全 15 件のコメント

[–]truthiesttruth 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

The situation sucks.

Assuming its not a scam:

I would not want my genetic offspring struggling, but at the same time the bitch he knocked up willfully chose to exclude him from the childs life, that includes financially. I dont buy that 'pay to raise the kid but gtfo if you actually want anything more to do with it' mentality society has granted women. He should have the right to sue mother cunt, shes the only person in this situation that deserves hate.

Then again it is team womyn over in that shitdump subreddit, so I am not surprised.

If it is a scam: lols.

[–]anomanderrape[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The mother didn't contact him for 15 years. If she is his daughter, he already missed out on the most pivotal years of her life and on raising her. At this point he's nothing more than a sperm donor, so he owes them nothing. If they want him to pay up, they should have atleast tried to involve him as a father when she was born. He owes her nothing. The only link he has with her is genetic material by chance. Are the women in /r/relationships next going to demand that all sperm donors pay up? I'm sure they will one day.

[–]RPthrowaway123 9ポイント10ポイント  (3子コメント)

I love how a man's past is totally relevant, but a woman's past "has nothing to do with who I am now!!1" It's such a bullshit double standard. fuck, shit like this pisses me off.

All these people calling him a piece of shit for literally doing what women do all the fucking time - try to ignore their past while they build something in the present.

[–]anomanderrape[S] 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

Yep, can you imagine if a guy refused to date a girl who had 5 abortions in the past or who had anonymously dropped him off at an orphanage and never given him so much as a cent or a post card his entire life. "HOW DARE YOU ITS MY BODY YOU CAN'T JUDGE ME ITS MY BODY ITS IN THE PAST I WASN'T READY"

[–]RPthrowaway123 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's very similar to the man not having the right to financially abort a child if a woman decides she is having it without his consent/against his will. Men are expected to be the world's god damn piggy bank. I hope someday that men say enough is enough about this shit.

Where is the girl's mother in all of this? What about this situation makes people think that him being involved in her life would even be a positive thing for either of them? They literally want him to just give her money so that she will shut up.

[–]5 Endorsed ContributorStayinghereforreal 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

If a kid showed up at a woman's house, having been left at the hospital years ago by the birth mother, my guess is those same posters would not be insisting that "mom" open up her checkbook without restraint.

Nah. There would be plenty of empathizing with the "mom" who made a painful decision--likely because of a man, of course--to leave the child, and that was something we cannot judge her about. Because obviously the "mom" only did that because of some external force making her do so.

And now the "mom" should not be expected to provide money, because there must be a man or some men out there who should be held to account for all this.

Etc. r/ relationships is particularly prone to such lopsidedness in such matters.

[–]∞ Mod | RP Vanguard | Senior Contributorbsutansalt 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Etc. r/ relationships is particularly prone to such lopsidedness in such matters.

It's why /r/RelationshipsUncut exists.

[–]Talon1212 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

Eh the whole situation sucks to be honest. Looks like theres no winner here.

[–]Sheeni_curse 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You guys are missing the point. Everyone is raging because he's an absent father (not a deadbeat, the mother obviously didn't want any financial support or contact, good for her) that is looking for sympathy that his abandoned child is pissed at him.

As the son of an absent-ish father, the only part that pissed me off is that he's scared about his money but played it off as if he felt attacked by a 15 year old. All men's rights issues aside, the mom did right by the father for not going after his money, the daughter is rightfully pissed, and the dad is a greedy flake.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well why wouldn't women want this? It's a lovely little ka-ching for them if they find out their Mom cucked their dad and it's a load off for when their daughter figures out that daddy was cucked. A woman get the finances of two fathers, her daughter gets the financing of two fathers, and everyone wins! Well, at least everyone that feminists consider to be human.

[–]perplexedm 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Help with college tuition, pay child support, throw cash at the "problem" if he can't be a dad.

World already learned things does not work that way.

Life is expensive and the kid didn't ask to be born.

There is some point into this. But, what about her mother? If she created a good rapo and asked for assistance, that father would have definitely helped and must do it without second thoughts.

btw, problem here is that new age empowered womyn starting to blackmail men at their whims with the help of law and authorities. Feminists destroyed trustworthy human relationships; now normal people are suffering for it. Men who worked hard to earn his money will work extra hard to keep it safe.

Hope this man keep his senses.

[–]Chinkibus 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Everyone is attacking this guy for not giving money to a stranger. You don't give money to every stranger that calls you a dick on the internet

[–]RedSugarPill 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

the kid didn't ask to be born.

Boo hoo hoo... every kid says that to his/her parents when they are teens. Welcome to life kid. It gets worse (but for you, it'll get better for oh, about 10-15 years, then it will suck again. Buckle up and enjoy the ride!

[–]BattleDrillOneAlpha 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Honestly, the guy was a dumb ass when he was younger. He was immature and decided that the "out of sight, out of mind" approach was better than knowing for sure that the kid is his or even if the kid was born. Now he has to deal with the consequences.

With that being said, if you read the first post, you will know why these women hate him so much and aren't giving him any advice being telling him that he is a shit father for his 3 year old son. He was the "douchebag" rocker that a lot of these chicks fell for and got dumped by, or the archetype of the guys they all wanted to hate. He epitomizes everything that these Reddit crusaders have conditioned themselves to not like.

Being that it is the Relationships sub, it is full of females that love "sorting out" these problems. They all seem to forget the mother's role. She was a groupie for a shitty rock band that never made it; that tells you something about her. While the OP made mistakes, the mother also made some big mistakes by never contacting OP again, even after he said he didn't want anything to do with a kid at that time. She still should have told him that the baby was in fact born and that he needed to sign the birth certificate or w/e. She should have made sure that he knew and was liable to for support.

Instead the mother probably sulked and said "woe is me". She probably had religious convictions or something that stopped her from getting an abortion, so she had the child. Rationalizing that the OP didn't want anything to do with the child after the initial shock and awe conversation they had, she never went to him. The mother spins that story for 15 years, it is now the father's fault 100%, and you know have a teenage girl that only knows what the mother said of him.

Both sides did wrong. But I think it is insensitive and stupid for the people in that sub to act like OP is somehow a terrible father or selfish. All he wants is for his current family to function. He should confront this situation head on, get a paternity test, keep seeing his lawyer, and deal with any consequences because really that is the only thing that will settle this.