I hate Bernie Sanders.
He will not be getting my vote. He has not earned it. He consistently ignores the voices of the oppressed and the voices of those most impacted by the systems of inequality that he claims to be dedicated to dismantling. We are an inconvenience to him using our stories for his benefit, because we show up and tell him when he’s wrong.
Bernie, people of color are more than talking points for your campaign. If you aren’t centering Blackness, then you aren’t trying to dismantle oppression. When we show up, if you aren’t quieting your angry, liberal audience by saying:
“These are the voices of the oppressed. They must be heard. I am happy to yield the stage to those who are most impacted by the systems of injustice that I will work hard to dismantle as president. Lend them your ear, and open your heart and minds to their truth.”
… then you ain’t about that real shit, and you are no different than any of those other liberal (re: NOT anti-racist) white people. Bernie Sanders ain’t about shit.
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fallentetrisblock reblogged this from antlerblack and added:
So you realize he has been a consistent ally to POCs since before the civil rights movement? This man consistently votes...
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