damegreywulf compiled a list of artists that are somehow “problematic” to discourage anyone from liking/reblogging their work or even following them. It is a list of individuals that allegedly include misogynists, transphobes, child abusers, paedophiles and rapists. As some of the claims are so serious, they imply that the police should be involved. Instead, damegreywulf has created a list which encourages abuse sent towards those artists, or even doxxing, depending on who sees the list.
Therefore, it is important not simply to read the list and believe, or even discount the list entirely. It is important to check out each linked piece of evidence to find out the truth.
This will be a long list, as it breaks down every single artist written on the list and then discusses whether the claims are either accurate or false. It does not take the artist themselves into account, merely the links provided. Each point will finish with either “False claim” (if the sources do not prove what they claim to prove), “Accurate claim” (if the sources do prove what they claim to prove) “Unclear claim” (if the sources leave the situation completely unclear) or “Malicious claim” (if the sources are designed to attack the artist and ignore the behaviour of others to keep attacking them) at the end of my explanation.
- Kaiba
- baku-my-hakus / “Bakuhaku”: transphobic/transmisogynist, anti sj (source)
This single source is baku-my-hakus response to a post that describes how an artist “should” draw intersex characters. The user is unimpressed with the original post and has added reaction images to it. That does not make them transphobic/transmisogynistic or anti-social justice. It implies that they simply want to draw what they want to draw, without others censoring their art.
False claim.
- bleedman / “Vinz” + his friend “Griddles” / Matthew James Gridley:pedophiles, Griddles has actually been convicted of child sexual abuse, both draw hyper sexualized art of women, especially minors, both draw and possess child porn (source)
The man mentioned, Matthew James Gridley, is a convicted paedophile, that is true. However, this is a link to attack an artist called zamii070, not about someone called bleedman, which is an old blog. It gives no sources for any of the above claims, only presumes that the artist is friends with a paedophile. I looked further into this one, as it is so serious and a side-swipe to the artist actually within the post, not mentioned here. zamii070 refutes all claims and describes how they apologised for accidental transphobia in this link. One mistake that was apologised sincerely for is not an excuse to attack someone forever.
Because this point is not about “Griddles,” but actually zamii070, this is a:
False and malicious claim.
- brightchimeradragon: dyadist, transphobic, transmisogynist, uses slurs they can’t reclaim (one made in ref. to post) (two)
This is all based on the first point. The artist has fantasy characters with different sex organs and they explain that their fantasy works do not correlate to real intersex or trans people at all. The artist is also a trans woman, as described in the third link.
False claim.
- caninecrossover: dyadist/transmisogynist/transphobic, uses slurs they can’t reclaim, edgelord wannabe, “muh freedums” (source)
This “evidence” is the artist saying (as per the first point and the point above), “I will never ask anyone’s permission to draw what I want.” That single line of text written is then claimed as “proof” for the above list.
False claim.
- crikeydave: pedophile, abuser, supporter of other abusers, threatens legal action on victims (source)
Admittedly, this whole “call out” is very confused. Evidence that he is a paedophile is contained in links that appear to be Skype conversations where he types sexual things and the “abused” enjoys it, and the other links contained in the post are not clear at all. However, what is telling is that the user “calling out” crikeydave is more than willing to post all of this information online, but there does not seem to be evidence that they have gone to the police over it. There are claims that the user was 16 when this occurred and now they are 22. I do not believe that anyone outside of those two individuals know what truly went on, so cannot say that either is correct. My instinct for someone that talks at length about their abuse but does nothing but spread the information online instead of pursue legal action is that their claims are, if not entirely fabricated, manipulated to turn their situation into “abuse vs abuser” instead of the truth. The “call out” user admits that they were “obsessed” and hurt that crikeydave did not want them anymore, so, unfortunately, I am personally left suspicious of both sides here.
Unclear claim.
- darkdoxy / mylittledoxy / doxydoo / “Doxy”: transmisogynist, uses slurs they can’t reclaim, brony, Islamophobic, fetishizes trans women, uses sweat shop labour, objectifies/fetishizes other marginalized groups, sexist, potential predator, was banned for hate speech, violent pornography, and sending followers to attack and threaten other users (particularly minors) (one) (two) (three) (four)
The first, second, third source provides baseless claims with no actual evidence, only hearsay. The fourth source is a picture of women making the artist’s fabric work. There is no proof to any of these claims, or links to prove any of the above at all.
False claim.
- despairkomaeda / cabbajime / konohakin / fatefriend / “Mel” / “Baku” / “Konoha” / “Vi” / “Komaeda”: abusive, rapist, abuse apologist, ableist, transphobic, makes smear campaigns against victims and ex-friends via multiple sock puppets and manipulation of other disabled persons (one) (two) (three)
There are screenshots but no archived links. The problem here is that “make smear campaigns” is accused whilst these links contain multiple blogs to attack the same artist. There is also counter evidence against the people that have collected evidence against the artist. In short, although all of the sources are long, this is clearly internet drama between a group of people that have all been awful in one way or another, so it is pointless to have the artist on this list.
Unclear and malicious claim.
- Dragoneer: rape apologist, abuse apologist, protects zoophiles, hides evidence of his staff/friends being abusive, assaulting, rapists, etc, standard shitwad admin (one) (two) (three)
The “rapist” was never convicted, only accused, and the standard “innocent until proven guilty” practice of law applies in this case. Many links are now defunct.
False claim.
- duckstapler: transmisogynist, racist, twerf and general radfem (source)
Links of proof are now all gone. Instead, the artist has stated on their now defunct blog: “I’ve been using the screen name “duckstapler” on various sites since I was 11. I have decided to discontinue use of it now that I’m an adult because I’d rather not have stupid/uneducated things I said as a literal baby or an xXedgyXx teen who can’t pick their battles attached to my main name.”
It seems that the artist may have said some terrible things, but has acknowledged it and matured.
Malicious claim.
- dwarfdraco: homophobic/queerphobic (source)
The artist allegedly does not believe in same-sex marriage. There are people who do not believe in it, unfortunately, often down to their religious beliefs. However, there is no link, or even archived link, to prove this, and the artist’s DA account has no anti-same-sex marriage badge on it.
Malicious claim.
- fairysharkmother: supports pedophilia, transphobic, “hate breeds hate” bullshitter, ableist (source)
The url here, if you read their positions, is actually a very sensible user. The “transphobia” claim itself is transphobic, as it implies that “nounself” pronouns are not transphobic (which they are), the url is anti-self diagnosis (which is good), and offers sensible advice.
False and malicious claim.
- FinalRoar / Haitious / final-roar / jouaku / askalragzos: anti sj, anti feminist, dyadist, transphobic, transmisogynist, uses slurs they can’t reclaim, acephobic, pro-gamergate, ageist, thinks misandry, cisphobia, and reverse racism is real, potential MRA, ableist, queerphobic, racist, identity policing, anti otherkin (one made in ref. topost) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven) (eight) (nine) (ten) (eleven) (twelve) (thirteen) (fourteen) (fifteen)
This artist is named all of these things because they are clearly against sexism, racism, made up sexualities etc. They are anti-”special snowflake” and from all of these links, are nothing but sensible.
False and malicious claim.
- gashi45 / “Gashi-Gashi”: colourist and racist (lightens skin of dark-skinned characters and eliminates other dark-skinned ethnic characteristics), primarily draws female characters hyper-sexualized (including minors) with other characters leering over them or looking up their skirts/down their shirts (one) (two - non apology) (three) (four) (five) (six)
The first link is laughable as the character is not black, but a purple space rock, and presuming that they must be black due to facial characteristics or hairstyle is actually racist in itself. The artist is Japanese and English is not their first language. The fact that their (translated for them) apology is called a “non-apology” here, due to differences in language, is also racist. The rest of the links are images of the artist’s work, and so are merely calls for censorship. The characters drawn are not real and are part of the artist’s style.
False and racist claim.
- goatpox: rape and abuse apologist (source)
Hearsay. There are no links to even reference whatever situation the fanmail screenshotted alludes towards. This is therefore nothing but manipulation.
False and malicious claim.
- hotdiggedydemon / Max Gilardi: racist, antisemitic, transphobic, anti sj, misogynistic, anti feminist/MRA, uses slurs he can’t reclaim, edgelord wannabe, “muh freedoms”, makes rape jokes, general prick (source)
The links do not cover all of the above claims. As a Jew, I personally find the “Steven Jewniverse” art distasteful, but they are clearly tasteless jokes and not overt attacks against Jews. Other pieces of his art are clearly very tasteless jokes that others may find offensive, but that is his viewers’ choices to either enjoy or ignore. Also, “anti-feminist” or “MRA” labels are not something that need to be “called out.” He may be a “prick,” but jokes are jokes, even if they offend some people. Actual racism is different.
False and manipulated claims.
- ipgd: ableist/sanist, truscum/transphobe, binarist/anti-nonbinary, anti-sj, uses slurs they can’t reclaim, supports the fetishization of trans and intersex persons, anti-otherkin, against trigger warnings/courtesy tagging, acephobic/allosexist, identity policing, thinks doxxing the KKK was wrong, ageist, transmisogynist/transphobe, xenophobe/thinks undocumented trans woman activist Jennicet Gutiérrez was heckling Obama and out of line (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven) (eight) (nine) (ten)
Another sensible artist with sensible views, albeit more militant against otherkin, which is understandable, as many individuals in the otherkin community are clearly toxic. The artist themselves is trans and openly states that their art is “a collection of cheap vapid jokes and fetish pornography,” so the “transphobic” claim is nothing more than censorship, and the final point about the heckler was true. Some of these sources are manipulated into the above claims.
False and malicious claim.
- kendraw / kendraws / kendrawc / “Ken” / Kenny Cook: pedophile, abuser, sexual predator, suicide baits, ableist, transphobic, sexist, child abuser/ageist, cult recruiter (one) (two)
This appears to have been put very clearly to rest here.
False claim.
- Kevin Bolk: believes in reverse oppression, thinks all opinions are valid, believes that gamergate supporters, 4chan users, redditors, MRAs, feminists, and sjws are on equal ground/refuses to believe gamergate, 4chan, MRAs, and Reddit are in any wrong and “have points” (and considers people sending him proof of otherwise to be harassing), employs a “haters gonna hate” attitude and uses “agree to disagree” and “we all bleed red” when contradicted on these things, believes 4chan/gamergate misogynistic mascot mouthpiece is “body positive”, thinks men and women are equally body shamed and that women (including women of colour) receive more positivity than men, believes that there is a “mainstream narrative” in social justice that excludes and dehumanizes poor oppressed anti-sj persons who “just have disagreeing opinions” (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven)
This particular point helps to point out the OP of this list’s sexism and bigotry, because they are “calling out” someone that believes that everyone should be treated equally.
False and malicious claim.
- kinomatika / kinasty: anti sj, ableist; won’t tag triggers, complains about people being “too sensitive” (one) (two.1 / two.2)
This complains that an artist refuses to run their blog in the “correct” way. Since it is the artist’s blog and they are open about not tagging for anything other than convenience, it is their follower’s reponsibility to either follow or not follow them for it. This is an example of bullying for not conforming to what the OP wants, and, ironically, is ridiculously over sensitive.
Malicious claim.
The links in the sources from the original “call out” have been removed. In any case, all are hearsay and not proof of any of the above, as text can be altered. Since the original claimant has taken down their evidence, that does suggest to outsiders that it was not entirely true. In any case, with the evidence removed, it is now dead and cannot be proven/disproven. Once again, this is “innocent until proven guilty” and this claim is an imprisonable offence, but has not gone further than Tumblr, which suggests at least manipulation of facts.
Malicious claim.
- lemonteaflower / livethefaggotry: uses slurs they can’t reclaim, scam artist, cop supporter, makes fun of people hurt by them, transmisogynist (one) (two) (three) (four) (five)
Source one’s links are all removed, so contain no evidence for the above. Source two has no link to proof, but is hearsay. Source three has links that are defunct and over-sensitivity to the “livethefaggotry” url, as it is clearly a tasteless joke. There are no links, archived or not, or evidence at all to prove any of what is claimed. Also, the fact that one of the negative points here is “cop supporter” is worrying.
Malicious claim.
- levivianart: draws animal abuse as cutesy and silly (source)
It is gore art. This is a point for nothing more than censorship, especially as the art has the disclaimer: “We want it to be clear that we do not condone the material we are depicting. It’s meant to have shock value. That said, please, please take caution as you view the material!” [source - beware, as it contains gore].
Malicious claim.
- mekaneko / mekacrap / meka-mecos / “Meka”: anti sj, mocks AAVE, supports tenaflyviper, thinks misandry is real, thinks considering others’ feelings/kids in danger/problematic content is sex shaming, transphobic, ableist (one) (two)
Misandry is real. The OP is sexist yet again. The point complains about fictional content and promotes more censorship. It also encourages abuse towards another artist that appears further down the list.
False and malicious claim.
- Mogeko: rape and abuse apologist, makes rape jokes, frequently features sexual abuse (especially of minors) in their games, doesn’t seem to care about whether they delegitimize the seriousness of rape
No sources are provided here. This is straight-out bullying.
False and malicious claim.
- Nayzak: anti-LGBT, religious radical, prays god will correct people (particularly LGBT people), relates being queer to being a zoophile, says being LGBT is a sickness and promoting it is “forcing it on others”, doesn’t believe intersex people exist (source)
None of this is substantiated in the source links. There are hearsay claims, but no screenshots, archived links or any other proof. Without actual evidence, this reads, to the outsider, that this is typical Islamophobia instead of what could have been actual evidence to point out a homophobe/transphobe. Because there is no proof here, this can only be seen as a:
False claim.
- official-drift / starscreams / piinkling / foxymoxxy / shinkaisei–kan / ranshiinsexual / sassy-gay-urotsuki / springtrapbonniebuns / PharmasChainsaw / BeatriceUshiromiya / “Beato“: transphobic/dyadist, transmisogynist, anti-feminist, believes misandry is real, brony, uses slurs they can’t reclaim, draws fetish art of trans/intersex persons using slurs, anti sj, ableist (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six)
Another sensible artist “called out” here. This relates to the first point again, as they are for artistic freedom. The irony here is that source five is a post about disgusting anonymous hate, which implies that the OP of this “call out” approves of the disgusting behaviour.
False and malicious claim.
- omocat: pedophile apologist, thinks all opinions are valid (source)
No actual evidence is presented in the source, and it appears that the Twitter posts have been manipulated alongside hearsay that accuses the artist of something horrific.
False and malicious claim.
- OceanOtter / Boko6565 / “Otter”: rapist, makes rape jokes, abuser, legally threatens victims/people who call him out (one) (two)
This is hearsay and as it is another instance of personal account instead of actual evidence, no one will know what happened outside of the two involved. This is a case of “innocent until proven guilty,” and the artist has not been proven guilty.
Unclear claim.
- peanutbtter / leadhooves / leaddoodles / “Lead” / “Peanutbutter”: brony, anti sj, MRA/anti-feminist, ableist, transphobic/dyadist/transmisogynist, fetishizes trans/intersex persons including with slurs, uses slurs they can’t reclaim (one) (two)
This is the first point again, which is for artistic freedom. The second source is a male-positivity post. OP is yet again proven as sexist.
False and malicious claim.
- plebcomics / abbysucks: anti sj, anti feminist, racist, sexist, overall bigot, relates being called out to being raped, draws revenge porn of women she doesn’t like, lied about being doxxed and the nature of her being fired (and was later rehired anyway) to make a point against feminists/“sjws” (one) (two) (three)
Sources two and three are hearsay without any actual evidence. The first source contains tasteless jokes, and potentially a bad call on plebcomics‘ part, but as none of the actual pieces of art are linked, there is more hearsay and manipulation.
False and malicious claim.
- princessharumi / bunnystrut / playbunny: ableist; against trigger tagging and won’t link people to pages when they can’t find/see them, participated in anti-feminist My Little Pony art campaign (one) (two)
The “against trigger tagging” is disproven by the first link, as the artist says quite clearly:
“If this is about something fandom related like a certain character or ship you don’t like, I already tag those for sourcing sake but you’re better off unfollowing if you don’t like certain things I draw or post. If this is about asking me to tag something that is triggering (ex. death, animal death, seizure/moving gifs, etc) I tag all basic triggers but if I miss something then let me know !”
The second source is a link to a drawing of a pony and has nothing unsavoury at all. “Anti-feminism” is not inherently bad.
False and malicious claim.
- pukind / pupuroon / “Pu”: ableist; refuses to tag triggers if she finds them “silly”, made a meme making fun of someone who asked her to tag (source)
The source is an image link to a cut-off piece of fanmail and has no evidence in it at all. Even so, if that is true, that “trigger” is “silly.”
False and malicious claim.
- purplekecleon / papayakitty / Forbidden Flora / Floraverse / “Mel” + their friends “Eevee” and “Marl”: ableist, send followers on less popular and mentally disabled users who call them out and run distortion campaigns, sexual predators, made anti sj sentiments before, legally threatens victims/those who call them out, pedophiles, zoophiles, sexual abusers/harassers, support possession of child pornography, transphobic (one) (two) (three)
The purplekecleon/pengosolvent situation was disputed right here. The second source is an opinion piece by the OP of this list, so is hearsay and has nothing to do with the actual situation.
False and malicious claim.
- shortyantics27: anti sj, ableist, classist, believes in reverse oppression, promotes “hate breeds hate” bullshit, thinks bigotry is “just an opinion”, sexist, pro-gamer/nerd culture, fatphobic, supports Amazing Atheist, rape and abuse apologist, supports sexual harassment and slut shames, complains that “everyone gets too offended”, transphobic (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven) (eight) (nine) (ten) (eleven) (twelve) (thirteen)
I am personally no lover of the Amazing Atheist, but this is another sensible artist with sensible views. The “fatphobic” source five is a tasteless joke that could be seen as offensive, but it is clearly more a mockery of ridiculous feminists that happen to exist.
False and malicious claim.
- sketchamagowza / “Shmorky”: pedophile, cheated on partner(s), manipulated minors into sexual situations, emotionally abusive
No sources, so this is outright bullying.
False and malicious claim.
- slugbox: brony, pedophile apologist, draws sexual art of real people nonconsensually
No sources, so this is outright bullying.
False and malicious claim.
Being anything other than “truscum” (transmedicalist) is in itself transphobic, as it states that being trans is a choice. Source one points out that the fake genders often created by the otherkin community are harmful and transphobic.
False and malicious claim.
- – user caliguleas / voreas is very close friend, which in itself seems skeevy, but there’s nothing telltale on their blogs, other than this which seems lowkey ableist
The OP is “calling out” a friend of the above for no reason at all.
False and malicious claim.
- tenaflyviper: brony, massive misogynist, harasses minors, anti sj, anti feminist/MRA, pro-gamergate, suicide baits, ableist, runs distortion campaigns primarily against teen girl my little pony fans (reminder she is middle aged), calls suicidal persons attention-seekers and fakers, thinks reverse oppression is real (and thinks actual oppression is primarily made up), racist, transphobic, makes rape jokes, thinks rape culture isn’t real, believes in “attention whoring” (one) (two)
tenaflyviper is notorious for sourcing diligently to prove any points that she makes. The first source is not proof that she is behind the comments, as there is no link. However, the second is a surprise as it has been proven that dragondicks is a scam artist, hypocrite, plagiarist and liar. It is ironic that this entire list is about “bad artists,” and yet there is no point against dragondicks here.
False and malicious claim.
- tenkaboutthebutts / tenkdraws / thetenk / “GigasT” / “Tenk”: transphobic/dyadist/transmisogynist, uses slurs they can’t reclaim, draws fetish art of trans/intersex persons using slurs, anti sj (source)
Related to the first point yet again.
False and malicious claim.
- tohdaryl / tobiasandguy / “Daryl” / “Daz”: racist; thinks using the n-word is appropriate, anti sj, thinks people are “too sensitive”, deletes bigoted commentary and acts like it didn’t happen instead of apologizing (source)
The source is about how angry the artist is at the looting and rioting that was glorified instead of actual protests about Freddie Gray’s death. Perhaps part was poorly worded, but the source itself is not racist, merely angry.
False claim.
- tojo-the-thief: rape apologist (source)
Manipulation of tweets that are merely angry at others being pinned as rapists without any actual evidence. That is not rape apology.
False and malicious claim.
- Tom Preston: anti-sj, misogynist, ableist, told Zelda Williams to “calm thy tits” when her father died, general prick (source)
The tweets in question are of very bad taste and should not be excused, but the other points that label him as a “misogynist” and “ableist” are not sourced here and therefore have to be presumed fabricated.
Accurate and false claims.
- Tom Siddell: transmisogynist, makes fun of people hurt by his words, sent followers to attack critics (source)
No source, merely hearsay.
Malicious claim.
- twinksandboobs / mcsiggy / siggymcpissyface / “Siggy”: transphobic, anti sj, anti-otherkin, makes fun of neopronouns and others’ identities, reacts foully to people asking her to be decent, never apologizes for her actions and refuses to listen to marginalized groups (mainly trans people) calling her out, consistently cissexist, dyadist, thinks cisphobia and heterophobia / reverse oppression is real, uses scare quotes for issues of bigotry, makes fun of people for being upset by her crap, has misgendered on purpose, said healthist things (particularly about STI contraction), uses slurs she can’t reclaim (points to username), sanist (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six) (seven) (eight) (nine) (ten) (eleven) (twelve) (thirteen) (fourteen) (fifteen) (sixteen) (seventeen) (eighteen) (nineteen) (twenty) (twenty one) (twenty two) (twenty three) (twenty four) (twenty five “unless it really works”???) (twenty six) (twenty seven) (twenty eight) (twenty nine) (thirty) (thirty one) (thirty two) (thirty three) (thirty four)
After spending time reading each of these links, none of the above claims are true. They are an artist with headcanons and this level of “sourcing” borders on stalking.
False and malicious claim.
This is an entirely anti-Semitic point. The artist is Israeli and lives in Israel. Source one says “fuck Hamas” (which is a terrorist group and like saying “fuck ISIS” or “fuck Boko Haram,” for context), and source two is literally a link to the artist’s Israel tag, which contains their views on Israel.
Being Zionist is not a “bad” thing - it means that someone believes that Israel has the right to exist and should be protected. This implies that Zionism is “evil,” whilst Zionism is Jewish self-determination in a world that is highly anti-Semitic. The irony here is that an earlier artist was “called out” for being anti-Semitic, but the OP of this list offers anti-Semitism as an excuse as to why they should avoid an artist: merely because they are an Israeli artists that lives in Israel.
False, malicious and racist claim.
- Wolfy-Nail / wolfynail: potential sexual abuser, rape apologist, makes rape jokes, supports rapists (source)
The artist makes a great deal of tasteless rape jokes and has rape fantasies. In the “gross” post, they say that rape is a crime and he jokes about rape. That does not make them a “potential sexual abuser.” Tasteless jokes may offend people, but they are jokes.
False claim.
- zamii070 / “Zamii” / “Paige”: transphobic, transmisogynist, racist, culturally appropriative, friend of convicted pedophile Griddles (one) (two)
This was already covered in the second point on this list.
False and malicious claim.
- Zaush: rapist, ableist, makes rape jokes, rape apologist, abuse apologist, anti sj (one) (two) (three) (four) (five) (six)
Hearsay evidence that is, once again, “innocent until proven guilty.” The final source is a compilation of the previous sources. The others presume that the artist is a rapist down to a tasteless joke about suicide.
False claim.
- zzazu: anti-sj, anti-otherkin, ableist, racist; supports whitewashing characters of colour (one) (two) (three) (four) (five)
This is a series of complaints because the artist does not want otherkin to tag their art as “otherkin.” The irony here is that the last two sources are about people so desperate to find others “problematic” that they are bitter and toxic, and this whole list is about finding artists “problematic.”
False, malicious and petty claim.
- zilleniose / zoey-kuu / zoey-chu: pedophilia apologist, makes rape jokes, uses slurs they can’t reclaim, anti sj (source)
The single source has one broken link and a screenshot where the artist defends themselves and explicitly states: “If anyone wants to elaborate, I’m not opposed to being proven wrong at all. It just means I’ve learned something new, which is cool. But I’m not the kind of person who will just go doormat to any idea on this site because I’ve seen how harmful that can be, and you have to admit that at times this site doesn’t know when to stop. Not to belittle your stance in the slightest.”
None of the other claims are supported at all.
False and malicious claim.
That is the end of the list.
However, throughout reading each individual source, there have been attitudes and behaviours by the OP, damegreywulf, that are actually “problematic.”
They have:
- Cited “truscum” as “transphobic,” implying that people do not need dysphoria to be trans, which in turn implies that being trans is a choice. That makes the OP transphobic.
- Supported “nounself” pronouns. That also makes OP transphobic.
- Supported “self diagnosis.” That makes OP ableist.
- Claimed that misandry is not real, which makes them sexist.
- Claimed “reverse racism,” i.e. racism, is somehow not racism. That makes OP racist.
- Attacked an artist for their apology being a “non apology” due to their language, when the artist in question is not a native English speaker. That also makes OP racist.
- Attacked the above artist over “whitewashing” a character from Steven Universe, a character that they have decided is somehow black because they rely on heavy stereotypes. That, again, makes OP racist.
- Claimed that being Zionist, i.e. believing that Israel has a right to exist and be supported, nothing more, is enough to make it onto a list with alleged rapists and paedophiles. That makes OP anti-Semitic.
- Made claims without any sources at all. That makes OP a bully.
- Made claims that manipulate their sources. That makes OP a liar.
- Used sources to claim negative points about artists that are not covered by the sources. That makes OP a manipulator.
- Supported dragondicks, a well-known scam artist, liar and plagiarist, whilst they attacked other artists with unsupported claims. This makes OP a hypocrite.
Aside from that, the OP calls themselves a “demigirl,” which is a transphobic term for “tucutes” that appropriates being trans because they do not conform to gender roles instead of feeling dysphoria for their gender. Gender does not equal “gender role.” Conflating the two is transphobic. Their “What gendered words can be used for Dame?” post is a mix of titles that is contradictory.
In short: this long list of “shitty artists” is an excuse for the OP to attack others, encourage bullying and abuse for little to no reason at all. There was no need to make the original post. The sources either do not prove what is claimed, are hearsay or outright disprove what has been claimed. Looking through each claim has found more disgraceful behaviour from the OP than the artists listed above. In a very small number of cases, it is “one said, the other said,” and as claims cannot be proven, they should not be spread uncritically.
The only person that looks “shitty” in this compilation post is damegreywulf themselves. I hope that this incredibly long post explains the actual truth instead of the malicious lies within the original.
OKAY well I read this for a while relieved that someone was finally giving me the answers to this shit but oh look! It’s just another shitty post made by a shitty person who is not even bothering to hide that they’re defending bad people in many cases. I really really REALLY am too sick (IRL) to bother explaining exactly why this pisses me off but I’ll at least say that this post is Clearly Transphobic because at least once it says a source is trashed because the person identifies as a “demigirl” which is transphobic somehow?? Fuck off forever holy shit I need this trash on my blog so I know who to block. Thanks. I appreciate the effort in clearing up callout posts but you’re just as fucked up as the people listed here.