DebateReligion 内の Bombdogger によるリンク The agnostic/gnostic/theist/atheist chart.

[–]ryhntyntyn 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

That depends on how you view maybe. But if you say no, then you don't for sure, and you are left with only the odd number option.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Even so, I didn't want you casting dispersions on my OP. So it needed to be said.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

So you believe if the Nazi's had won 15-20% of the vote in 1932, Hitler would have still been appointed Chancellor?

A good question. Oskar wanted to rekindle his military career very badly. And how many seats did von Papen need to be appointed? He left the Center Party. He had none. The DNVP liked him, though.

In your theoretical does the Preussenschlag still happen, and do the Nazis still have the street punching power that they actually had? Or are they reduced to 15-20% of their paramilitary strength?

if you had to answer the question "Who won the July 1932 elections?", and you had to pick a group or party, who would you choose?

I would honestly say that no one won in terms of the election. Von Papen stayed in power. Weimar was a broken comedy of errors. In a battle whoever holds the field at the end is the "winner." So von Papen? He stayed Kanzler, but it certainly was a Pyhrric victory for him and anyone else, who thought they won. Everyone lost.

We have though established that Hitler was on his way, and I'm not denying that. It was a good election for his party, even though it doesn't bring them to power, but the way Sanders tells it, he was already Kanzler in 1932. He wasn't. It's a bad call on his part.

DebateReligion 内の Bombdogger によるリンク The agnostic/gnostic/theist/atheist chart.

[–]ryhntyntyn 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

But if that's how I felt, I wouldn't say "I don't believe you." I would say "Maybe." and then change the subject.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No. They did. Almost all of the voting age Germans who could vote in 1934 did. They picked him as Führer in a referendum by a margin of 9 out of 10 and signed away the fate of the nation, but when they did it and how, is important.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sure. But the Belgian system is stronk! Good Clay. And it's not as bad as Weimar.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hitler did not gain the Kanzlership or the government by the June 1932 election result. You are supposing a working parliamentary system in a modern context. Weimar was a system where the government could and did simply not function cooperatively.

No coalition, no kanzlership, no government, no victory. Had he won in 1932 and been appointed Kanzler, then von Papen would not have been Kanzler all the way until 1933.

As it stands Hitler lost the Presidential election in 1932, and the Nazis, although they made huge gains in seats in the Reichstag failed to secure the government. It was not a victory for anyone, everyone lost.

It's not a political point. It's simply bad history on the part of Sanders and anyone else who wants to view German politics through a first through the post lens.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

A lack of a constructive vote of no confidence, and a lack of a ban on referenda as well.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because the socialists voted for Hindenburg. If Hindenburg hadn't been irrational and disgusted with the way he beat Hitler in the 1932 Presidential elections, then he might not have fired Brüning. No von Schleicher, no von Papen, and maybe no Hitler appointment. Thalmann was revamping the KPD, maybe they even would have been able to make amends with the SPD. Who knows? It's not so weird.

badhistory 内の ryhntyntyn によるリンク Bernie Sanders does some Bad History in passing about German Parlimentary Politics.

[–]ryhntyntyn[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yep. They tried to out communist the communists. But Thalmann wasn't a bad campaigner, and Hitler was no Bismarck.

DebateReligion 内の Bombdogger によるリンク The agnostic/gnostic/theist/atheist chart.

[–]ryhntyntyn 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

But since even or odd are the only choices, if I don't believe you, then odd is the only thing left, I am choosing odd by default, otherwise, I am just being ridiculous.