全 14 件のコメント

[–]Greven132 10ポイント11ポイント  (7子コメント)

This subreddit used to be much more supportive and open to discussion than it is now

No, it really wasn't, it was just much smaller and had fewer "HOW DO I EDM. I HEAR SONGS IN MY HEAD BUT WHAT SOFTWARE DO I CLICK ON TO MAKE TRAC'S" posts years ago. The flood of new people who won't read the rules and don't know how to Google really dragged everything down.

This subreddit is a good place to kill time, but it is truly truly an awful place to learn anything about production.

The top posts currently:

  • Video game sound design (actually could be useful)
  • Someone mapped turtle-sex noises in a sampler and thinks this is worth sharing (it isn't)
  • "Hey guys, is using uncleared samples legal?" for the five-billionth time
  • "Hey guys, stop being mean to each other" for the three-billionth time
  • "Hey guys, is using uncleared samples legal?" for the five-billion-one-oneth time
  • A god-damn novel that basically comes down to "read the manual and learn how Google works"
  • "I didn't read the Ableton manual."

Etc, etc.

[–]statmarker 4ポイント5ポイント  (3子コメント)

Someone mapped turtle-sex noises in a sampler and thinks this is worth sharing (it isn't)

Yes, I agree. No fun allowed. Music is extremely super serious all the time.

[–]Greven132 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

No fun allowed. Music is extremely super serious all the time.

This subreddit is a good place to kill time, but it is truly truly an awful place to learn anything about production.

[–]ZephyruSOfficialhttps://soundcloud.com/zephyrusofficial 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Fair enough

[–]itsCaffeine& coffee! 🍵 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

This subreddit is a good place to kill time, but it is truly truly an awful place to learn anything about production.

You will find this on any production forum. 5% - 10% of the general userbase is actually competent at producing music. And when I say 'competent' I mean that very, very, very, loosely. It means that 90% - 95% of the userbase will give up naturally before they become competent and those users will be replaced with other new users. Forever driving a cycle of "Hey guys, is using uncleared samples legal?" posts.

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]3aglsoundcloud.com/e3aglmusic -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    FL vs Ableton and Mac vs PC arguments will always happen. The US has 2 major parties. "Everyone should just calm down and join the independent party!" It's not that simple. People are selfish and forget that others have different brains and work in different ways than they do, and try to force their ways onto others because it's "right" (for them, yes)

    Good mods are invisible but are active, and they do all the scut work that nobody praises them for. /r/edmproduction has surprisingly active mods, and they are pretty damn fair and do a good job of moderating such a subreddit. I hope you aren't bashing them sarcastically or otherwise, it seemed like you might be.

    [–]technicolorcoat 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I'd be happy to do a master on people's tracks and go through what I did on the master so that you can do it in your daw and get some practice.

    I'm not a 'professional' mastering engineer! Not today at least.

    [–]ZephyruSOfficialhttps://soundcloud.com/zephyrusofficial 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    That's very generous of you!

    [–]ZephyruSOfficialhttps://soundcloud.com/zephyrusofficial 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    It's important to keep in mind that there are no absolutes

    Only a sith deals in absolutes

    [–]graspee 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Or "A Jedi will never give you a firm answer". In fact a Jedi will often flat out use ambiguity to get away with misleading you, like Ben Kenobi on the subject of Luke's father.

    [–]SQLInjectionGoesHere 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    While I 100% agree with this, you gotta remember that this is the internet, and we're not living in a perfect world.

    This should be the goal, but it's highly unlikely.

    [–]RoketScience 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

    You need to take a moment and think of the people on this sub OP. There are people who have been producing for a decade, people who started producing last year, and people who just found edm yesterday.

    The problem that arises is that people don't know what google is. There might not be a "best" way to do anything, but you can find 1 million and one ways to try using google. The people that have been producing for a decade did their work. They took the time, did their research, and worked hard. Then people come on here and essentially ask people to do the work for them.

    Ex: "How do I make tracks that sound like Skrillex"

    Ex: "Can I use uncleared samples?"

    By making a post like this, you are doing nothing more than promoting that laziness. You are making people think that they're right and others are wrong, which 99% of the time is opposite of the truth. The people that respond to stupid questions (like the ones above) are the people who KNOW what they're talking about. They don't have to help you, if you think that instead of using XYZ you should use ABC go the fuck ahead. But don't post on here and then complain when you haven't done the work yourself and the free advice that you got wasn't satisfactory. Sorry OP, but you are part of the reason this sub is so hostile.

    EDIT: Added two sentences and formatting.

    [–]masteriskofficialwww.soundcloud.com/masterisk[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Lol check my posting history & my karma breakdown. I've been an active contributor for almost two years. I wrote this after being amazed at the reaction one of my posts got (pointed out a documented, verified bug in Ableton's stock EQs, the sub nearly lost their collective mind because EQs "don't work that way"). I gotta say, I genuinely have no idea why this post appears to you to contribute to hostility in this subreddit; but your "99% of people are wrong" comment makes me think you just might be the exact type of person this post is meant for.

    Edit: TL;DR I said (obvious paraphrasing) "have an open mind, you may not know the best way to do something" and you responded with "everyone is wrong 99% of the time". Think about it.

    [–]itsCaffeine& coffee! 🍵 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    I've been an active contributor for almost two years.

    Then it shouldn't come as a surprise to you since this sub has always been like this.