genderqueermercury asked: May I ask for your opinion on the SU 'worst fandom' stuff? How do you feel about it?
I think it’s BS.
When Steven Universe fans start up a comic about Rose being a “funny” rapist which has 20k followers and which is viciously defended as “not actual rape” by its fans…
When underage people in the SU fandom are doxxed, sent rape/death threats, and stalked/harassed IRL for speaking out against Rose-the-laughable-rapist comic…
When Cartoon Network has to send a cease-and-desist letter to the Rose-the-laughable-rapist comic because they have become aware of how badly this comic tarnishes its image as a children’s cartoon…
When people feel they can’t even speak out about the problems in the fandom without being harassed/stalked/doxxed by its rabid fans…
When multiple Big Name Fans (BNFs) in the SU fandom are known for their pedophilia, rape art and sexual objectification of the characters in the show…
When you can only point to a tiny handful of BNFs who don’t excuse rape, sexual harassment, doxxing and death threats…
When fan-conventions for Steven Universe spring up but are not guaranteed to be safe for children to attend…
When actual claims of abuse/harassment in the fandom are shouted down so viciously that no one feels safe in reporting actual abuse happening at conventions…
When you can’t Google Steven Universe without finding porn or fetish material immediately and on every unrelated search you ever make…
When the fan-funded Steven Universe documentary offhandedly mentions masturbation and repeatedly insists that its fans are “totally not gay”, while showing zero gay fans in the entire bloated program…
When Steven Universe begins to add more and more pandering to its adult male fanbase in the show itself, while ignoring all of the negativity in the fandom…
When adult fans insist, without an ounce of irony, that this show should pander even more to them, despite being intended for children…
Then we’ll talk.
While bronies are collectively way, way worse than the SU fandom, even that massive (and entirely 100% accurate) list of indictments isn’t as bad as spawning Gamergate.
On the other hand, “not as bad as an actual fucking terrorist movement” is a pretty damn low bar to clear, and bronies should take no comfort from it.