全 4 件のコメント

[–]wonderingwhether54prime minister of the pussy cabal 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I am a fellow biology major and I really hate their stupididty. One of the things I despise about redpillers is their misrepresentation of basic biology. I.e, evolution has no "best". It is inherently not a process of perfection, but just a selection for the best traits available at any time. Even more, since typical terp logic is no babies, no marriage, as far as evolution is concerned. They are all dead end failures. So it's kind of ironic when they prattle on and on about evolution.

[–]Hambono[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Hello there fellow biologist! I wonder what the TRP/TBP split is in terms of what biologists support. I haven't seen many of them (or at least people claiming to be one) over at TRP. Your point is exactly the type of thing I'm trying to draw attention to in my final paragraph. Evolution should be a tool to help us understand the possible origins and mechanisms behind certain biological phenomenon. Not the end all be all of why some women don't want to sleep with me.

[–]wonderingwhether54prime minister of the pussy cabal 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I doubt many biologists support trp, it's just so ridiculous that anyone with a rudimentary knowledge of biology can probably see it the insanity from a mile away.

Like many people, I am a bit wary of evo psych, but I basically agree with you. Evolution can be used to understand things in aggregate but it is certainly not an explanation for why women won't sleep with you. that's on you.

[–]Birdsiscool 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think a minority of twerps understand that evolved traits aren't morally "good" or "evil," and they express this as, "sexual strategy is amoral." But the majority of twerps read that and interpreted it to mean, "anything you do in the pursuit of pussy is acceptable; it is neither good nor evil."

I always think about your second point when they insist that men have evolved to hate "fatties" and their preference for thin women is innate. The thing about behavior is that it's exceedingly complex, even in organisms like ants or fish. "Scientists" (that monolithic, holy group they refer to) haven't "figured it out" yet. Understanding the origins of human behavior requires the cooperation of biology, psychology, anthropology, etc. And there will never be a single answer for all men and all women.

(MS bio here btw)