全 3 件のコメント

[–]theomegaconstant 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The purpose of TRP is to provide a clubhouse for bitter misogynists, in which they can circle-jerk each other, exchange batshit evo-psych theories, and convince each other that they're self-aware.

The purpose of TBP is to mock their folly while munching popcorn, or, in my case, Starburst jellybeans.

I haven't the foggiest clue why Bloopers participate in TBP (and I have recommended against it since day one), but I believe it's a particular flavor of masochism

[–]Hambono 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

First off the concept of "Alpha" and "Beta" males arises from a series of studies of Wolves in their natural habitat. The "Alpha" that terpers present is VASTLY different from the type of behavior Alpha wolves actually do in the wild. So yes, your initial reaction that they are off base is well founded.

I think the slut shaming aspect stems from a bitterness caused by rejection from women of the course of the terpers life. They in general place too much focus on sex so much so that a relationship becomes a game of "winners" and "losers" battling over sex points.

In terms of their debating, that's just your standard bigoted defenses to any perceived threat (real or otherwise) to their ego which has been so entwined with this ideology.

IMO, the only thing one can take away from TRP is that to become more successful in the dating scene you need to improve yourself (physically and mentally) first before learning any fancy "strategies". This advice can be found pretty much everywhere but with much less misogyny and self-loathing that also comes attached with TRP.

[–]Birdsiscool 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I have tried to internalize the TRP mindset


In my head the ''alpha'' guy is just a confident guy who is easy to spend time with, helpful and especially not a guy who plays mind games like dread, or writes 1000-word angry essays to Reddit.

That guy sounds great, and not at all how the men in TRP present themselves.

The vast majority of twerps have been hurt in some way by women. For some it was fairly serious, like cheating wives and/or bitter divorces. But for many, it was just having trouble getting laid. They're furious that women like the "alpha" as you described instead of them. They often tried being "nice" in exchange for sex, and since that failed, they think the guys having success must be huge assholes, and women must all be stupid sluts to fall for it.