上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]WhiteDragon9d 2491ポイント2492ポイント  (581子コメント)

If you see the video, he even extends a hand to one of the activists in a gesture of goodwill and she just yells in his face. Ignorance at its finest.

*edit: RIP inbox, and Here's the video I talked about It's around 0:15 you seem him extend a hand and she almost takes it and realizes what she's doing, then pulls it back and yells instead.

[–]Mikellow 665ポイント666ポイント  (45子コメント)

WE ARE BEING RESONABLE! (yelled at top of lungs in guys face)

edit: fixed respectful to reasonable. Thanks!

[–]self_loathing_ham 227ポイント228ポイント  (12子コメント)

Actually i think she said "we are being reasonable!" Which is just as absurd given the delivery.

[–]MrMetalhead69 31ポイント32ポイント  (6子コメント)

I think she screamed in the face of the guy on the mic that they were being respectful after saying they were being reasonable. What amazes me was how enraged they all got when the man asked for them to be reasonable and respectable. They both began screaming in his face and acting in an aggressive, bullying manner. They wonder why people don't want to listen to them or want to let them speak, this is a prime example. They're hurting their own cause. I mean, Martin Luther King didn't act like an uncivilized five year old. He talked, he spoke with intent and purpose and then he'd listen when others spoke. He never like these two women, but he accomplished great things.

[–]Theqwertytopman 348ポイント349ポイント  (14子コメント)

Jumps up and down, flapping arms respectfully

[–]TeaLiger 118ポイント119ポイント  (0子コメント)

Gosh they looked like children throwing a tantrum because they didn't get EVERYTHING that they wanted when they wanted

[–]Red217 37ポイント38ポイント  (0子コメント)

DON'T SILENCE ME as she screams to silence others.

Hissy fits at their finest.

[–]lambastedonion 216ポイント217ポイント  (7子コメント)

I think this is an example of this video from cracked, for cracked it's actually a really good point on why we have serious problems and can't do anything about them.

On either side of the argument there are about, 50 people tops who actually know what their talking about. Then behind them there are 100,000 five year olds holding lit torches, screaming and running loose and just setting fire to their own camps.... They believe in the same cause as you at least what they understand of it, but they have zero impulse control, and screaming is just way more fun than actually saying anything. And man all this new attention sure is exciting.

[–]sethboy66 26ポイント27ポイント  (1子コメント)

That video hits so close to home with an argument I had not even 24 hours ago. People just want to be ignorant and right at the same time.

[–]DrSuviel 33ポイント34ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's true. Whenever you're trying to make a difference on some issue, you need to recruit public interest and support. The problem is, the public is stupid, and there just aren't enough non-stupid people to recruit that anyone would actually pay attention. Take climate change. You get all the scientists in the world together, and that's still not enough for politicians to care. You can get the regular people involved, but almost none of them are able to understand what's actually going on so they just end up spouting nonsense. When the issue is something like violence or drugs, it gets way worse. You get a hundred experts together to say, "Look, research shows that marijuana is pretty safe, has potential medical applications, and decriminalization can reduce prison overpopulation and generate tax revenue." Then, half a million stoners group up behind them yelling "420 BLAZE IT ALL DAY ERRYDAY WEED FOR PRESIDENT WEED SAVE THE WORLD JESUS WAS THE ULTIMATE STONER," and there goes the movement's credibility.

[–]khanweezy1 27ポイント28ポイント  (0子コメント)

"DON'T TELL ME WHAT TO DO!! GET DOWN!!" -Hypocrite of the month

[–]Drunkstrider 903ポイント904ポイント  (209子コメント)

They should have stood their ground and stopped them. They had no purpose to interrupt other than to interrupt. Fuck them. Also i thought any candidate running for president was given protection.

[–]amishjim 327ポイント328ポイント  (80子コメント)

From another article, the Sanders Campaign asked police not to arrest them or stop them.

[–]trapper2530 140ポイント141ポイント  (55子コメント)

It's good publicity for him. Ow everyone is hearing about it online a d how he handled himself in an upstanding manor instead of story or where he had police forcibly remove those women and damaging his cred with some in the black community.

[–]Belteshazzar_ 110ポイント111ポイント  (21子コメント)

Is it? I'm watching msnbc right now and those two lunatics are being praised until sundown. It's disgusting.

[–]cersei_and_jaime 105ポイント106ポイント  (10子コメント)

well that's because MSNBC is already in Hillary's pocket.

[–]TCsnowdream 60ポイント61ポイント  (5子コメント)

Rachel Maddow is practically exploding to tell us to vote sanders. She's the only one who has done any extensive coverage, AFAIK.

[–]YenzAstro 177ポイント178ポイント  (42子コメント)

Not this early in the race, not sure they would even have the resources to protect all the Republican candidates, I believe it's after the primaries that the Secret Service comes in. However, they can make exceptions - they swooped in for Obama's campaign quite early (they wouldn't discuss threats, but it doesn't take a wild imagination

[–]calibos 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

They're not, but there would be no shortage of normal police at a political rally. Most organizers can keep their events from becoming "open mic night at the nuthouse" without having to resort to calling the Secret Service.

[–]Caslon 71ポイント72ポイント  (4子コメント)

No, candidates don't get protection until a few months before the election. Barack Obama and his family were given an exception by Homeland Security, but it's not the norm. If there's some thought that Sander's life is seriously at risk, then he would get protection. But the Secret Service isn't the anti-harassment patrol - he'll have to hire his own people for that.

[–]jdw101 553ポイント554ポイント  (50子コメント)

What are you some kinda white supremacist? Are you saying that black lives don't matter? How dare you.

Almost forgot /s

[–]Drunkstrider 253ポイント254ポイント  (18子コメント)

Whats sad is thats how it is to those individuals.

[–]ThePirateTennisBeast 107ポイント108ポイント  (4子コメント)

If you look for reasons to be mad or offended in life, you'll always be mad or a victim

[–]AaronLloyd 223ポイント224ポイント  (168子コメント)

[–]TyberZahn 606ポイント607ポイント  (94子コメント)

I'm not even a Sanders fan and that's infuriating. I cannot believe people like that exist in the world. The entitlement of those young women (and eventually that young man), is staggering. There is a way to get your message across, that's not it. That way just makes you an asshole.

[–]dagbrown 264ポイント265ポイント  (21子コメント)

Do they even realize that they're basically handing the megaphone over to their enemies? Sanders is their friend, and they still want to shut him down because apparently he wants to have his say and then let them have their turn as is fair.

They didn't want him to even defer his say until after they'd had their say. They just wanted to shut him down altogether. Well, I hope they enjoy the government they deserve.

[–]DStoo 213ポイント214ポイント  (5子コメント)

Of all the candidates to attack they go after Sanders? Sanders is the best chance they have at getting out of this shit.

[–]Alphaetus_Prime 102ポイント103ポイント  (2子コメント)

Sanders was an active participant in the original Civil Rights Movement. He was at the "I Have a Dream" speech, FFS!

[–]suggested_portion 38ポイント39ポイント  (0子コメント)

Indeed. Also one can make the argument that he's been fighting for their rights since before they were even born.

[–]LOWANDLAZY57 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

The blackish guest on one of the talk shows says that doesn't cut the mustard anymore.

[–]LetsGoAllTheWhey 46ポイント47ポイント  (2子コメント)

And Sanders most likely paid for the stage, settings, etc.

[–]naruuke 319ポイント320ポイント  (33子コメント)

After taking a look at /r/SRS, I'm honestly not surprised people like this exist.

[–]NixonForBreadsident 239ポイント240ポイント  (28子コメント)

I honestly don't know why you're being downvoted. This is exactly the stereotyped SJW behavior everyone from SRS keeps claiming "only exists on strawman tumblr pages".

[–]Starterjoker 45ポイント46ポイント  (4子コメント)

Oh my god.

Screaming "WE ARE REASONABLE" seems like a contradiction.

[–]niQueee 30ポイント31ポイント  (0子コメント)

That is just absolutely pathetic and infuriating.

[–]bdmflyer 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)


Evidently she doesn't have to listen to anyone, but everyone has to listen to her because reasons.

[–]wisdom_possibly 200ポイント201ポイント  (15子コメント)

I can't believe people like this actually exist.

Bernie, this nation is too stupid for you.

[–]lambchoppe 32ポイント33ポイント  (9子コメント)

I wouldn't point at the whole nation. These are two idiots out of an entire rally, in a city with ~600,000 people. The vocal minority has a lot more power when they're given a platform to speak.

[–]jdw101 123ポイント124ポイント  (9子コメント)

I think they go to this guys rallies and do this because he's not a mean enough person to boot them like most people would. I have a feeling that if they did this at a Clinton rally they would "send in the hounds"

[–]huey_and_riley 44ポイント45ポイント  (3子コメント)

As a black man who wants to see changes in brutality, it's these kinds of stupid actions that set back the progress we've made over the past year.

[–]totensiesich 370ポイント371ポイント  (41子コメント)

Incredibly ignorant. Sanders was arrested during the Civil Rights movement, during a sit-in protest over segregated student housing at the University of Chicago. Seattle should be ashamed.

[–]HectorThePlayboy 525ポイント526ポイント  (5子コメント)

Seattle? The whole crowd is booing the ladies and chanting, "Bernie." I think you need to not blame a whole city for the actions of three people.

[–]bouncehouseplaya 143ポイント144ポイント  (27子コメント)

We're more angry than ashamed. BLM needs to figure out who their supporters are.

[–]Wrencarpenter 107ポイント108ポイント  (26子コメント)

The protesters are actually not affiliated with BLM Seattle, they are affiliated with a group called Outside Agitators 206. BLM Seatle has issued numerous apologies to Sanders.

[–]phila305 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

BLM is a hashtag, not a cohesive organized group. It's not like they have a regional office with a receptionist and employees who protest for a living. BLM Seattle is most likely one or two people that decided they are the "official" PR people for the group where they live.

[–]creampiesurprise420 742ポイント743ポイント  (40子コメント)

"Sanders was speaking at a Social Security and Medicare celebration at Westlake Park and stood back when a protester took the podium.

Some in the crowd booed.

"I was going to tell Bernie how racist this city is, but you already did it for me," she said."

Maybe everyone isn't racist, maybe you are just an asshole.

[–]rividz 415ポイント416ポイント  (3子コメント)

When the crowd asked the activists to allow Sanders to speak, one activist called the crowd "white supremacist liberals," according to event participants.

This is like the Kay and Peele office homophobe skit where at the end the guy goes "ohhh I get it, I'm not persecuted, I'm just an asshole".

[–]nanowerx 70ポイント71ポイント  (0子コメント)

Exact same thing that popped into my head. Damn K&P are on point, too many annoying dickheads that don't realize they are annoying dickheads and instead find some part of them they assume people hate irrationally and run with it.

[–]imuinanotheruniverse 13ポイント14ポイント  (0子コメント)

Minus the sudden realization

[–]AssCrackBanditHunter 160ポイント161ポイント  (2子コメント)

shoves person off podium whom everyone was here to see

Man you guys are so racist for booing at me right now

[–]AndroidCactus 34ポイント35ポイント  (1子コメント)

If only they realized that the crowd wasn't booing them for their skin, but instead for their general stupidity

[–]hogmantheintruder 83ポイント84ポイント  (2子コメント)

Ah the old maxim... When you think everyone else is an asshole there is a good chance that you are actually the asshole.

[–]Traithan 143ポイント144ポイント  (26子コメント)

What is even better is that Seattle is likely one of the least racist cities. This is the most accepting places I have ever been. Either here or Portland. Eastern Washington is a bit different but Seattle? Come the fuck on. Lets send her dumb ass to Mississippi and see what she thinks then.

[–]Ruvic 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

Yea. If you wanna stir shit, do it some were where there is shit to stir. I think, if anything, she helped his campaign a little.

[–]Palindromer101 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, those women made themselves look foolish. Bernie and his campaign managers made their campaign look good by not causing a scene, as the women were clearly hoping. Standing back and letting them dig their own holes was a much better plan than trying to force them off the stage.

[–]Baralt1830 1806ポイント1807ポイント  (472子コメント)

Quite ironic, given Sanders track record

Bernie Sanders was very active during the civil rights

Edit: I'll save you the going to the link.

Bernie Sanders entered into politics through the civil rights movement, more than a half century ago. He organized with CORE (the Congress of Racial Equality) in Chicago, and led a sit-in against segregated housing as far back as 1962.

Edit: thank you for the gold.

[–]lordderplythethird 874ポイント875ポイント  (75子コメント)

Dude, BS marched in DC for MLK's I have a Dream speech... He was a key figure in organizing Civil Rights sit ins and protests in Chicago...

Clinton was working for the presidential campaign of a man who voted against the Civil Rights Act

But Bernie's rally was the one that got targeted. Sure, Clinton's acknowledged the #BLM movement, but anyone with common fucking sense and an internet connection can tell he's done far more for African Americans than any other politican running right now.

[–]InstantShiningWizard 368ポイント369ポイント  (51子コメント)

I wouldn't expect fanatic activists to do any research into the people they're targeting beyond the most superficial stuff.

[–]FourteenFour 410ポイント411ポイント  (48子コメント)

it is quite possible they are paid to disrupt his speech and slow his momentum

[–]vanishplusxzone 217ポイント218ポイント  (32子コメント)

Instead they get Bernie publicity where he shows remarkable grace and restraint, where he lets them talk and no one gets arrested.

Does anyone honestly think this would have happened with a disruption at any other campaign? The women would have been tackled and in handcuffs before they got to the mic.

[–]AssCrackBanditHunter 184ポイント185ポイント  (15子コメント)

It's true. It's remarkable in some ways. Bernie doesn't have any interest in starting a fight with the kids, especially because they're fighting the fight he's fighting.

That being said, how do you get so God damn stupid as to interrupt the one candidate who's on your side on these issues?

[–]vanishplusxzone 95ポイント96ポイント  (10子コメント)

By not doing your research, by looking at the surface and not the truth, by not caring about anything but your own point, assumptions and beliefs.

[–]pilgrim216 55ポイント56ポイント  (7子コメント)

Yes, they profiled him as an old white man and assumed he was part of the problem because most of the problem comes from old white men.

[–]josephvuuu 24ポイント25ポイント  (8子コメント)

Who did Clinton work for that voted against that? Just curious.

[–]KicksButtson 1102ポイント1103ポイント  (110子コメント)

Yeah, but he's not black so they don't care.

[–]EvilCorpInc 836ポイント837ポイント  (106子コメント)

They're racists. They're the people, along with mainstream feminism, who are trying to redefine racism and sexism so that it's impossible for a white male to be a victim of race or sex discrimination, all the while stereotyping white males has having privilege and power, regardless of their socioeconomic standing.

[–]EngineerBill 512ポイント513ポイント  (34子コメント)

The term I use to describe this behavior is "transfer of privilege". People who act like this aren't trying to eliminate privilege, just transfer it from one group to another (their own). This is a terrible development and I really hope we can get back on track to a goal of getting ride of racism, not just taking turns on who gets to be exploited and who gets to do the exploiting...

[–]lumloon 123ポイント124ポイント  (23子コメント)

That happens in a lot of ethnic conflicts and religious conflicts. I think students in high school should be taught about this.

[–]WorthGodwin 46ポイント47ポイント  (0子コメント)

Their privilege appropriation is very problematic.

[–]Rephaite 230ポイント231ポイント  (189子コメント)

Quite ironic, given Sanders track record

Bernie Sanders was very active during the civil rights

They actually address this argument on one of their Twitters by calling it the new "I have black friends."

Not that I agree. But some of them are apparently aware and just don't give a shit.

[–]I_enjoy_poop_sex 156ポイント157ポイント  (142子コメント)

Why aren't they crashing Clinton events?

[–]ZiggyStardst 246ポイント247ポイント  (23子コメント)

Tin foil hat time, but all not that far of a stretch. BLM is mostly bankrolled by George Soros who also is a big Hillary contributor.

[–]EvilCorpInc 99ポイント100ポイント  (8子コメント)

One of the women who led this infamous Black Lives Matter event, where all non-black people were ordered to leave, was Rosa Clemente, former VP candidate for the Green Party, which is essentially the Radfem Party. It wouldn't surprise me if these BLM/SJW types only target white male candidates.

[–]lumloon 44ポイント45ポイント  (0子コメント)

See if somebody can invite her to an "Asian" event or a "Hispanic" event created just for her, and then videotape her as she's forced to leave.

If she protests, the video of her doing the same thing is aired side by side, with the caption: "A taste of her own medicine"

[–]kinyutaka 111ポイント112ポイント  (4子コメント)


I will admit that my personal experience (that my grandmother worked directly with Martin Luther King, Jr.) can come across as "I have a black friend". It certainly wasn't one of my accomplishments.

But Bernie was the guy fighting for civil rights. And he never stopped, even when the movements changed to getting rights for gays, legalizing marijuana...

Say what you will about him, but he has done more for civil rights than any of the people that pushed him off stage.

[–]flying87 38ポイント39ポイント  (19子コメント)

So what do they want? I understand they want police justice , but they need to get a person who supports that elected first. Shoving him off stage because he's not black won't do that. Are they upset because they just realized Obama can't run again? I don't get it.

[–]one_with_rocky_road 209ポイント210ポイント  (6子コメント)

If you're being criticized by racists, you don't really need to defend yourself. They become more obvious the more you listen to them.

white supremacist liberals

That is racist. There is no debate.

[–]Crom_laughs_at_you 74ポイント75ポイント  (3子コメント)

If you're being criticized by racists, you don't really need to defend yourself

Unless those racists are your constituents, then you're in kind of a tough position. Pretty sure the Democrats don't want to start a flamewar with an angry black mob, even if the mob are racist.

[–]tamarockstar 54ポイント55ポイント  (0子コメント)

No you don't want to do that. Just drop it and move on, which is what he did.

[–]Dr_Spicoli 866ポイント867ポイント  (74子コメント)

These people are dummies. They are basically preaching to the choir at a rally like that. Way to alienate the people they have most on their side. Shit's gonna get old real quick.

EDIT: I just realized that Sanders got Kanye'd lol.

[–]amrfallen 381ポイント382ポイント  (49子コメント)

Spot on. That was insanely rude and self-absorbed to take over the stage, I can't believe nobody took them off the stage after they actually pushed Bernie away from the microphone. He handled it classy af though, considering.

[–]throwaway_thyroid 151ポイント152ポイント  (28子コメント)

I wonder if they were hoping they'd be forced offstage for the backlash? It worked for the transgender activist who recently interrupted an Obama speech: http://www.washingtonpost.com/news/morning-mix/wp/2015/06/26/transgender-obama-heckler-hailed-by-some-lgbt-activists/

[–]amrfallen 115ポイント116ポイント  (19子コメント)

Nice correlation! [Edit for clarification: that's not sarcasm] I'll bet you that's exactly why they didn't (and possibly why they gave in in the first place), Bernie/his people there knew better than to invite that. People like that are so narcissistic about their cause that they'll claim anything as repression against it.

[–]Alpha433 63ポイント64ポイント  (15子コメント)

I have to admit, as funny as it would have been to see them turn off the speakers and have these clowns talk into a dead mic, this plays the issue off much batter and makes him come off as the reasonable victim instead of the all powerful elitest.

[–]AssCrackBanditHunter 20ポイント21ポイント  (14子コメント)

And the thing is I don't even think it was a conscious decision on bernie's part. He wasn't even thinking "it'll look better if I don't kick them off". he's juSt the kind of guy that genuinely believes in diplomacy. Even if the other side believes in yelling in your face

[–]butchersblade 34ポイント35ポイント  (1子コメント)

BLM already pulled this stunt on Bernie earlier on in his campaign. The organizers of that event, woth the support of the crowd, cleared BLM from the stage after Bernie said he wasn't there to compete for the stage.

[–]Xanthelei 52ポイント53ポイント  (1子コメント)

As a trans person myself, I'm disappointed in her. There is a time and place to bring up issues, interrupting someone who has shown a willingness to listen isn't one of them. You interrupt those who refuse to listen, because there's no other way to get them to pay attention to you. And the violence Obama was referencing in that moment was a string of murders. That's a bit further down the scale of violence and oppression than these deportations. The women up for deportation are targeted because they're undocumented, not because they're transwomen. And depending on the country they would be returning to, they could qualify for asylum here.

I can understand feeling a need to speak out. I can't understand trying to appropriate someone else's tragedy as part of your own when the magnitude of difference is so great.

[–]Achillean_Odyssean 63ポイント64ポイント  (6子コメント)

Sure, it looks bad that Bernies people didn't do much to stop them but think about the field day that the conservative and even Clinton camps would have had if old white man Sanders had had #blacklivesmatter members thrown off his stage? Bernie exhibited extraordinary class and that will get overlooked

[–]amrfallen 16ポイント17ポイント  (0子コメント)

Exactly. It would've given them an attacking point and they would've ridden that point into the core mantle for all it was worth because it's something they could "actually" attack him about. That was kind of a fail-only thing, like you said: repeat the situation ad infinitum, and 99% of the time it'll be overlooked the way he/the organizers handled it, but every time he kicks them off stage it would be a feeding frenzy.

[–]AltansarSpiritseer 52ポイント53ポイント  (1子コメント)

They also couldn't hear the guy saying "we're going to let you speak" because they were too busy screaming in his face to be allowed to speak.

[–]Druidshift 43ポイント44ポイント  (1子コメント)

They are basically preaching to the choir at a rally like that.

That's PRECISELY why they chose it. Because any other crowd would have questioned them....and then they would have had to back up their rhetoric or be removed from the stage.

[–]nuorigin 910ポイント911ポイント  (36子コメント)

They looked irrational, irresponsible, and they only hurt their cause. As a 50 year old black father and grandfather, I do believe black lives matter, but there is a time and place for everything. To hijack an event that they did not organize shows a lack of insight as to what tactics are beneficial to relaying their message. I didn't see "black lives matter", I saw "black women being ignorant".

[–]AssCrackBanditHunter 194ポイント195ポイント  (8子コメント)

I just think the black lives matter movement is poorly organized. Back in the day you'd have different chapters with field managers and plans being delivered from the main chapter as well as being developed locally. Movements like this were run using the same pr tactics as a political campaign. They were precise and effective. Now with social media created movements. You have haphazard local groups slapped together with no accountability, and every shitty thing they do like this reflects back onto the movement as a whole. It's exactly what tore the occupy movement apart. There's no strong central leadership

[–]GW_throwaway69 52ポイント53ポイント  (1子コメント)

Huh, this actually makes a lot of sense. Social media makes organizing easier, so people who don't know what they are doing can still organize.

[–]AssCrackBanditHunter 18ポイント19ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yup. And then we bind all these groups together via a hashtag like black lives matter, which gives the illusion of there being an organization behind it all. But really local groups are left to their own devices. And sometimes local groups are run by idiots. The only thing these groups know how to do is to bring more attention on to themselves.... in fact, they're exceptionally good at using the media to gain the spotlight. but then what? They never seem to have a next step plan because the movement is so decentralized. It's not like back in the day where they'd leverage the public attention to get congressman to back them up. They seem genuinely confused on what to do next. So they just keep drawing attention to themselves.

These groups are doomed because there's no overarching plan. BLM is going to die out same as occupy. And it's a shame, because underneath the showboating, these groups have a good core message. There's just no infrastructure to deliver that message to the proper channels.

[–]Thatguywithsomething 30ポイント31ポイント  (0子コメント)

Especially when they're hijacking the event for a man who was arrested for attending a protest during the civil rights movement.

[–]supermelon928 16ポイント17ポイント  (3子コメント)

They also hijacked #blacklivesmatter itself. The organization did not plan or support this. Now you got people all over the US on both sides of the argument talking about this like #blacklivesmatter did it.

[–]jackstraw12 187ポイント188ポイント  (6子コメント)

"Sanders was an organizer for the Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee and participated in the historic March on Washington in 1963 as a 22-year-old student at the University of Chicago. "It was a question for me of just basic justice — the fact that it was not acceptable in America at that point that you had large numbers of African-Americans who couldn't vote, who couldn't eat in a restaurant, whose kids were going to segregated schools, who couldn't get hotel accommodations living in segregated housing," he told the Burlington Free Press. "That was clearly a major American injustice and something that had to be dealt with."

[–]jcaseys34 453ポイント454ポイント  (41子コメント)

I don't get it. If any current candidate will honestly try to make things better for minorites and the underprivileged it will be Sanders.

[–]SetFireToTheRane 248ポイント249ポイント  (11子コメント)

Dude marched with Martin Luther FUCKING King Jr

What a bunch of cunts

[–]SomeVelvetWarning 37ポイント38ポイント  (10子コメント)

Hate to sound like someone out of /r/conspiracy but I might put money on at least one of these women being a paid agitator. But paid by whom...?

[–]GODD_JACKSON 18ポイント19ポイント  (4子コメント)

I thought the same, but then I remembered: never attribute to malice that which can be attributed to stupidity

[–]baconair 110ポイント111ポイント  (8子コメント)

The protestors used the most accessible and sympathetic platform to detract from their own supposed cause.

This is either a whole new level of stupid or a political play.

[–]AnimalXP 68ポイント69ポイント  (4子コメント)

If they're not being paid to pull that shit, they're a whole new level of stupid.

[–]JukemanJenkins 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

Wouldn't surprise me. Someone important wants Bernie's platform destroyed.

[–]angry_dorkbot 104ポイント105ポイント  (8子コメント)

What a lovely way to get people not to care about your message.

[–]tiff_seattle 126ポイント127ポイント  (63子コメント)

I was there, and here is a picture I took of the stage shortly after they took the mic from him.


[–]nerdfighter123 153ポイント154ポイント  (19子コメント)

This picture is better

[–]SquidFarts 112ポイント113ポイント  (4子コメント)

Bernie's posture just screams, "I'm not angry, I'm just disappointed."

[–]Alarid 10ポイント11ポイント  (2子コメント)

While she just looks smug

I'm fearful they will be proud of this

[–]Ryantific_theory 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

I feel like that's such a Mr. Rogers moment. "I don't think you're being the person that you could."

[–]Demopublican 406ポイント407ポイント  (20子コメント)

Being an asshole sure does tend to change people's minds about whether or not your life matters.

[–]Rhader 51ポイント52ポイント  (0子コメント)

This gave me a better chuckle then I would like to admit.

[–]Semper_nemo13 25ポイント26ポイント  (2子コメント)

Maybe a little /r/conspiracy here except, you know, not racist but isn't convenient Hilary/the DNC that only Sanders events have this shit happen. Ought not these people show up to Republican events?

[–]PayJay 154ポイント155ポイント  (12子コメント)

wow how fucking moronic. Bernie Sanders is the only candidate who actually gives a fuck about their cause.

[–]5BagsOfPopcorn2Sodas 224ポイント225ポイント  (13子コメント)

This reminds me of how occupy would piss off the general public by stopping traffic and creating unnecessary disturbances. No quicker way to destroy your movement than by attacking your potential allies and alienating yourself.

[–]Nicklovn 25ポイント26ポイント  (5子コメント)

Exactly! Next movement that holds up traffic and makes me wait, will see me joining the countermovement!

[–]nerdfighter123 52ポイント53ポイント  (13子コメント)

This picture describes exactly what happened...

[–]sunburntsaint 19ポイント20ポイント  (1子コメント)

I love that she is using an iphone. I guess she doesnt have a problem with slave labor

[–]plentifulpooper 64ポイント65ポイント  (3子コメント)

Why is the peaceful political process allowed to be disrupted? This is a presidential candidate that needs to get their message out above the noise of the establishment. Bernie Sanders isn't exactly a household name. Maybe this publicity will be better for his campaign.

[–]siamesekitty2 16ポイント17ポイント  (2子コメント)

I know it's not right but...... can't they find out exactly who those loud mouths are and publicly blast and shame them. That should teach them to stop being racist idiots in public.

[–]shaunc 981ポイント982ポイント  (148子コメント)

When the crowd asked the activists to allow Sanders to speak, one activist called the crowd "white supremacist liberals," according to event participants.

I can't even. Do we know that these were legitimate activists, or did they get a check from the Koch brothers to show up and be disruptive? It sounds like Bernie needs some better security at his events.

[–]p-wing 571ポイント572ポイント  (63子コメント)

According to some of the comments from r/SandersForPresident, they were actually part of a local anarchist movement, so the early answer is "no, they're just crazy."

[–]Kind_Of_A_Dick[🍰] 82ポイント83ポイント  (10子コメント)

That reminds me of watching some live streams from an Occupy protest. I was watching it for a while and reading chats, and then a group of all-black wearing guys show up and start trying to egg the protesters on so they'd attack the cops. Then they tried getting the cops to attack the protesters by taunting them and encouraging others to do something to them. People were talking, in a chat on the stream, about how the group was just a local group of anarchists that show up to events and try to get the people and cops to fight. There was a lot of talk, again still just in the chat, about how they just like an excuse to gets cops in fights.

[–]colormefeminist 23ポイント24ポイント  (1子コメント)

these activists are being astroturfed by billionaire donors who want to undermine Sanders' campaign. welcome to politics i guess; viva social media

[–]Avant_guardian1 344ポイント345ポイント  (43子コメント)

"Anarchist" groups have a long history of being FBI fronts.

[–]northamerimassgrave 160ポイント161ポイント  (15子コメント)

from FBI.gov:


The Seattle FBI Division will attempt to create disruptive and diversionary activities within any of these New Left groups which appear to be attracting any large following among "New Left" activists

(p. 4)


COINTELPRO (an acronym for COunter INTELligence PROgram) was a series of covert, and at times illegal,[1][2] projects conducted by the United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) aimed at surveilling, infiltrating, discrediting, and disrupting domestic political organizations.[3]

[–]DrSuviel 88ポイント89ポイント  (4子コメント)

Aaaaand holy shit this is from the FBI's official website.

[–]LutherDingle 14ポイント15ポイント  (1子コメント)

In the 1970s there were a handful of left wing domestic terrorist groups like Weather Underground, classified under the umbrella term "New Left."

[–]Longlivemercantilism 220ポイント221ポイント  (3子コメント)

the FBI was so good at infiltrating the anarchist movements that every member was working for the FBI.

[–]Facts_About_Cats 62ポイント63ポイント  (1子コメント)

Local law enforcement does that too. Seattle has a long history with anarchist protests, so that's possible.

[–]danny841 27ポイント28ポイント  (5子コメント)

Yeah. The "This American Life" radio show episode on FBI anarchist infiltration was eye opening.

[–]plentifulpooper 92ポイント93ポイント  (5子コメント)

Does it matter who they were? They not only disrupted, but completely silenced a candidate and political speech. Some behavior is not excusable.

[–]ethana2 93ポイント94ポイント  (0子コメント)

It matters very much who they were not.

[–]KnightBeforeTomorrow 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

It matters if they were put up to it corruptly as a stumbling block for Sanders.

[–]I_enjoy_poop_sex 56ポイント57ポイント  (21子コメント)

Why do you think it is from the Koch brothers? Why aren't they showing up at Clinton events?

[–]ARYAWILLKILLYOU 55ポイント56ポイント  (1子コメント)

No- George Soros funded. When you got all your money on Hillary... Funny how she hasn't been interrupted yet.

[–]Persona_Transplant 24ポイント25ポイント  (4子コメント)

Um, agents provocateurs? I hate to sound conspiratorial, but I've seen them at so many protests...

[–]lumloon 33ポイント34ポイント  (2子コメント)

I wonder who those activists are working for. A rival candidate?

[–]NobleHalcyon 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is ironic as fuck. These people have no idea just how invested in BLM social justice Bernie Sanders has always been.

[–]whipsorrow 19ポイント20ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yeah, way to go. Push aside the one man that agrees with you and the relevant issues you support. You may even prevent his election. DOH!

[–]Morrigi_ 131ポイント132ポイント  (19子コメント)

They're creating more racists (actual racists, not the "you're a racist for disagreeing with me" kind) every time they pull this shit.

[–]Scottmk4 25ポイント26ポイント  (2子コメント)

That helps them too.

Now they have a real opposition that hates black people, and forces people to commit one way or the other, swelling their ranks.

ISIS is so successful because of the same dynamic.

[–]Harlem_Homie 7ポイント8ポイント  (5子コメント)

I'm a black man and a Bernie supporter. I think something else is going here. DNC, Hillary.

[–]FuturePrimitive 9ポイント10ポイント  (4子コメント)

Divide and conquer, divide and conquer.

Whatever prompted this, whether legit or conspiratorial, this is how they defeat left-wing politics. Pit allies against one another through bogus, exaggerated, and unnecessary in-fighting, and your opponent does your work for you.

DO NOT LET THIS SHIT HAPPEN. Every occurrence, every step of the way (including friction/sabotage) should be used to STRENGTHEN the left, not divide/devolve it into utterly pointless internal bickering. Always remember- we have common enemies that are far more despicable than our senseless squabbles, KEEP YOUR EYES ON OUR REAL ENEMIES until they are defeated.

[–]wunderloz 55ポイント56ポイント  (13子コメント)

Jesus, stupid shit like this just proves how toxic american society has become. No moderation, no compromise, just fucking all-out black-white fanaticism and sensationalism without the slightest hint of gray.

[–]Nicklovn 21ポイント22ポイント  (8子コメント)

The Black Lives Movement was supposed to be a movement for blacks killed by police. But they supported whites as well.. Now they're claiming racism and segregating themselves.

[–]Carcharodon_literati 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

"Activists" like this are in it for the attention. Instead of organizing voters or educating communities, they pull stunts like shutting down freeways and yelling at motorists. Completely counterproductive.

[–]cvbnh 17ポイント18ポイント  (4子コメント)

This is so utterly stupid. Sanders is the candidate that is closest to representing their interests. This is not how you shift the debate leftwards.

At least the main BLM group on facebook or whatever disavowed these actions.

[–]roberts2727 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Brought to you by the Clinton Campaign via George Soros!

[–]Cojemos 8ポイント9ポイント  (3子コメント)

Brought to you by corporate America and the Hillary campaign. They are so afraid of Bernie Sanders who offers real "hope and change" unlike the last president who used that as a marketing slogan and nothing else. Bernie is the most for equality among all. They have just sabotaged their efforts.

[–]Boricua_Torres 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

These two people are fishy. Not going to condone them and I think this will ultimately help Bernie win over the #BlackLivesMatter movement but, of the three Facebook groups in Seattle the BLM group that disrupted Bernie just posted like a day ago. Not being a conspiracy theorist but just saying, not a huge establishment of the group.

[–]pohatu 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

Today that movement died. It's been coopted by BLM extremists and it's about themselves now, nothing else. There was an opportunity to get some things to change. They blew it.

[–]Wislakrak 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is honestly embarrassing, and setting the movement back. While I agree we should fight to end institutional racism, what she did was disrespectful and ignorant to a candidate that has spoken in support of the Black Lives Matter Movement. I gained a lot of respect for Bernie Sanders as he kept his composure without playing her game. He earned big points in my book with how he handled this

[–]Slimerbacca 23ポイント24ポイント  (1子コメント)

Classy move

Now I hope he gets better security

[–]hebreakslate 67ポイント68ポイント  (26子コメント)

It's almost as if people have forgotten that white people were active in the civil rights movement (including Bernie) or that 5 heterosexual supreme court justices voted that marriage is a universal right or that men actually fought for women's suffrage or that white, land-owning males voted for a president who would abolish slavery. I think at the very core of what it means to be a Democrat is a willingness to fight on behalf of minorities of which you are not a part.

[–]dildonkers 40ポイント41ポイント  (15子コメント)

Fuck you whitey, it's your role to suffer for your crime of being a certain race. /s

[–]palebot 14ポイント15ポイント  (3子コメント)

I can't but wonder if this is a stupidity thing not a race thing. As a 39 year old who frequently interacts with kids between 17 and 23, I'm shocked, absolutely shocked, by their ignorance of current events and history. Even with all the technology, it is used to create controlled, relatively closed social networks, not learn about the world--they may have no clue who Bernie Sanders is.

[–]Borigrad 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

It must be nice to be so privileged that you can go out and harass people in public based purely off your emotion without doing any research at all and no one stops you or tells you no.

[–]DrLemonPepper 66ポイント67ポイント  (13子コメント)

My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge.

[–]Kromulent 155ポイント156ポイント  (45子コメント)

The Hillary campaign probably hired the lot of them.

[–]jpe77 138ポイント139ポイント  (19子コメント)

If you look at their twitter accounts and history, they're basically professional lefty activists. They think everyone to the right of Mao is too conservative.

[–]gnovos 132ポイント133ポイント  (15子コメント)

So they attack the avowed socialist?? God, they're committed.

[–]mcketten 93ポイント94ポイント  (8子コメント)

The white, hereosexual, cis-gender male socialist. That's the difference. It's not what you think or do that matters, it's the color your skin, your gender, and your orientation.

Not that that is discriminatory at all...because only someone with the inherent privilege and power that comes with being a white, heterosexual, cis-gender male can discriminate.

[–]Xanthelei 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

For a moment I took you seriously and was ready to unleash my usual "as a trans guy" speil. Then the caffeine kicked in.

Well played. And sadly far too close to truth for comfort.

[–]EdwardCuckForHands 40ポイント41ポイント  (8子コメント)

"Never attribute to malice that which is adequately explained by stupidity."

[–]Gravon 18ポイント19ポイント  (6子コメント)

I'm starting to feel like this is some kind conspiracy to stop Sanders' message from getting out, it seems odd that two of his events would be hit like this when he's always been an advocate for what they want.

[–]annagrams 13ポイント14ポイント  (1子コメント)

It is with noting that this was NOT his main event in Seattle.This was a rally to celebrate the birthday of Medicare, medicaid and social security. He spoke to a crowd of 15,000 later that evening at a campaign rally.

[–]troglodave 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

It has to be painful for Sanders to watch ignorant shits like this detract from the message of equality that he has spent a lifetime working towards.

[–]killahcameron 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

Zero respect. Fuck them. I bet the don't even fucking know a thing about Sanders, because if they did they wouldn't have been so disrespectful. Loud ignorant fucks.

[–]odinsraven29 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Its funny she mentions privilege. Black privilege is being able to do and say whatever you want with no one able to stop you without being called a racist.

Unless of course you are a punk attacking a cop.

[–]FUCK_REDDITS_ADMINS 63ポイント64ポイント  (13子コメント)

Disgusting. They feel entitled to every single public forum. They don't understand that the world is more than their little, closed-off world. Hopefully the establishment media will start treating the BLM idiots with the contempt they deserve.

[–]Shadycat 33ポイント34ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm kind of hoping we all start treating the establishment media with the contempt they deserve.

[–]Mordredbas 22ポイント23ポイント  (1子コメント)

I'm betting one of the other campaigns paid these women to interrupt Bernie, any other answer would involve these women being too stupid to breathe.

[–]diefree85 11ポイント12ポイント  (0子コメント)

This is really mind bogglingly stupid. I support the idea we need to reform police and there's been shootings where someone has been murdered by the police. But attacking the ONE candidate with the best voting record on civil rights is just....I really can't describe how anyone can be this uninformed about what they purportedly care the greatest about.

[–]Voxel_Sigma 13ポイント14ポイント  (2子コメント)

I hate to be the one to say this, but these are literally THE dumbest people on the planet. They threw potentially their biggest ally offstage to yell a bunch of idiotic propaganda. The people involved in this BLM thing are just plain uninteligent.

[–]SucioMDPHD 5ポイント6ポイント  (4子コメント)

A message to the Outside Agitators protestors:

You are protesting the wrong candidates!

Who do you think cares more about you, Sanders or Trump?

Think before you act and maybe you can make a better impact instead of looking stupid.