全 51 件のコメント

[–]TheDildoWarriorEffete Marxian Academic 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

The Muslim extremists.

If you say something that hurts their feelings, there's a good chance that you'll end up dead.

[–]Ad_Infinitum_Upward 25ポイント26ポイント  (37子コメント)

comparing extreme SJW to radical muslims.

bro, i think its time to stop browsing TiA and go outside. SJWs are just stupid kids on Tumblr. If you think that they compare to actual "extremists" then I think you need a dose of reality.

[–]EggplantWizard5000Eggplantkin 17ポイント18ポイント  (1子コメント)

SJWs are just stupid kids on Tumblr.

But they aren't -- neither stupid kids nor just on Tumblr. They are making policy on college campuses, where they are actively stifling free speech. They have done away with due process regarding allegations of rape. They have taken over entire academic departments, and are spreading their agendas to faculty senates, where they are not powerless. And they are indoctrinating gullible kids into their authoritarian mindset.

I'm not saying we are imminent dangers of the concentration camps, but there are real battles being fought over this. This isn't just some 13 year old girls who needs attention. These are highly motivated, often intelligent people who are determined to change society to something they find less problematic.

[–]MeloodleNoodle 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm 14 and realizing I may not have all the rights in my adult life as you adults do now...well that's fucking terrifying.

[–]Cartesian_Duelist 7ポイント8ポイント  (0子コメント)

SJWs are just stupid kids on Tumblr.

No, they really aren't. They're college professors, 'journalists', activists, and so much more.

[–]wtfomg77[S] 20ポイント21ポイント  (32子コメント)

You say that, but there is a lot of pressure from adults in the real world who have a lot of influence to curtail free speech. Many SJW's make efforts in real life to censor people (i.e. we disagree with someone, therefore he/she should not be able to speak at a certain venue, they should be fired from a job, etc). I don't simply mean SJW bloggers on tumblr. There are plenty of adult PC people with power and influence who do not believe in free speech, and wish to censor those they disagree with. There are plenty of examples of this

[–]paintedcones 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

Look man. I live and work with some of the most sjw-y people in the world. I can't count the number of non-binary, 3rd wave, whatevers I know.

They're just a bunch of loons. Activists that will be gone in the next 5 years. Angry teens. They don't even compare to serious extremists. They just have loud voices sometimes.

[–]wtfomg77[S] 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

I hope you're right. Lately I've been fearing that they'll 'win' the culture war, so to speak, as their voices have been getting louder and louder. I'm of the belief that if we don't engage them directly, and ignore them, that's out best chance of them going away

[–]TheLazyLinx 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Considering they have the backing of a lot of people from the Media to the president of the United States of America. I think you need a dose of open eyes. Their numbers grow by the day and they follow the ageda of some powerful people in the back ground who don't want it to fail.

[–]Mouon 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

SJWs and their ilk are the ones with encroaching influence, pushing their 'progressive' agenda into everything they can. Nothing, atheism, games, tv, films, sports, comedy, is spared as they try to twist everything according to their ideology.

Is violent Islamism a threat, yes, but its lacks influence in our society. Social sciences departments aren't filled with Islamists, political correctness isn't pushed by Islamists, progressivist bullshit in mainstream media isn't done by Islamists, bullshit third wave feminism inspired policies that treat all women as if they are victims with special needs, aren't pushed by Islamists. Thats done by SJW, critical theorists, the new left, post-structuralists etc and their ilk.

[–]CoMaBlaCK 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sjws because they're fighting the fight for the Muslim extremists.

Over the course of the last decade we've been taught that Muslim extremists are jealous of our freedoms so fuck them, we won't side with their arguments out of spite.

The sjws play to Americas nature of helping out those in need by constantly crying that they're in need so with that, they can slip in any Muslim extremists viewpoints under the guise of their own.

[–]XeliasSame 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Muslim extremist killed 7 people in 2014 and 5 in 2015 in america.

Sjws are mostly on tumblr with a few extremist on rally. I thibk that neither can be qualified as "threat"

[–]Roraima19 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm pretty sure that the FBI and the CIA spend a lot more time and resources hunting jihadists and breaking their plan than being concerned by angry teens seeking an identity

[–]hfwang18 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

When you mean free speech, do you mean the legal right to free speech or the principle of free speech in private institutions such as colleges/universities?

If you're talking about the legal right to free speech, neither has any threat whatsoever. If you're talking about free speech in a place that does not guarantee free speech but adheres to its general principles in practice such as in a college, it's the SJWs by far. Muslim extremists aren't the ones with influence in academic circles and student bodies. As for "free speech" or freedom of expression in the workplace outside colleges and universities, again, neither has any threat whatsoever. Companies fire individuals who hurt their bottom line. SJWs make up such a small part of the demographic that they are not going to affect the bottom line much by themselves. It's only when a large portion of company's target demographic agrees that they'll get their way, and if that's the case, then it's not just SJWs whining.

SJWs only have any real influence on college campuses, and if companies fire individuals for offending SJWs, then they must have offended more than SJWs to affect the bottom line.

Also, free speech does not mean the right to an audience. It is perfectly within a college's rights to disinvite someone from an university-sponsored event for whatever reason, but should not ban the person from speaking at a school. Though the former is stupid on the part of the colleges, the latter is what would be an actual violation of the principle of free speech if the university acted as a government within the bounds of its campus. Though both have happened due to SJWs, the former is defensible and the latter is not.

[–]Bob9999999999999 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

They're often in league with each other, so the distinction isn't really that important

[–]Katallaxis 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's an alliance which speaks volumes to the cognitive dissonance and subconscious motivations of each group.

[–]IAmAShittyPersonAMA 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Which group poses a greater threat to free speech in the Western World: Extreme SJW/PC People, or Muslim Extremists?

As far as i can see, neither make any real difference in the 'States.

[–]Roraima19 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Muslim extremist, there's not even competition here. Even in the case of someone who lost his jobs or get "death threats" (that seldom turn into a real danger), because a ill thought comment in twitter, it is not remotly comparable with guys so brainwashed that they are ready to die and kill the biggest number of people possible, or someone draw a cartoon of Mohamed, he will put at risk an entery nation and their emigrants, let alone his own security

Actually, they use SJW/Ultra PC naivity and ignorance to justify all sort of unspokable crimes and then blame The West because obviously "evil white men make me do this!"

[–]hfwang18 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

They're talking exclusively about the freedom of speech. They're not talking about physical security, which of course Muslim extremists are the bigger threat. I'd say that neither group has any threat to the legal right to free speech, but SJWs have an effect on freedom of speech in specific institutions that are not legally bound to guarantee it but follow its principles in practice.

[–]winston-smithsSINGIN' IN THE RAIN-kin. Pronouns: Cosmo's dick -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Okay, caaaaaaalm down. SJWs are minor annoyances on the Internet. Radical terrorists will actually fucking kill us.

[–]Namkcalb -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

There is a casino-hotel complex a stone's throw away from the Haram mosque, the holiest site in Islam.
Not one terrorist has even attacked it.
Terrorism is a overrated threat, and kills far less people than wet bathtowels. It's the fear of terrorism which is causing the real damage to Australian society. SJWs on the other hand are real, and a dangerous threat to freedom of throught.