The SJW hate movement is fundamentally bigoted, hateful, and toxic against white people, men, heterosexuals, STEM students and professionals, neckbearded men, fedora wearing men, virginal men, men with limited or nonexistent sex lives, fat men, men with acne, men with small penises, autism and Asperger's sufferers, children, tweens, teens, with special emphasis on twelve year olds for some odd reason, atheists, libertarians, conservatives, reactionaries, whatever the hell those even are, Bitcoin users, cryptocoin users in principle, really, except they can't name any except Bitcoin, GamerGate activists, anyone against corruption in journalism in general, gun owners and gun rights activists, pedophiles, hebephiles, ephebophiles, candid photographers, and these are just the ones off the top of my head, I'm sure there are a lot more of these.
I'm happy to substantiate each and every one of these if you promise to concede that the SJW hate movement is fundamentally bigoted, hateful, and toxic, upon delivery of the evidence.