C. cornix

speculation on the incredible inanity of being 

alternatively, you could just say you’re straight View high resolution

alternatively, you could just say you’re straight

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  3. ketchuppackets reblogged this from transboybeebo
  4. aliceopal reblogged this from muslimfeminist and added:
    except youre erasing an entire asexual identity???
  5. bradmoshpitt reblogged this from thrilliero
  6. emoweebtrash reblogged this from thrilliero
  7. battle-born reblogged this from cinderellainaparty-dress and added:
    They’re asexual, therefore, not straight.
  8. katrinajohnnie reblogged this from ahluwal1a
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  15. transboybeebo reblogged this from therunandwoah
  16. therunandwoah reblogged this from cardradio and added:
    okay but are you ignoring the asexual part? fucking christ as though we aren’t erased enough. imagine you switched...
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  22. catinaturtleneck reblogged this from muslimfeminist and added:
    Heteroaesthetic I am screaming
  23. p4vl0ve reblogged this from jegnekter
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