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[–]jihad_dildo 24ポイント25ポイント  (16子コメント)

Your tree experiment is still flawed. You can see that the moment you place down the BLUFOR unit, the CSAT unit goes prone and is aware of the presence of the enemy through the trunk of the tree. Even the BLUFOR unit becomes aware of the position of the CSAT unit and goes prone facing the CSAT soldier. When you give the order to move pass the tree you can see for a fraction of a second that the CSAT soldier is tracking his movement through the tree. His lower back slightly moves but his head and weapon are obscured by the tree.

I suggest you re-do that part of the experiment with the camera angle that shows both the soldiers. I am assuming that the CSAT soldier is able to hear the footsteps of the BLUFOR unit.

[–]Simon-ARK[S] 23ポイント24ポイント  (15子コメント)

Part of this (at least from the perspective of the CSAT soldier) can be explained by the fact that AI can hear. They are aware of footsteps in the nearby area.

I have a theory which explains the behaviour of the BLUEFOR unit but we'll need a dev to either disprove or support me.

Part of A2's issue with AI was that they were so slow to respond to anything. If they weren't already facing you, it could take them a good 30 seconds to turn and face you before they started shooting. I suspect that the AI default behaviour in A3 is to face nearby units even if they aren't "aware" of them so that they are ready to shoot when they are seen.

You'll notice that even though the BLUEFOR was watching the CSAT soldier throught the tree, he wasn't aware of his presence and was happy to run to his death.

[–]jihad_dildo 14ポイント15ポイント  (13子コメント)

I just repeated the experiment. The AI is indeed tracking the unit through the tree trunk. I changed perspective to the CSAT and his upper body does indeed move with respective to the soldier running. Now like you I assumed, yes he must be hearing the footsteps. So I move him far away out of hearing and repeated the experiment. The CSAT guy still tracked him through the tree, even going far as to scan the views on the side of the trunk anticipating the BLUFOR unit to appear, then resetting his view back on the enemy when he didnt appear.

Something is indeed flawed for the trees.

[–]ppitm 17ポイント18ポイント  (11子コメント)

He's NOT tracking the unit. He is making simply using intertial logic to guess where the unit will be. When the predictions do not square with observed reality, the AI goes back to looking at the last observed position.

[–]codeocho 4ポイント5ポイント  (4子コメント)

The AI shouldn't be making 'intertial logic' assumptions if the other AI is further away and can't be heard.

[–]SoloWingPixy1 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

I think this is a tough call to make as the ability to hear things can greatly vary. At times we can hear small noises from large distances and others not so well. In reality I believe these are affected by lots of factors like surface densities, terrain, properties of certain materials in relation to sound reflection, etc. . I imagine trying to model all of this in ArmA would take a big chunk of the processing power budget.

[–]KennethR8 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

But that was the point of /u/jihad_dildo's (Seriously?) experiment, he moved the AI to a point where neither should be able to hear the other. Furthermore, in the video from /u/Simon-ARK did you notice that not only did the OPFOR unit become aware of the movements of the BLUFOR unit (which could be attributed to footsteps) but the BLUFOR unit also became aware of the OPFOR unit and went prone.

[–]jihad_dildo 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

Here's something you can try to confirm it. Just silently delete the BLUFOR unit while still being obscured and out of hearing. After a few seconds, the CSAT will stand up and become relaxed. This is the most ridiculous part I've discovered so far.

[–]KennethR8 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

As far as I know (untestet, currently) the AI does that regardless of the amount of cover the other unit is in.

[–]KennethR8 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The point is the AI should have a "last observed position" since he's been out of his sight and earshot the entire time.

[–]Throwaway5284957248 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

Speaking of squares and movement predictions:

You know about the red square marking the unit you're supposed to shoot at once you're assigned a target by your group leader? Did you ever notice how you can go behind a bush while the enemy is still moving and the square will continue moving, but once you get of concealment and you see the enemy he's in a different place?

The AI uses the exact same logic to predict movement. I'm sure that if you repeated it a large distance (over 200 meters) you'd notice the AI will still keep moving once the other unit has stopped.

[–]ppitm 12ポイント13ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I'm pretty sure everyone notices that red targeting square moving through buildings and hills within their first 5 hours of gameplay. Not to mention phantom contacts on the map.

It doesn't take more than a modicum of intellectual curiosity and honest observation to see how the spotting system works. Of course, most player are too butthurt about being shot all the time to bother, and whine about the cheating AI.

[–]jihad_dildo 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

That would be understandable if the AI cannot accurately pinpoint an enemy's location. But in repeated experiments, the AI continues to 'see' the enemy through the tree which shouldn't happen. Even the BLUFOR unit repeatedly goes to prone after moving to another spot.

If that still didn't convince you, silently delete either one of the units without moving them for a while. The other unit will go to a relaxed stance after a few seconds. This should not happen. It proves that AI can indeed see through trees. But their programmed logic system clashes with it giving you the impression that they are merely predicting movements.

[–]ppitm 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's entirely possible that this specific tree trunk is glitched (as Chernarus tree trunks were). But the AI works just fine with bushes and solid objects.

Upload the mission or at least a location reference to the tree and it will be easier to test. After all, the place to write about this is the bugtracker, not Reddit.

[–]KennethR8 -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

This phenomenon has already been tested and observed with various trees however I do believe that more testing should be done with other forms of cover/concealment.

On a separate note is there already a relevant bug tracker report for this specific issue, all I could fine were non-specific ones on getting shot through vegetation which were generally able to be attributed to movement predictions.

[–]unkillable94 -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Objects in general can be seen through by AI. I played the adapt campaign recently and it was much more difficult than when I first played it when it came out. In the convoy ambush the MG engaged me from 200 meters while I was in a building 100 meters back from the road in the center of the room prone.