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  1. agentklein reblogged this from fuck-yeah-tanks
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  4. eatingcornwatchingp0rn reblogged this from fuck-yeah-tanks
  5. kushisking reblogged this from frankthemothafuckintank
  6. frankthemothafuckintank reblogged this from fuck-yeah-tanks
  7. broken-muzzle-break reblogged this from bluegrot
  8. wallrusstuff reblogged this from hoppes9
  9. endless-frustration reblogged this from highcapacityassaultclips
  10. bluegrot reblogged this from hoppes9 and added:
    Yeah, that was a bad example, but seriously, if they had waited four years to start WWII, they probably could have won...
  11. hoppes9 reblogged this from highcapacityassaultclips
  12. reamsofpaper reblogged this from highcapacityassaultclips and added:
    Didn’t do the Czechs much good.
  13. the-anarcho-feudalist reblogged this from jadehelmofficial
  14. whorebeck reblogged this from highcapacityassaultclips
  15. iamhoneybadger reblogged this from highcapacityassaultclips
  16. jadehelmofficial reblogged this from highcapacityassaultclips
  17. highcapacityassaultclips reblogged this from lumberingjack
  18. lumberingjack reblogged this from vypera
  19. oliviatheredhead reblogged this from vypera and added:
    Well that’s awkward-good eye dude.
  20. vypera reblogged this from fuck-yeah-tanks and added:
    Oi, that tank is Czech made.
  21. sofa499 reblogged this from fuck-yeah-tanks and added:
    German hangar queens man.
  22. werq89 reblogged this from chug-the-chalice
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