Summary: Beware who your real friends are, as you change and improve, you'll need to find new friends.
Intro: I will make an assumption here that the vast majority of readers in this sub are like me, not born Red Pill, they were Blue Pill brainwashed, until one day we stumbled across TRP, swallowed it, and now we are all at different degree of RedPill-ness.
This is my story, edited and details changed to protect privacy: as part of my transformation from my pre-TRP to my post-TRP I have made dramatic changes in my career. My new career path is a lot more creative, focusing on doing what I love, and a lot less focusing on making a lot of money. In my prior career I was focused on making a lot of money, the American dream, and I was successful at it. Looking in retrospect it was partially due to my Blue Pill brainwashing, I wanted to be a provider in order to attract women too. And I was successful at that as well, having been married twice, and divorced twice; and as a successful PUA I had my fair share of women, but inevitably most of them saw me as a good provider and that lead to disaster, since it was no my intention; and no matter what I said, that's what they saw in me.
I was always involved in the creative environment and the creative business, but I was always on the business side, and business driven. My circle of friends and business acquaintances have always included a fair amount of creatives, some successful, some mildly successful, and some struggling.
For the past year or so I am a creative myself, and since I entered the field hungry for work, with many years of business experience, and the special Red Pill confidence, in a very short time I have had some successes: clients/sales, awards, local industry recognition; and while is not much, some of my creative "friends" who have been doing this for a long time have never achieved what I have been able to achieve in such a short time, and with no formal creative education (I do have an MBA). I am not bragging, not humblebragging, I consider my results so far modest yet encouraging; linked mostly to my working very hard and working long hours like I used to do when I was working in a corporate office: 60+ hours per week.
None of my "friends" have come to any of my events, very few of them even acknowledge me or my work on social media, mostly is complete radio silence. A few have made comments of their frustration with my mild success. And these are people that throughout the years I have supported in their efforts and endeavors, at times even financially.
On the other hand, new friends have appeared on the scene, distant acquaintances have become close, friends of friends have also become new friends as well as strangers coming out from the left field are now new friends.
And it all make sense. Someone on this sub once said "Your friend will want you to do well, but not better than them" and Tony Robbins says that once you start improving yourself, your friends are not going to like it, since you're elevating yourself, and they like you at the same level where you are now, their level, because they are afraid that they will lose you, and they are also afraid that your success will expose their ineptitude to do anything to improve.
I have witnessed that. There are friends that I have not heard from in months, and while I have made efforts to reach out to them as usual I get the radio silence or the "I'm busy" reply.
Conclusion: as you change and improve, everything will change and improve, including the people that you hang out with, and the people that you call your friends. You have no choice, and it's good that way.
TL;DR: Your friend will want you to do well, but not better than them. As you change on TRP path, you'll find new friends.
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