Think! Will any human person still be alive on this Earth in another five or ten years? The number one problem we all face today is that of human survival! Why has the human mind produced such a...
Thousands of people have had near-death experiences, but scientists have argued that they are impossible. Dr. Eben Alexander was one of those scientists...
Richard Dawkins' God Delusion is not only a fascinating battle with the book written by the famous British atheist. It is a clash of two epochs - the old atheistic school of the XIX and ...
ABSTRACT: Analysis is given of the Omega Point cosmology, an extensively peer-reviewed proof (i.e., mathematical theorem) published in leading physics journals by professor of physics and mathemati...
This unusual speech made by Abraham Lincoln in 1848 declares some important factors of the dumbing effect on mankind not only in America, but worldwide as well. Please notice the ending of this ...
PROCLAIMING One unifying religion for all the people. The Book is, without a doubt, a revelation from the Lord of the Universe. The Final Testament comes with built-in physical evidence that it ...
Does science necessarily undermine faith in God? Or could it actually support faith? Beyond the flashpoint debates over the teaching of evolution, or stem-cell research, most of us struggle with co...
My road to atheism was paved by science . . . But, ironically, so was my later journey to God.” —Lee Strobel During his academic years, Lee Strobel became convinced that God was outmoded, a belief ...
In the XXI century, “God” remains an unknown value to humans. Although “God” is the fundamental value in this world, as he is the Creator of all. A modern human cannot accept the idea of the exis...
From the New York Times Bestselling Author. Can God be revived in a skeptical age? What would it take to give people a spiritual life more powerful than anything in the past? Deepak C...
The renowned science writer, mathematician, and bestselling author of Fermat's Last Theorem masterfully refutes the overreaching claims of the "New Atheists," providing millions of educated beli...
In this astute mix of cultural critique and biblical studies, John H. Walton presents and defends twenty propositions supporting a literary and theological understanding of Genesis 1 within the con...
What did the writer of Genesis mean by “the first day”? Is it a literal week or a series of time periods? If I believe that the earth is 4.5 billion years old, am I denying the authority of Scri...
One hundred fifty years ago, Charles Darwin revolutionized biology, but did he refute intelligent design (ID)? In Signature in the Cell, Stephen Meyer argues that he did not.
One of the top 50 books that have shaped evangelicals (Christianity Today, 2006) "After 2,000 years, no question is going to bring Christianity crashing." Do science and Scripture conflict? Are mir...
For the readers of The Language of God, another instant classic from "a sophisticated and original scholar" (Kirkus Reviews) that disputes the idea that science is contrary to religio...
'The Grand Design', by eminent scientist Stephen Hawking, is the latest blockbusting contribution to the so-called New Atheist debate, and claims that the laws of physics themselves brought...
The you wondering around in this nightmarish dream is actually the opposite of reality. For that dream is inside of (you) -blasted there by a system of wireless biDirectional communication, gat...
The bestselling author of Dogs That Know When Their Owners Are Coming Home offers an intriguing new assessment of modern day science that will radically change the way we view what is pos...
For all the thousands of books that have been written about religion, few until this one have attempted to examine it scientifically: to ask why—and how—it has shaped so many lives so strongly. Is ...
Pulsing with drama and excitement, Infinitesimal celebrates the spirit of discovery, innovation, and intellectual achievement-and it will forever change the way you look at a...
Militant atheism is on the rise. In recent years Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, Daniel Dennett, and Christopher Hitchens have produced a steady stream of best-selling books denigrating religious beli...
In the summer of 1925, the sleepy hamlet of Dayton, Tennessee, became the setting for one of the 20th century’s most contentious dramas: the Scopes trial that pit William Jennings Bryan and the ant...
Carl Sagan's prophetic vision of the tragic resurgence of fundamentalism and the hope-filled potential of the next great development in human spirituality
Can yoga and meditation unleash our inherent supernormal mental powers, such as telepathy, clairvoyance, and precognition? Is it really possible to perceive another person's thoughts and intentions...
Intended to provide a basis for discussion, this captivating study evaluates the evidence of modern science in relation to the debate between the atheistic and theistic resource addresses such topi...
Why would any educated scientist with a PhD advocate a literal interpretation of the six days of creation? Why, indeed, when only one in three Americans believes "the Bible is the actual word of...
Many appreciate Richard P. Feynman’s contributions to twentieth-century physics, but few realize how engaged he was with the world around him—how deeply and thoughtfully he considered the religious...
This book is comprised of sixteen articles written by Elijah Muhammad in the Nation of Islam's official Newspaper, Muhammad Speaks, beginning May, 1973. What had previously been known as Ezekiel's ...
Two bestselling authors first met in a televised Caltech debate on “the future of God,” one an articulate advocate for spirituality, the other a prominent physicist. This remarkable book is the pr...
Evolution...intelligent design...creation...or a little of all three? What do you really believe - and why does it matter to your life, your family, and your faith today?
What you believe about God actually changes your brain. Brain research in neuroscience has found that our thoughts and beliefs affect our physical, mental and spiritual health. Mind and body are in...
Christians affirm that everything exists because of God--from subatomic quarks to black holes. Science often claims to explain nature without including God at all. And thinking Christians often fee...
Increasingly astronomers recognize that if the cosmos had not unfolded exactly as it did, humanity would not, could not, exist. Yet these researchers--along with countless ordinary folks--resist be...
Do religious experiences come from God, or are they merely the random firing of neurons in the brain? Drawing on his own research with Carmelite nuns, neuroscientist Mario Beauregard shows that ...
Truth Vibrations is the first book in New Age visionary and conspiracy theorist David Icke’s series of groundbreaking exposés of the mysteries of life, the possibilities for the fut...
In this groundbreaking book, physicist Gerald Schroeder takes on skeptics from both sides of the cosmological debate, arguing that science and the Bible are not at odds concerning the origin of the...
In this brief and straightforward examination of Christians' basic beliefs, Albert M. Wolters spells out the structure of a reformational worldview and its significance for those who seek to fol...
In The Varieties of Religious Experience: A Study in Human Nature, Dr. William James takes aim at the nature of religion from a scientific/academic point of view-something that had, until this land...
Move over, Richard Dawkins and Christopher Hitchens—a highly regarded nuclear physicist enters the debate about the existence of God—and comes down on the side of the angels.
Why have we humans always longed to connect with something larger than ourselves? Why does consciousness inevitably involve us in a spiritual quest? Why, in short, won't God go away? Theologians, p...
A consistent best-seller, redesigned for contemporary readers. The Psalmist says, "The heavens declare the glory of God and the firmament showeth His handiwork." Building upon ancient astronomic...
First published in the United Kingdom to great acclaim, Unapologetic is a wonderfully pugnacious defense of Christianity. But it isn't an argument that Christianity is true—because how could any...
For centuries the story of Adam and Eve has resonated richly through the corridors of art, literature and theology. But for most moderns, taking it at face value is incongruous. And even for many t...
In the Beginning: Science Faces God in the Book of Genesis. The beginning of time. The origin of life. In our Western civilization, there are two influential accounts of beginnings. One is t...
In After This, acclaimed author, and therapist Claire Bidwell Smith confronts the question she encounters every day in private practice—what happens after we die?
Frank Connelly is the producer of a television series based on evolution. But his meeting with the Crusaders and their friend, Dr. Lind, will change his opinion on what ...
New and updated Third Edition from Hugh Ross. Since the publication of "Beyond the Cosmos" first and second editions, scientists have made even more discoveries substantially strengthening the evid...
The year 2009 marks the 150th anniversary of the publication of Charles Darwin's On the Origin of Species. Alongside that event, there are many Darwin Day celebrations planned to acknowledge...
В ХХI веке, “Бог” для человечества продолжает оставаться величиной неизвестной. Хотя именно “Бог” является основополагающей величиной в этом мире, так как он есть Творец всего – нас и всего, что мы...