So, not only are they simply erasing a key personality aspect of such an iconic character, they are specifying they they are simply erasing a key aspect of such an iconic character.They felt the need to actively say “No, no this character wont have Schizophrenia anymore.” Why did they have to do that?? Rub salt in the wound?
When will people realize that Schizophrenia is a real goddamn mental illness, and that erasing it from media will not erase it from reality. Deadpool has always had Schizophrenia, its a known fact, why did they feel the need to backtrack and declare that their Deadpool isnt “insane” like that?
Ill fucking tell you why.
Because the stigma against mental illness is still fucking huge. Its great that society is starting to broaden their acceptance of illnesses such as Depression and Bipolar Disorder, but illnesses such as Schizophrenia are still being veiwed as “too crazy.” People need to fucking learn and accept that having and living with Schizophrenia does not make you “insane” or “crazy,” not in the ways that stereotypes dictate. Its a treatable disease, and hundreds of thousands of people live with it every day, and hundreds of thousands of people are just trying to go about their lives.
But no, these absolutely fuckwads had to take away one of the most iconic characters who has Schizophrenia.
The only possible silver lining I can scrap from the bottom of the barrel is at least now they wont be able to fuck up their representation.Im so fucking mad.
these people ACTIVELY SAID “Oh, hes going to be crazy, but not THAT crazy, oh haha nooo” like what the actual FUCK
Go fuck yourselvesso in addition to erasing his pansexuality, they’re erasing his mental illness. fuck I’m so fucking angry.
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Maybe we shouldn’t even watch movies if they won’t even fucking acknowledge character traits, especially ones with...
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More and more disappointed as this goes on.
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