Submissions should involve the German military of WW2 somehow. Plain holocaust denial or white nationalism isn't Wehrabooism, but "Clean Wehrmacht" myth is.
Simply questioning Allied strategic bombing or saying the USSR did bad things during WW2 isn't Wehrabooism unless it's an attempt at tu quoque (a.k.a. whataboutism) in a wider discussion of Axis war crimes, or to establish false moral equivalency of allied activities with the Wehrmacht and Waffen-SS participation in the holocaust.
They're harder to find than Wehrmacht apologism, but "German engineering" techjerk submissions are strongly encouraged. Invincible German panzers, claims of Germany being a scientific superpower, exaggerations about achievements in military science, etc. should be the main focus of SWS if it's possible.
For "Clean Wehrmacht," no explanation is necessary. But for the "German engineering" jerk, explanations of why its bad military science/history are encouraged.
No vote brigading, no exceptions.
Links must contain the np prefix for non-participation ( Links that fail to abide by this rule will be removed and the submitter will be asked to resubmit.
This isn't a debate forum. You aren't invited to plead your case for why we've got it all wrong. This is a circlejerk, so either join in the mockery or move along.
YouTube comments are cheating.
Subreddits you might like:
Standard places to mine material:
Other stuff:
Wehraboo testimonials
"Holy shit, that sub is hilarious. All the self-righteousness and hatred of SRS, but focused on an even more obscure and less real thing to bitch about."
"That sub is fucking disgusting. They are mocking the deaths of innocent Germans."
"Jesus, so acknowledging that Nazi Germany had some advanced technology and was a super power now qualifies for that sub? It's a known fact that a lot of German technology was far superior than the rest of the world"
"Humanization of combatants? Brace yourself for /r/ShitWehraboosSay you evil nazi!"
[–]blackjacksandhookersSTGs would've stopped the Soviet horde 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]Repulsive_AnteaterCurtis LeMayMay was the real Hitler 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Mafaka322 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]elos_ [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)