Okay. I just got a bit defensive because of her wording, with "who even says that anymore" like. Tons of poc activists? Tons of people who have to think critically about race and know the derailing tactics of white people in order to try and stop them? But you're probably right, and she probably didn't mean any harm.

You should talk to her about it.  Personally, I’ve really never seen anyone use the phrase ‘white guilt’ except literal neo-nazis, in reference to white people who are anti-racism.  Like I’ve straight-up been told by racists I have ‘white guilt’ simply when I point out racism exists or is a problem.  But it sounds like it’s used in PoC/activist circles to describe a totally different and legit issue of white derailment. So thanks for the heads up about it.  I’ll keep that in mind if the phrase comes up again.