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[–]lucycohen [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

Most the pro-vaxx people are just paid to post propaganda, the MMR is one of the most dangerous jabs, I'd strongly recommend you don't risk leaving your little girl neurologically disabled. There are no diseases worth worrying about in the First World, whereas vaccines they carry serious risks. Here are two expert doctors who have not sold out to Big Pharma, they both explain why no vaccine is worth the risk.



I've watched so many parents see their child go vaccine-disabled e.g. Diabetes Type 1, Regressive Autism, Asthma, Motor Neurone Disease, MS, Muscle Wasting Diseases etc. These are the real things to be scared of, we shouldn't be scared of catching spots for one week and having a runny nose, that's not a real problem. The pharmaceuticals want you sick for life with a vaccine-induced disease, that way they get to sell you drugs for life.