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(cache) Field of Poppies
Field of Poppies
"But Having a Fat Princess is Bad and Will Make Kids Want to Gain Weight!"

Say hello to princess Fiona!

Notice something? She’s a princess who isn’t thin. She happens to be *gasp* fat!

And when her movie came out, nobody reported children wanting to gain weight to look like her! She even taught an important lesson about being half despite how you look!

Mind blowing isn’t it?

367 notes . reblog . 9 months ago

367 notes · #fatphobia #fatshaming #princesses #Fiona
  1. callthepoliceandtheallahuakbar reblogged this from mockeryd and added:
  2. tconfree reblogged this from mockeryd and added:
    She’s only fat when she’s an ogre. A mythical creature that’s meant to be gross and overall frightening. When she’s...
  3. maarchi reblogged this from mockeryd
  4. jakiki50 reblogged this from mockeryd
  5. resgp reblogged this from thecanterbunnytails
  6. thecanterbunnytails reblogged this from mockeryd and added:
    are you really justifying being overweight with fucking fiona from shrek
  7. binobinolababababa reblogged this from mockeryd and added:
    And she’s an *gasp* ogre. Mind blowing isn’t it?
  8. zeroyalcube reblogged this from archonari
  9. archonari reblogged this from mockeryd
  10. halysis-the-sphynx reblogged this from mockeryd and added:
    She’s also a fucking monster you dumbfuck.
  11. thatlizcreature reblogged this from mockeryd
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