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[–]RafaelSirah 408ポイント409ポイント  (31子コメント)

I'm very, very pro choice, but this article is toxic. It's full of the overly adversarial, condescending style found on the Internet that ruins any chance for a dialog between two sides.

It only alienates those who disagree with a point of view more while creating a circle jerk for those that share the viewpoint (which I am one of).

[–]:DRoy_Mustang1 -4ポイント-3ポイント  (30子コメント)

How else can you react when people believe such ridulous claims on the internet? There can be no dialog between people who hate women and their Rights and people who believe in Gender Equality.

[–]AlpacaCamel 16ポイント17ポイント  (29子コメント)

... So, are you saying that if one thinks that abortion is killing a child, then one hates women and their rights? That seems like a pretty big jump to me. How old are you?

[–]:DRoy_Mustang1 -8ポイント-7ポイント  (28子コメント)

Are you implying that a woman life should be tied to her ability to produce children and that if she doesn't want the child she has no right to say no? You definitely are an idiot.

[–]AlpacaCamel 12ポイント13ポイント  (27子コメント)

What? I didn't imply anything, I asked you a couple of questions; then had words put in my mouth/fingers, and then called an idiot.

[–]mMelatonin -1ポイント0ポイント  (8子コメント)

Why did you ask how old they were?

[–]AlpacaCamel 9ポイント10ポイント  (7子コメント)

To get my head around where they're coming from. Just seemed like a big jump in logic for me, and my assumption is that older people are more even keeled by and large, instead of "If you X then you Z." Their comment would have made more sense to me if they were say, sixteen, rather than forty.

[–]mMelatonin -3ポイント-2ポイント  (6子コメント)

It's not that big of logic leap of you know a lot about pro life groups though. Many may believe that the fetus is a full blown "life", but there's a heavy dose of woman hate. Plus it doesn't matter if the thing inside a woman is a life, it shouldn't take precedence over the woman's life, which many pro-lifers seem to think it does. They often view a child as a "punishment" for sex whether or not they come out and say those exact words (and many do). 9 months of pregnancy isn't just a cake walk where a baby magically materializes at the end, and often it can have lifelong emotional and physical consequences that can include death. It's not a huge leap to think a lot of pro-lifers hate women, or at the very least don't respect the autonomy of women. In the case of pro life women they've often either never been in the situation where they've had an unwanted pregnancy or they don't respect that other women will have a different situation than theirs.

I asked why you asked their age because it implied condescension. Just because someone is younger doesn't mean they don't have a reason for what they're saying. It's kinda shitty to mentally blow someone off just because they might be younger. It's shitty to blow them off even if they are, maybe they haven't learned how to articulate their thoughts yet. And before you ask my age for reference, I'm nearly 30.

Edit: if I come across angry I'm not trying to, so I apologize if I do. Just speculating about the age thing, I'm big into youth rights because I don't think we give kids and teens enough credit.

[–]AlpacaCamel 2ポイント3ポイント  (5子コメント)

Well, I'm not a "lifer" or a "choicer." I'm just trying to gain knowledge.

To me, it is a huge leap between "I don't want that thing I view as a baby to die" and "I hate women let's apply Saudi Arabian standards to women."

I should have worded the "how old are you" part more effectively, but my intent wasn't condescension. Sorry for offending you.

[–]mMelatonin 1ポイント2ポイント  (4子コメント)

Oh, I wasn't offended, I was just telling you that question could easily be viewed as being condescending, hence the reaction you got from someone else.

Like I said though, "pro life" often doesn't simply mean "I just don't want 'babies' to die". There's a lot of misogyny on that side of the argument. It starts at seeing a fertilized egg as more important than the life, sanity, and general well being of a woman. It's hard to have full respect for a woman if you think they should have to act as an incubator for another life. It's like saying I have to give up my kidney for a family member because they're a life. If the fetus is truly a person, then we have the right to remove that person from our bodies in the same way we would have the right to keep any other person from using our bodies.