AskHistorians 内の -14k- によるリンク What eactly do we know bout the population crash in North America pre-European settlement?

[–]anthropology_nerd 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Second, the popular narrative tends to paint disease alone as the culprit for Native American population decline. In North America we have tremendous difficulty teasing out the influence of disease mortality from the greater colonial cocktail of warfare, territorial displacement, the Indian slave trade, social disruption, and famine that often worked together to (1) spread disease and (2) weaken host immunity to increase their susceptibility to infectious disease. I’m most familiar with the U.S. Southeast, so I’ll use this as an example to highlight this difficulty.

In the Florida missions, started in 1565, early disease outbreaks failed to travel beyond the immediate mission environs due to contested buffer zones between rival polities. Only after English slaving raids changed the social environment, erased these protective buffer zones, and destabilized the region did the first verifiable smallpox pandemic sweep through the greater U.S. Southeast in the late 1600s. When attacks by slavers disrupted normal life, hunting and harvesting outside the village defenses became deadly exercises. Nutritional stress led to famine as food stores were depleted and enemies burned growing crops. Displaced nations attempted to carve new territory inland, escalating violence as the shatterzone of English colonial enterprises spread across the region. The slave trade united the Southeast in a commercial enterprise involving the long-range travel of human hosts, crowded susceptible hosts into dense palisaded villages, and weakened host immunity through the stresses of societal upheaval, famine, and warfare (Kelton). All of these factors were needed to propagate a smallpox epidemic across the Southeast, and all of these factors led to increase mortality once the epidemic arrived.

Examining the greater context reveals how the cocktail of colonial stressors often stacked the deck against host immune defense before epidemics arrived. Plains Winter Counts recount disease mortality consistently increased in the year following nutritional stress (Sundstrom), and this link was understood by European colonists who routinely burned growing crops and food stores when invading Native American lands, trusting disease and depopulation would soon follow (Calloway). Mortality increased in populations under nutritional stress, geographically displaced due to warfare and slaving raids, and adapting to the breakdown of traditional social support systems caused by excess conquest-period mortality. Context highlights why many Native Americans, like modern refugee populations facing similar concurrent physiological stress, had a decreased capacity to respond to infection, and therefore higher mortality to periodic epidemics.

So, returning to your question, before ~1700 most areas of disease mortality in North America were relatively limited to coastal populations, and those with direct contact to high numbers of European colonists and traders. For example, the epidemic that decimated coastal New England from 1616-1619, leading to population constriction among the Wampanoag that left abandoned villages, and their corn stores, ready for the Pilgrims arrival in 1620, does not appear to have spread inland. Measles burns through Northern Iroquoian groups in 1634-1635, likely introduced through French Canada, but is followed by a devastating smallpox epidemic introduced by the Dutch on the Connecticut and Hudson Rivers in 1634 that halved the population size of most of the Five Nations. It is only after ~1700, with the corresponding increase in European immigrant population size, increased trade connections, and a dramatic increase in the scale of warfare and displacement that we see very large, pandemic-style epidemics in the hinterlands.

The first confirmed smallpox pandemic in the Southeast occurred from 1696-1700 followed the paths of the Indian slave trade from the Atlantic Coast all the way to the Mississippi River, where French traders and Jesuit fathers recorded substantial mortality in the years preceding their arrival. 51 Northern Plains Winter Counts record some instance of infectious disease between 1682 and 1920. If we ignore the earliest Winter Counts (due to lack of cross-reference capacity) and focus on the time period from 1714 to 1919, Native American populations on the northern plains endured 36 major epidemics in two centuries. An epidemic occurred roughly every 5.7 years for the entire Northern Plains population, but varied by band. The Mandan saw the recurrence of epidemics every 9.7 years, while the Yanktonai averaged an epidemic every 15.8 years. The longest epidemic free interval for any band was 45 years for the Southern Lakota, and the shortest was 14 years for the Mandan. Northern Plains pandemics, when an epidemic effects all, or nearly all, of the Northern Plains populations, occurred in 1781 (smallpox), 1801 (smallpox), 1818 (smallpox), 1837-38 (smallpox), 1844 (measles or smallox), and 1888 (measles).

What do all my ramblings here us about disease events well beyond the frontier? Epidemics of infectious disease occurred before significant, sustained face-to-face contact with Europeans (for example, 3-5 epidemics before the establishment of permanent trading posts on the Northern Plains). After ~1700 epidemics of infectious disease seem to have arrived in waves, one roughly every 5 to 10 years, burned through the pool of susceptible hosts, and left long periods of stasis in their wake. An entire generation could be born, live and die between waves of disease for some bands, while others were hit with multiple events in quick succession. Even in the same epidemic of the same pathogen, mortality could differ based on immunity from previous exposure and the stressors (famine, poor nutrition, displacement, etc.) influencing the health of the band.

One final note, I really hate to emphasize disease alone when talking about Native American population dynamics after contact. Humans are demographically capable of rebounding from high mortality events, like epidemics, provided other sources of excess mortality are limited. In the mid-twentieth century when the Aché of Paraguay moved to the missions ~38% of the population died from respiratory diseases alone. However, the Aché rallied quickly and are now a growing population. The key factor for population survival after high mortality events is limiting other demographic shocks, like violent incursions from outsiders, providing sufficient food resources, and the territory needed for forage and hunt to supplement food intake.

When the colonial cocktail arrived in full force demographic recovery became challenging. Warfare and slaving raids added to excess mortality, while simultaneously displacing populations from their stable food supply, and forcing refugees into crowded settlements where disease can spread among weakened hosts. Later reservations restricted access to foraged foods and exacerbated resource scarcity where disease could follow quickly on the heels of famine. The greater cocktail of colonial insults, not just the pathogens themselves, decreased population size and prevented rapid recovery after contact.


Acuna-Soto et al., (2002) “Megadrought and Megadeath in 16th Century Mexico”

Beck Chiefdoms, Collapse, and Coalescence in the Early American South

Calloway One Vast Winter Count: The Native American West before Lewis and Clark

Etheridge & Shuckhall, editors Mapping the Mississippian Shatter Zone: The Colonial Indian Slave Trade and Regional Instability in the American South

Kelton Epidemics and Enslavement: Biological Catastrophe in the Native Southeast 1492-1715

Panich & Schneider, editors Indigenous Landscapes and Spanish Missions: New Perspectives from Archaeology and Ethnohistory

Snow (1996) The Iroquois

Sundstrom (1997) “Smallpox Used Them Up: References to Epidemic Disease in Northern Plains Winter Counts, 1714-1920.”

AskHistorians 内の -14k- によるリンク What eactly do we know bout the population crash in North America pre-European settlement?

[–]anthropology_nerd 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

For this answer I will be jumping back and forth from previous answers I've written to similar questions. Feel free to check out the Frequently Asked Questions section for other answers, and my AskHistorians profile, for more information as well. Here we go...

First, the 90-99%% mortality figure that we commonly hear is a generalization for the entire Americas and reflects excess mortality due to a wide variety of factors after contact, not just infectious disease. The 90-99% figure that dominates the popular discourse has its foundation in the study of mortality in conquest-period Mexico. Several terrible epidemics struck the population of greater Mexico (estimated at ~22 million at contact) in quick succession. Roughly 8 million died in the 1520 smallpox epidemic, followed closely by the 1545 and 1576 cocoliztli epidemics where ~12-15 million and ~2 million perished, respectively (Acuna-Soto et al., 2002). After these epidemics and other demographic insults, the population in Mexico hit its nadir (lowest point) by 1600 before slowly beginning to recover.

Though the data from Mexico represents a great work of historic demography, the mortality figures from one specific place and time have been uncritically applied across the New World. Two key factors are commonly omitted when transferring the 90-99% mortality seen in Mexico to the greater Americas: (1) the 90-99% figure represents all excess mortality after contact (including the impact of warfare, famine, slavery, etc. with disease totals), and (2) disease mortality in Mexico was highest in densely populated urban centers where epidemics spread by rapidly among a population directly exposed to large numbers of Spanish colonists. Very few locations in North America mimic these ecological conditions, making the application of demographic patterns witnessed in one specific location inappropriate for generalization to the entire New World.

Continued below...

HistoricalWorldPowers 内の Achierius によるリンク Tech Post: 850 - 875 CE

[–]anthropology_nerd 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haudenosaunee League Research, 850-875 CE

  • Maize Cultivation

  • Three Sisters Planing Technique

  • Whelk and Quahog Shell Bead Manufacture

  • Wampum- Symbolic "Writing" Using Whelk and Quahog Shell Beads

  • Wampum Strings and Belts

badhistory 内の AutoModerator によるリンク Mindless Monday, 17 August 2015

[–]anthropology_nerd 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because I'm a stickler for historical realism (well, except for forming the Iroquois League a few centuries too early), I'm learning quite a bit about the Iroquois through the research needed for me to play the game. We'll see how long I can stay as close to real history/culture as possible.

AskAnthropology 内の peeweeGmagee によるリンク When did humans start enslaving each other?

[–]anthropology_nerd[M] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is no context where calling another user retarded or illiterate is allowed in /r/AskAnthropology, much less retroactively calling them a dick. This is a place for civil discourse and academic discussion. When you disagree with another user, you will do so in a respectful manner.

If you are unable, or unwilling, to abide by these rules then /r/AskAnthropology is not the right place for you.

HistoricalWorldPowers 内の anthropology_nerd によるリンク The First Haudenosaunee League Grand Council

[–]anthropology_nerd[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ha, thanks!

I'm having a blast researching the origin and history of the Iroquois League. For me the fun of the game is trying to step into another culture and another time. There is such a rich oral history for the Iroquois, so it isn't too hard to start building a world. Maybe once I build up a decent foundation I'll start expanding into more alt history, but for now, at least, I'm trying to be as authentic as possible for a piddling 21st century white anthropologist/historian.

AskHistorians 内の [deleted] によるリンク What are some example of unsung heroes throughout human history?

[–]anthropology_nerd[M] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sorry, we don't allow throughout history questions. These tend to produce threads which are collections of trivia, not the in-depth discussions about a particular topic we're looking for. If you have a specific question about a historical event or period or person, please feel free to re-compose your question and submit it again. Alternatively, questions of this type can be directed to more appropriate subreddits, such as /r/history or /r/askhistory.

AskAnthropology 内の peeweeGmagee によるリンク When did humans start enslaving each other?

[–]anthropology_nerd[M] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Civility is a rule here in /r/AskAnthropology. Maintain decorum in conversation. Do not call another user


fucking imbecile


complete retard

Future behavior of this kind will result in a ban.

HistoricalWorldPowers 内の Confiteor415 によるリンク Spreading the Word of the Prophet

[–]anthropology_nerd 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

[M] Sorry this reply was late.

The Patriarch of Necropolitanism was met on the outskirts of Haudenosaunee territory. Sentries warned of his coming, shadowed his approach, and the first village was ready for his arrival. The stranger stood at the edge of the cleared fields, held his arms aloft to show he brought no weapons into Haudenosaunee lands. Armed with a few Iroquoian words he learned from the redeemed captives, he made his desire to pass to Onondaga Lake known.

The envoy was brought to the longhouse of the Onondaga Turtle clan that controls this area. There, the Turtle clan chief, Dehayatgwae, as well as the elders of the village, and Santee Patriarch smoked while they discussed the traveler's reason for seeking a hearing at Onondaga Lake. Dehayatgwae agreed to travel with the Santee Patriarch to Onondaga Lake for the annual Grand Council. From his village two people who speak the Santee language agree to accompany the party to Onondaga Lake and serve as translators.

Once at Onondaga Lake the Grand Council discusses the issue of allowing the religious leaders of another nation to pass throughout Haudenosaunee territory. The representatives from the elder brothers, the Mohawk and the Seneca, pass their decision to the little brothers, the Oneida and the Cayuga. United in their decision, they submit the result to the Onondaga for final judgement. A final decision being reached, the results are passed to the Mohawk and Seneca to announce in the Grand Council.

Here is the decision of the Grand Council.

We welcome the Patriarch of Necropolitanism and hope he has been treated well during his stay in our lands. We well remember previous envoys, and hold to our declaration of peace established with your rulers.

On the issue of permitting foreign prophets free travel throughout our lands, we are united in our decision. The Haudenosaunee have two Keepers of the Faith, one male and one female, who serve under each Clan Mother. It is these Keepers of the Faith who maintain our ceremonial schedule and hold Haundenosaunee cultural knowledge. They serve as spiritual advisers, and most importantly are in charge of the Four Sacred Rituals when we offer thanks to the Creator.

These Keepers of the Faith are our link to the spiritual world, they help us maintain our balance with the forces of the world, and act as our reservoirs of Haudenosaunee knowledge, the very substance of what it means to be Haudenosaunee. We cannot undercut their role by allowing foreign prophets free reign to travel and preach within our lands. To do so would disrupt the spiritual balance we have achieved. We are Haudenosaunee. These are our ways.

We continue to hold to the previous peace, and Dehayatgwae will provide you an escort and safe travel back to the edge of Haudenosaunee lands.

HistoricalWorldPowers 内の anthropology_nerd によるリンク Haudenosaunee League Research, 825-850 CE

[–]anthropology_nerd[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ah, I understand now. I thought I got corn last week.

Oh well, I can do maize and Three Sisters next week, if that is easier for everyone.

badlinguistics 内の languagejones によるリンク "I always felt like women just picked up on the trends the homos were using" and other gems from /r/Anthropology of all places

[–]anthropology_nerd 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sometimes with text-based communication it is difficult to determine if someone is being flippant or mean spirited. I couldn't tell, so I deleted. Either way, the discussion went downhill from there.

AskReddit 内の man-teiv によるリンク What are some great mini hobbies I could take up in a short time?

[–]anthropology_nerd 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Geocaching is a great chance to get outside, solve puzzles, and explore your area. Highly recommended, and easy to start. Check out to learn more.

HistoricalWorldPowers 内の FallenIslam によるリンク Starting Tech List Update - SUGGESTIONS!

[–]anthropology_nerd 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Maybe this is more of a question, but do we have dog domestication as an initial tech for any time frame?

HistoricalWorldPowers 内の anthropology_nerd によるリンク Haudenosaunee League Research, 825-850 CE

[–]anthropology_nerd[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Three Sisters: Isn't this like, corn, squash, and beans?

Yeah, I just didn't know how specific I needed to be. There was a crop rotation initial tech and I thought, well, if they are specifying land use patterns maybe I should specify planting patterns.

If I didn't need to do that I could just add sunflower cultivation as an easy fifth tech.

Thanks for your patience with me. I'll figure this out soon.

AskHistorians 内の The_Alaskan によるリンク What have been your favorite /r/Askhistorians AMAs?

[–]anthropology_nerd 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

If we are going for history-literate journalists I'll add Tony Horwitz of Confederates in the Attic and Voyage Long and Strange fame.

HistoricalWorldPowers 内の FallenIslam によるリンク Tech Post: 825 - 850 CE

[–]anthropology_nerd 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haudenosaunee League Research, 825-850 CE

  • Bean Cultivation

  • Squash Cultivation

  • Three Sisters Planting Technique Sunflower Cultivation

  • Longhouse

  • Palisade Walls

AskHistorians 内の The_Alaskan によるリンク What have been your favorite /r/Askhistorians AMAs?

[–]anthropology_nerd 20ポイント21ポイント  (0子コメント)

/u/restricteddata put on a clinic, and possibly got carpal tunnel syndrome, after their AMA. Totally awesome.

I'm also partial to the gigantic Civilizations of the Pre-Columbian Americas AMA Panel because it was a wonderful night of chaos with so much good discussion piled into one place.