Culture You Sexually Harass Nadia, She’ll Message Your Wife

Ben | Monday, 20 July 2015 19:49
It’s not okay to sexually harass women on the internet. Capiche? The web is not some magical place where your words and actions have no consequences. And just because Nadia points out that she has nipples (like every other human on the planet), that doesn’t give you license to make creepy comments about them. Got it? Good.
Let’s meet the (latest) pervs:
Pervert #1:  Nick Napolitano
Sorry Nick, Nadia’s “flapjacks” aren’t for breakfast. Not for you, anyway.
Pervert #2: Ted Painter
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Awesome, we’ve come to terms with it, too. Consider yourself banned from Nadia’s page. There’s a whole world of pornography out there. Bitchin’ Kitchen ain’t part of it.
Pervert #3: David M. Britt
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First, you’re disgusting. Second, your grammar is terrible. Be ashamed on all fronts.
Pervert #4: John Butkus
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Um, no.
Righteous Pervert #5: Shawn Hill seems to think that just because a woman is sexy, she deserves to be disrespected… Its called #RapeCulture, look it up Shawny boy.
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So creepers, next time you think about making some snarky comment about a woman’s body on Nadia’s page, think again. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
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Oh, and here’s the album that was “asking for it”:
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Give Us Some Lurve



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  • KT Carroll
    Wow! Reading all of that I expected the photo to be a nude Nadia. Women in bathing sites are asking for it? I guess I should stop going swimming so I don't get raped? #rapeculture #sickening
  • Erik S. Borzage · Top Commenter · The Church of the SubGenius
    Much respect, Nadia for keeping it real.
    • Tom Jackson Jr. · Top Commenter
      Wow....even I know you don't say things like that to women.. on or offline. A: You may think you know them cause you see them online or on tv but you don't and B: It's just really creepy. There is no way any guy would go into a bar or club and pick up a woman like that and if a woman let's a guy do that then they have a low self-esteem. No woman should let any one talk to them like that. I think Nadia G is a badass who put these what I like to call " Mental Midgets" in their place. Keep on Rockin Nadia G .

      Love the shots in the water, very cool looking. Very tastful and awesome.
      • Claudine Nicol
        I think the pic is awesome. Whoever thinks it's sexual needs to go back into their cave.
      • Ron Green · Top Commenter
        I don't see a lot of common sense being displayed here. From anyone.
      • Owner Xero · York College of Pennsylvania
        I'm all for defending yourself and addressing sexist perverts but coming from a woman myself, I believe these articles are a little excessive and honestly, a bit of an overreaction based on the men's comments on this page. I also don't believe that the comments I saw are enough to corrupt a man's opportunities such as for job and college applications. Facilities would see this but probably wouldn't think too much of what they commented because they weren't aggressive or really all the perverted or sick. Posting these articles can also just make yourself look bad depending on what the comments were because it can make you look like a drama queen or even a bit of an attention seeker. I am more about equality than just feminism and many others are the same... The comments on this page just weren't all that graphic or even perverted... in my eyes. Everyone has a right to their own opinion so I do respect everyone's opinion on this and I hope that my opinions can be respected too. I just suggest not posting an article for every single comment that irks you because places and ppl may think twice about giving you opportunities because nobody wants to feel like they have to tiptoe around you or have to worry about accidentally setting you off and having an article written about them that is belittling you. You can be the bigger person and just block them and not care what anyone says about your appearance since the only thing that does matter is how you feel about yourself. To put into shorter terms, just calm down and only address more serious harassment like this and the lesser comments such as "nice flapjacks" should really just be ignored, deleted and blocked because they aren't grotesque or disrespectful enough to cause a scene. It just makes you look like someone that man and woman would want to avoid altogether because most ppl have better things to do and worry about than almost pointless drama. I apologize for my lack of grammar and poor explanation skills right now. I'm drowsy in bed while typing this. This really is a difficult topic to explain. I just feel that you look as immature as some of the men on this page... See More
      • Nathan Zahm · Technician at Leif's Auto Collision, Fuel & Service Centers
        Jesus. Yes, we know, Nads is gorgeous, but that does not give you the right to reduce her to a sex object and blast it all over the internet. This is the kind of behavior that turns a message board into a battle of the sexes. She should be celebrated for her wit, her talent, and her creativity, not told "hey sugar, nice tits" because she chose to show a tasteful photo to promote her band... For fucks sake.
        • Shawn Hill · Top Commenter
          yes because she posted pictures showing all of those things, oh except it didn't. It should two women in see-thru bathing suits swimming together. You can't post pictures online of yourself naked and then claim foul because you are seen as something sexual.
          Reply · Like
          · 4 · 20 hours ago
        • Charity Hullinger · Lineville-Clio High School
          Those swimsuits are see-through?? WTH! If those bathing suits are see-through, I'm the queen of England and I'm not. That photo was tasteful and beautiful. The problem is that women now a days can't post anything they are proud of without being judged. There is nothing sexual about that photo. Men need to realize women are not just an object to thought of sexually. Women are strong, beautiful, eloquent, and intelligent. You, sir, are an idiot, plain and simple.
          Reply · Like
          · 4 · 15 hours ago
        • Charity Hullinger · Lineville-Clio High School
          Oh, and much respect to Nadia for calling these 'men' out on their behavior.
          Reply · Like
          · 15 hours ago
      • Amy Grieve
        I bet they never seen that coming !! High five to u nadia. They have just been served :)
        • Cityus Villieus · Works at Indiana Department of Transportation
          The most hilarious thing is that you think you & your tiny blog article have the power to have any effect on these peoples lives. All you are doing is throwing a temper tantrum and name calling, and hoping your personal army of beta white nights comes to pamper you along the way. You have proven you are just an oversize child with a head full of SJW buzzwords.
          • Melani Reeko
            Again, I don't see anything wrong with this pic or any of the ones she posted with them floating in the water. I never said anything about posting nude pics. I must be missing something cuz I don't see her topless anywhere, Shawn Hill.


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