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

He's not making money from this, in that event you would. You're blatantly ignoring /u/someprimetime 's words and twisting them

[–]glassshield[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I certainly don't make enough money to live off of this

He is making money from this. He could also sell or further monetize the website in the future. I'm not ignoring anything, I'm quoting the parts of his post relevant to my reply.

Nice job downvoting all my posts. ;-)