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Personal information
When submitting screenshots remove profile pictures, all names, locations, usernames, and other personally identifiable information, including your own. Don't link directly to social media websites, except to share news articles.
Posts should cause viewers to facepalm. The following is not allowed:
- memes/macros
- obvious jokes/sarcasm
- grammar/spelling errors
- posts based on age
- posts about likes/shares/reposts, etc.
Bigotry is not tolerated, though facepalming at it is welcome. Do not ask for personal info, harass or stalk others, troll, or engage trolls.
Helpful tips
Use the report button!
Moderators can quickly take care of trolls, and remove offending posts and comments. [Sending us a modmail](link here) will get the offending content taken care of more quickly!
Text posts
Texts posts are only for discussions about the subreddit itself.
If you missed the section on PI, follow these guidelines and your post should fit facepalm's rules.
Redacting is easy with MSPaint!
Somewhat harder in android, using Photo Editor.
Plug-ins and Apps
This chrome add on allows you to take snapshots of facebook statuses, anonymize them, and upload them to imgur.
Social Fixer supports Chrome, Firefox, Safari, and Opera. It has similar functions to Status Snapper, asides from the automatic snapshot/upload. Please note while using Social fixer, that if you use the pseudonames, your post will be removed.
See all of the /r/facepalm submissions, formatted as a gallery.
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[–]basinx2 26ポイント27ポイント28ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]TotesMessenger [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)