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[–]mandas677 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

http://imgur.com/HDiguRB http://imgur.com/7VxZTXs Those are where he admits he didn't consult, discuss, or warn us of the shutting down of the subreddit. http://imgur.com/3WlJ2De http://imgur.com/4HuwDUF Where he says he won't be modding anymore cishet white males. If a person is a good mod they're a good mod. Where he also confirms he sees this as a women's sub, not an inclusive, feminist, support sub for everyone. Women's subs have their place on reddit but I didn't sign up to mod one. I signed up to mod an inclusive sub for the harassed, anyone that has experienced harassment.

[–]IronTitsMcGuintyOn-fire pants are a dead giveaway 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ugh, and this bothers me so much, because the comment he's defending was

The day I found out I could block straight men from writing to me on OK Cupid was a happy, joyous day. They seriously respect no amount of warning that you are not interested.

And he tears into us for "responding to banned individuals" and yet he white knights me with personal attacks at a man and his family. I get it, trolls suck, but that white knighting was out of line, creepy, and just grotesque personal attacks.