全 10 件のコメント

[–]Level100ProtWarriorAT LAST, BACK TO MISANDRY 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

They're funny.

[–]cordis_melumsentient self-heating fleshlight 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

I've certainty banned really boring TRPers in the past. On the other hand, they do deserve to get downvotes and they do need to get out of the bubble that is TRP and be exposed to reality.

Personally, the two things that gets an instant ban is blatant rape/abuse apologia and doxxing in this subreddit. Otherwise, sometimes I ban them for the lulz and sometimes I let them get pummeled by you guys. Other moderators will probably see this differently.

[–]quantumtrollening 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I don't think we should ban then for being young, dumb, and incapable of critical thinking. It's occasionally annoying seeing a twerp yelling in the comments, but coming here "to troll dem bloops lmao" is probably the most exposure to progressive thinking these poor sods get. We may be a sub centered around satire instead of around providing aid to idiots, but it seems worth dealing with the occasional frustration if it might help a twerp or three off the path to being a full-blown rapist.

That said, yeah, glad they do get banned and have their comments removed when they start in on the rape/abuse apologetics. Nobody needs to see that.

[–]cordis_melumsentient self-heating fleshlight 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yep! If you see the rape/abuse apologetics, hit report and they'll get the banhammer. You are allowed to be stupid, but you are not allowed to apologize for rape/abuse. There's enough people who've been personally affected by one or the other or both to let that stand.

[–]Shady_IntentObelisk of Masculine Power 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

We keep them for the el-oh-ells.

Seriously, please let's not ban them. We lose nothing in them coming over here and generating popcorn.

[–]yo_radical_one 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Add a note to their username so we know who they are and can make fun of them for personal entertainment the women of TBP can contain their orgasms at the hot alpha male superheroes who are gracing their midst.

[–]Archwinger -2ポイント-1ポイント  (3子コメント)

Don't go overboard, cutie. I find some genuinely funny nuggets here once in awhile. If you can't laugh at yourself once in awhile, you're no fun. And guys who are no fun don't get laid.

[–]quantumtrollening 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

That was kind of low-effort, don't you think? I think you can troll better than this.

[–]Archwinger -2ポイント-1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Troll? I'm an active reader and participant!

Some people are just so, so serious about this internet debate thing. People are going to think what they're going to think and gravitate where they're going to gravitate. This internet hobby is supposed to be fun!

If you get all grrrr grrrr serious about changing the world or changing minds by posting shit on the internet, you can get a little crazy.

[–]quantumtrollening 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Let's see:

, cutie.

Condescending, probably intended to get an emotional response.

guys who are no fun don't get laid.

Assuming that the sole/primary motivation people have is to get laid. Which, as an active participant, you've probably realized by now is a particularly annoying TRP meme to a lot of people here.

It was a decently-constructed provocation. But so unoriginal! I'm just saying, you can probably do better than something so formulaic and lazy.