Culture You Sexually Harass Nadia, She’ll Message Your Wife
It’s not okay to sexually harass women on the internet. Capiche? The web is not some magical place where your words and actions have no consequences. And just because Nadia points out that she has nipples (like every other human on the planet), that doesn’t give you license to make creepy comments about them. Got it? Good.
Let’s meet the (latest) pervs:
Pervert #1: Nick Napolitano
Sorry Nick, Nadia’s “flapjacks” aren’t for breakfast. Not for you, anyway.
Pervert #2:
Ted Painter
Awesome, we’ve come to terms with it, too. Consider yourself banned from Nadia’s page. There’s a whole world of pornography out there. Bitchin’ Kitchen ain’t part of it.
Pervert #3:
David M. Britt
First, you’re disgusting. Second, your grammar is terrible. Be ashamed on all fronts.
Pervert #4:
John Butkus
Um, no.
Righteous Pervert #5:
Shawn Hill
seems to think that just because a woman is sexy, she deserves to be disrespected… Its called #RapeCulture, look it up Shawny boy.
So creepers, next time you think about making some snarky comment about a woman’s body on Nadia’s page, think again. Don’t say we didn’t warn you.
Oh, and
here’s the album
that was “asking for it”: