

excuse me.
But the minimum wage is set for teenagers with first jobs/ college students TO GET EXPERIENCE. Because a higher paying job isn’t going to higher you unless ypu have experience. AND YOU GET THAT EXPERIENCE BY WORKING AT MINIMUM PAYING JOBS. and the higher paying jobs are harder jobs which is why they get more money.
If you raise the minimum wage, then companies wont have the money to pay more employees so they look for the people with the most experience…
So if companies can only higher people with experience and you dont have any because companies DONT HAVE THE MONEY TO PAY YOU??
well then you are never going to get a job.
And when the minimum wage goes up, the price of everything goes up.
And then we have the minimum wage earners complaining again.
So stop saying that the minimum wage needs to be raised because it doesnt.
What needs to happen is we need a better economy and thanks to obama, thats not going to happen for a while because obama doesn’t know what hes doing.
So if you want to make more money, get experience and a better paying job.

You’re a shitty economist buddy.

Less than 15% of minimum wage worker’s are teenagers (age 14-19), the rest are adults aged 20 and over (85.7%). So lets stop pretending that these jobs are meant for students. The economy is shit and unfortunately, people have to settle for low wages because the alternative often is unemployment.

Higher paying jobs doesn’t equate to ‘harder jobs’. Often, the higher a position is, the less labor you are required to do.

“And when the minimum wage goes up, the price of everything goes up.”

Inflation doesn’t necessarily work that way. Obviously, you’re just regurgitating the bullshit theories conservatives spew out while disregarding the statistics and history that proves otherwise. But since you’re using that argument, why not raise the minimum wage with the rise of inflation? Or productivity even?

If we had raised the minimum wage with the rise of productivity since 1968, it would currently be $21.72. In other words, we are creating far more and producing more profit for corporations, while being paid for a third of what we use to.

What do you have to say about that?

And raising the minimum wage to $10.10 will raise 1.7 million families out of poverty and reduce the need for them to use public assistance, saving the federal government $7.6 billion per year. Would you say you’re you against that?

The current federal minimum wage is $7.25. In none of the 50 states is that enough money to pay the average rent for a 2-bedroom apartment.

The minimum wage used to be able to keep a family of 3 above the poverty line. Now, the minimum wage can’t even keep a single parent working 40 hours a week, for an entire year without a single day off, above the poverty line.

When you raise the minimum wage, you’re putting more money into the pockets of the lower/working class. Their money is directly put back into the economy when the buy food, pay bills and generally spend their money. As oppose to higher paid people who have the luxury of saving their earnings. That means that businesses will generally make more money because the working class has more money to spend.

That’s my argument for raising the minimum wage, I would love to see your attempt to counter it.

Can we throw the whole “fat guy with a monacle representing rich people” in the fucking trash? Most fat people are low-income, working those same minimum wage jobs that you want a raise for, but you actively disrespect them by associating fatness with wealth and greed. Thinness is a status symbol, this isn’t the 1920’s! If rich people were fat and poor people were thin, everyone would be trying to be fat. Update your shit and stop being fatphobic while pretending to care about low-income people.

(via knowledgeequalsblackpower)

Source: occupyallstreets
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