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XII) 731部隊、広島長崎、チェルノブイリ、福島 Unit 731, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima

XII) 731部隊、広島長崎、チェルノブイリ、福島

Unit 731, Hiroshima/Nagasaki, Chernobyl, Fukushima



Looking back, Japan is a A-bomb victim country with 200,000 death toll in Hiroshima and Nagasaki in1945 alone, and still there are hundreds of thousands radiation late effects suffers as of today.  Meanwhile, the US and Japanese government established Atomic Bomb Casualties Commission with the participation of both countries number of scholars who conducted research on radiation exposed people.  However, these scholars did not treat or cure the patients and they simply checked and studied them. 



In fact, it is reported that the US medical team came to Hiroshima Army 1st Hospital Ujina Clinic accompanies by Japanese Tokyo University medical team, and they focused on autopsy rather than treatment, while patients were mainly treated by nurses and corpsmen.



In addition, the effect of internal radiation has been concealed for many years, and scholars have said that there have been no health effects apart from those who developed acute syndromes or those who were living in 2km of the epicenter.  As late as 2008, it was admitted that those who were living further than 2km radius area could have been exposed to radiation by the intake of radioactive materials in their bodies.  In this way, more than half a century, doctors and scholars have been on the side of the governments (Japan and the US) than the A-bomb survivors.



After Chernobyl accident, former directors of Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF), the successor of ABCC, Dr. Itsuzo Shigematsu and Dr. Shigenobu Nagataki played important roles to downplay the health damages observed among residents, especially children in the contaminated areas. 



This is such a shameful history of Japanese medical circles.  Japan is the victim of A-bombs, but at the same time, Japanese medical doctors have been downplaying or ignoring the sufferings of the nuclear weapons and nuclear power victims to take the side of the nuclear industry and the governments.



This sad history has been repeated now in Fukushima.  Dr. Shigenobu Nagataki, who denied the health damages after Chernobyl, and his follower, Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, along with the Tokyo University Hospital radiology authority, Dr. Keiichi Nakagawa are telling Fukushima residents groundlessly that this level of radiation has no health damage.  Even nearly 2 years after the accident, Japanese medical societies officially states that has never been a single person whose health was affected by radiation after Fukushima accident!



During the World War II, Unit 731 with more than 3000 medical staff under the Japanese Imperial Army, conducted horrendous human experiments including pregnant women and children.  While some medical doctors in the Far East Trial were executed for abusing the POWs, the former 731 Units members were not sued at all. The Unit 731s immunity from punishment was obtained in exchange of providing the data to the US military and cooperating the studies on Hiroshima and Nagasaki A-bomb survivors.!
The Japanese Army's Secret of Secret
Unit 731
By Peter Williams and David Wallace, BBC documentary program producer/director



In a NHK program in 2010, there was a testimony made by a former Japanese Imperial Army doctor saying, (Beside providing the human experiment data to the US,) cooperating the research on A-bomb victim was used as a card for obtaining immunity of Unit 731.  In fact, as early as December 1945, a booklet on A-bomb causalities was prepared by Dr. Tachiyumaru Ishikawa, an expert of pathological autopsy in Unit 731. 



Other names in the US-Japan Joint Research Team on A-bomb were, Dr. Tomio Ogata from Tokyo Imperial University and Dr. Ren Kimura from Kyoto Imperial University, Dr. Stafford Warren who was leading human experiment with plutonium injection, Dr. Shields Warren later became a founding member of UNSCEAR and famous for his A-bomb survivors epidemiological study.



This is how ABCC was born.  Doctors in the US and in Japan, who got involved in inhumane experiments, came together for further study of radiation exposure.  Dr. Austin Bruce, who conducted human experiment on A-bomb victims, went to major medical schools including Tokyo, Kyoto, Osaka, Hiroshima and Nagasaki, met the former Unit 731 members and built up the network for the foundation of ABCC inaugurated in 1947.



The epidemiological expert, Dr. Itsuzo Shigematsu (Tokyo Imperial University, Havard University School of Public Health), is well known as RERF director who downplayed the health hazards among A-bomb survivors.  He is also known as the IAEA Chernobyl Project leader who denied any health hazards among residents in contaminated area in 1991.  Dr. Shigenobu Nagataki (Tokyo University, Havard Medical School, Nagasaki University)was one of Dr. Shigematsus followers, and both of them denied the health effects by Hiroshima, Nagasaki, and Chernobyl (later admitted only thyroid cancer.)  And Dr. Shunichi Yamashita (Nagasaki University, Fukushima Prefecture Medical University), the follower of Dr. Nagataki, has been denying heath hazards in Chernobyl and now in Fukushima.



I have been always felt the same kind of cruelty as Unit 731, on Dr. Shunichi Yamashitas thyroid examination on Fukushima children, whose anomaly rate is nearly 50%.  Then I found out that there is a connection between Unit 731 and Dr. Itsuzo Shigematsu, who was Yamashitas teachers teacher.



Dr. Shigematsu had his own master in epidemiology who played an important role in Unit 731. His name was, Dr. Keizo Noheji, the director of Tokyo Imperial University Epidemiology Laboratory, which sent many medical scientists  to Unit 731 for developing biological weapons. 



This Epidemiology Laboratory was later divided into 3 institutes; Tokyo University Medical Science Institute (Currently conducting WBC radiation exposure human experiment in Minamisoma city.  Please see http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/vii.html ); Institute of Public Health and National Institute of Health(NIH).  NIH gave the materials of both Unit 731 and A-bomb survivors data to the US military. 



Since 1955, Dr. Keizo Noheji, the former director of Tokyo Imperial University Epidemiology Laboratory, became the epidemiological director of ABCC, and since 1981, Dr. Itsuzo Shigematu became the director of RERF, the successor of ABCC.  We can see the strong personnel connection here from Unit 731 to ABCC (human experiment on A-bomb victims) through Tokyo University.



As I mentioned before, Professor Masahiro Kami and Dr. Masaharu Tsubokura from Tokyo University Medical Science Institute are conducting human experiment including children using WBC in Minamisoma city in Fukushima.  In his personal conversation, Professor Kami was saying, Minamisoma is at risk. In the future, Fukushima people may file a class action lawsuit. http://savekidsjapan.blogspot.jp/2013/01/vii.html



In addition, another prominent figure after Fukushima accident is an associate professor of Tokyo University Hospital Department of Radiology.  In his book, Truth on Radiation Exposure and Carcinogenesis, he states that there have been no health damages observed and will not be observed in Fukushima.  Since there are many scientifically doubtful points in his book, I sent him more than 100 questions, but none of them have been answered yet.  http://koukaishitsumon.blogspot.jp/



Historically, immuned Unit 731 members have ties with the society of radiation medicine.  For example, Dr. Masa Miyagawa, a leader of X-ray team, which conducted lethal dose irradiation on human experiment, became later became the leading professor of radiology class at Tokyo University Medical Department after the war.  Dr. Miyagawa denied radiation damages on fishermen other than the Fifth Lucky Dragon ship, though it was said that there were approximately 800 boats that were exposed to radiation from the H-bomb. 



Dr. Miyagawa, the former chief of X-ray group in Unit 731, later became the leading professor of radiology class at Tokyo University Medical Department and involved in the establishment of Nuclear Institute for Radiological Science (NIRS).  NIRS has been functioning as the organization to follow the pro-nuclear government policy, and the Japanese representative of UNSCEAR has been always NIRS member for the past half century.




Also, there are connections between Unit 731, ABCC, and Fukushima through famous universities. In Nagasaki, Dr. Ichiro Hayashi (Kyoto Imperial University, Nagasaki University), who conducted thousands of autopsy on fetus and babies of A-bomb survivors used to belong to Unit 731 and his master was Dr. Kenji Kiyono (Kyoto Imperial University), whose followers were Dr. Shiro Ishii (Kyoto Imperial University), the leader of Unit 731. 



Dr. Hayashis study was once cited in the film called, The World is Feared (Sekai wa Kyofu suru) (1957) in which the narrator said that 22.3% of babies born among A-bomb survivors had malformation while 8.7% among non-survivors.  However, this citation was denied by Dr. Hayashi himself and the genetic effects after Hiroshima and Nagasaki is said to have been not observed, which remains as a mystery.



また、731部隊長石井四郎の右腕であった内藤良一は、薬害エイズで2000人の血友病患者を感染させた日本ミドリ十字社の前身である日本ブラッドバンクの創設者であり、このミドリ十字社と厚生省がグルとなって薬害エイズ事件の原因となったことは有名です。Dr. Ryoichi Naito, a right-hand man of Unit 731 leader Dr. Shiro Ishii, is a founder of Japan Blood Bank, predecessor of Japan Green Cross, which caused the infection of HIV to thousands of hemophiliac patients in collusion with Ministry of Health.



It is amazing that Dr. Shunichi Yamashita, the leader of Fukushima Prefectural Health Examination was assigned as the leader of HIV infected hemophiliac patients just before the Fukushima nuclear accident took place.  In his report on the start of the HIV patients study, he said that this kind of mistake shall never take place, and immediately after that, he went to Fukushima Medical University responding to the nuclear accident to persuade the residents not to worry about radiation upto 100mSV.  My friend HIV patient is feeling strong resentment on Dr. Yamashitas behaviors saying, How could there be a medicine that does not focus on the health of people for the first place?” “I would never forgive any doctor to treat anybody as a specimen of human experiment



Today, various scholars and doctors from many famous universities and institutes, are using even pregnant women and children for their studies.  This is obviously a human experiment in the extended period of time span, and the history shows that this is not an exaggeration. 



In order to save the lives and health of children whose health have been deteriorating, I would like the people in the world to know the criminality of Japanese medical societies in the past and present.