Editor’s Note…

Read Velikovsky’s classic masterpiece “Worlds in Collision [PDF Link]” to get the subconscious mytho-hystorical background behind the significance of the recent convergence of Venus and Jupiter. Read also these earlier reports we published during the previous blood moons for further background on the subject:


1913 Intel

The excerpt below is from an article written by Jim Dodge. Jim is an expert of the Star of Bethlehem. And now we will see the reappearance of the Bethlehem Star on 30 June 2015 – now called the Messiah’s Star.

“It should be obvious from the locations of these two appearances…that the 2015 appearance of the Messiah’s star is God’s heavenly sign of warning for America, because just like Israel when Jesus Christ came the first time, America has turned its back on the very God who made us great and showered us with blessings. Today, America has rejected God.”

“… this tetrad of eclipses might mean for Israel.”

Thoughts on the Prophetic Implications of the 2014-15 Blood Moon Tetrad with respect to Israel, the 30 June 2015 Appearance of the Messiah’s star with respect to the United States and the timing for these heavenly appearances in this Season of the Lord’s Return

As the prophetic signs pointing to the soon return of Christ and the incredibly fluid state of world affairs appears to be converging in climactic fashion to bring about the end of this age as we know it, I have been humbled and moved with a sense of urgency, like a Watchman on the wall, to share recent discoveries about the current and pending appearances of two of God’s heavenly signs and what they might mean today for Israel and America in God’s end time plan. While many in the Bible prophecy world are aware of the appearance of a tetrad of lunar eclipses falling on the 2014-15 Jewish feasts of Passover and Tabernacles, few have any idea of what significance, if any, this tetrad of eclipses might mean for Israel. This in part is because many, if not most, prophecy experts regard these stellar appearances as mere coincidence, especially since heavenly signs appear to have little basis in scripture to connect them with end time prophecy. Even fewer people are aware that a remarkably rare reappearance of the Christmas or Messiah’s star will take place on the evening of 30 June 2015 during what appears to be a critical point in America’s march towards its end-time destiny. Is the reappearance of this heavenly sign also just a coincidence that should be disregarded because it has not been specifically revealed in the Bible?

The difference in the attitude of our nation and its leaders then and now is striking. Today, as is clearly revealed in Appendix I, America has fallen to the point where “the wound cannot be healed”. Over the past few decades it has elected the leaders it deserves; leaders who today shake their fists at God in defiance. Now America faces God’s wrath. The pending sign of the Messiah’s star has clearly become a
sign of warning and if events in the timeline above for the 2014-15 Tetrad come to pass, America will indeed become greatly diminished and will cease to play a significant role in the remainder of God’s Plan for the Ages. We are truly living on borrowed time.

If you have doubts about what the star might mean or if the Messiah’s star is even real, consider taking the time to confirm for yourself this upcoming incredible revelation of God’s glory. Venus has been appearing as the evening star in the western sky around the world since this past January. By mid June, Venus and Jupiter will be clearly visible shortly after sunset as they begin to merge in the Constellation Leo (Lion of the Tribe of Judah). Pay particular attention to the brightness of the individual planets a few days before the conjunction (pick the same time each evening to observe them – for example, 9:00 PM). That way you will be able to see the significant change in the star’s appearance and brightness when it becomes the Messiah’s star on the evening of June 30th. Incredibly, the conjunction reaches its closest point of approach between the planets by about 6 PM in the Eastern U.S. and it will remain in conjunction for about 10 hours. Thus, the 2015 Christmas star will be visible for a little more than 2 hours (from 8-10:30 PM) across the entire Western Hemisphere (from Bermuda to Hawaii). Two thousand years ago it was visible across the entire Old World (from China to Western Europe) and Israel, for about three hours. It should be obvious from the locations of these two appearances…that the 2015 appearance of the Messiah’s star is God’s heavenly sign of warning for America, because just like Israel when Jesus Christ came the first time, America has turned its back on the very God who made us great and showered us with blessings. Today, America has rejected God.

Jim believes the tetrad is for Israel and the Messiah’ star is for America. In my article below, I discuss how a war (nuclear war) involving Israel is a warning sign that impending doom is coming to America. While Israel’s outcome will be favorable, America’s will be catastrophic: America in Bible Prophecy: Three Biblical Signs of Impending Doom on America | 1913 Intel