PalestineIntifada 内の ZachofFables によるリンク Changing the Appearance of this Subreddit Won't Change Its Hateful Nature

[–]FAREEQAWAL [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

No, it means "shaking off" the way a bull shakes off a fly

OK. "shaking off" Israeli oppression sure. But, your metaphor is just that. Your metaphor.

Because that's how Palestinians see Jews: as flies to be thrown away.

Well, that is not how I feel, if this is what you believe.

This isn't about you. This is about them. Namely the people you are trying to deny their human rights, namely the right of self-determination.

There will still be self-determination for both Israelis and Palestinians under one confederate country. Please don't deny the fact that you approve of the current Israeli military dictatorship Palestinians are suffering from.

PalestineIntifada 内の ZachofFables によるリンク Changing the Appearance of this Subreddit Won't Change Its Hateful Nature

[–]FAREEQAWAL 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

This just shows how ignorant you are...

Intifada's meaning is uprising against Israeli oppression. It's just like the US civil movement of the 1960's and the violence that has purpotrated from this is due to the prejudice of the oppressor attempting to silence the oppressed.

Let's be honest now /u/ZachofFables. You oppose a one state solution, don't you? You support the continued land grab of peoples homes, aren't you? You support the continue ongoing military rule of WB and blockade of Gaza, don't you?

Regardless of how other Israeli or Palestinian feel about each other right now is irrelevant to my dream of a free confederate nation. I never claimed it's going to be easy or blood free. I never claimed to want to "cleanse" Israel of all the Jews? In fact, I've always encourage the necessity of maintaining heavy Jewish presence as there should be. I simply oppose the "cleansing" of the Palestinian presence and I fully support that Palestinians should have the exact same rights as any Israeli from river to the sea, which we are currently being denied.

It is my opinion that it is you sir, who is opposed to any fair solution that would grant Palestinians any rights, and the proposed 2 state solution, which is what I believe you support , is simply another form of apartheid and further collective punishment via a second open air prison, hidden as a trojan horse, via the dangling carrots.

What hurts me even more about this 2 state solution is the fact that so many westerners and even the majority of the Palestinians support this fairy tale idea of an independent Palestine, which I know is a farce and a recipe for a bigger disaster.

Palestine 内の AndSoItIs9 によるリンク "Today, no Arab feels safe in his country [because of ISIS]. Ironically, the sole exceptions are Palestinians in the West Bank because they know Israel will defend them if ISIS attacks."

[–]FAREEQAWAL 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Putting the occupation aside, I'm wondering if WB residents feel safe(r) knowing that they are protected from this deadly organization.

Well this is it. Our feeling is if there is an attack by ISIS, the battles will be fought in the WB, where many people will be placed in harm's way.

WWE 内の m0nst3r666 によるリンク If anyone has met Brock Lesnar can they tell me what he is like in person?

[–]FAREEQAWAL 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I met him several years ago shortly after he lost to Cain Velasquez. He didn't say too much. He was very quiet and wasn't too keen on talking to me. I think I intimidated him... ;p

arabs 内の ub3rm3nsch によるリンク Public Service announcement: Moderator /u/WiseCynic at /r/Palestine knows NOTHING about Palestine and is CENSORING content related to the occupation

[–]FAREEQAWAL 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

As a mod of /r/Palestine, who hasn't even had a chance to read or digest all this information, has to point out that the message he sent to the mod PM regarding this issue was an hour ago.

Palestine 内の AndSoItIs9 によるリンク "Today, no Arab feels safe in his country [because of ISIS]. Ironically, the sole exceptions are Palestinians in the West Bank because they know Israel will defend them if ISIS attacks."

[–]FAREEQAWAL 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

As a seasonal resident of the West Bank, I can tell you that our impression is that Israels first ground rule of defense would be to protect the Israeli settlements and Jerusalem first. If that means for IDF to battle ISIS within the PA territories, with little or no regards to civilian casualties and collateral damage well then so be it, providing ISIS is stopped before reaching the settlements and/or Jerusalem.

Also, because of the occupation, isn't it Israels responsibility to protect WB and Gaza?

PalestineIntifada 内の FAREEQAWAL によるリンク State of affairs for /r/PalestineIntifada

[–]FAREEQAWAL[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I understand that. I was more interested in the censorship of that thread more then anything.

Palestine 内の MrBoonio によるリンク Palestine pub crawl: Meet the brewmaster brothers who want to get the West Bank hooked on craft beer

[–]FAREEQAWAL 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

And, since this article gives the impression like there are no microbreweries in the Middle-east, here is a list of the top 10 microbreweries in Israel (hopefully the mods are in the mood for a little co-existence through the power of beer)'s a full guide, just recently made by some dude

Thanks for the list.

I knew Israel have tons of Microbreweries, as I often go to them while I'm in Israel. While I love the craft brew in Israel, I would love the try the Palestinians one as well.

Palestine 内の MrBoonio によるリンク Gaza City Like You've Never Seen Before

[–]FAREEQAWAL 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Exactly. Great post! No matter what shit is flowed your way, people will always find a way to make a bad situation better. Palestinians are well known for that!

PalestineIntifada 内の FAREEQAWAL によるリンク State of affairs for /r/PalestineIntifada

[–]FAREEQAWAL[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I couldn't help but start to dress this place up... If anyone has any suggestions please feel free to post.

Palestine 内の Posdead によるリンク Meet up in Palestine 24th Of July In Bethlehem (Hosh Yasmeen in Beit jala)

[–]FAREEQAWAL 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I will sticky this, until Friday... Have fun guys! We look forward, to hearing about the meetup.

Palestine 内の laur7620 によるリンク Israeli Barcodes to Boycott

[–]FAREEQAWAL 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I am a Red Hat kind of guy myself.

canada 内の Ecoste によるリンク Thanks Rogers!

[–]FAREEQAWAL 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I say Scarborough.

Palestine 内の Posdead によるリンク Meetup in Palestine

[–]FAREEQAWAL 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, it's just all bad timing for me.

PalestineIntifada 内の PalestineFacts によるリンク When Israel is involved, the victim is ALWAYS blamed: Israel's occupation is the problem, not the child with a stone

[–]FAREEQAWAL 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Would you like me to post a screenshot of a mods screen to prove your lie? Seriously dude. The only person looking bad is you an your BS attempt at discrediting this sub. Just stop it!

Palestine 内の Posdead によるリンク Meetup in Palestine

[–]FAREEQAWAL 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

No, I had something unexpected happen that needs my full attention.

Sorry guys.