Come one, come all, to the Circus of Bad History! Bottles at the ready, gang, we're in for a bumpy ride...
It's been a rough day for Her Maj, after that bastion of high quality press, The Sun, printed an incriminating video showing her, aged 6 or 7, giving a Nazi salute with her Uncle, Prince Edward (Edward VIII), a known Nazi sympathiser.
Naturally, there's been a lot of debate as to whether this was appropriate and there's a UK based left wing blogger who I follow on Facebook called 'Another Angry Voice' who pitched their hat into the ring with this post, making the perfectly valid point that it's probably a bit rich to criticise someone for things they did when they were 6 and an adult told them to do it.
However, that is not the Bad History/Bad Linguistics we're here to criticise. Instead, it comes from this steaming pile of crap found in the comments, which I shall reproduce in full so you may all bask in its glory:
We have to understand exactly what was / is meant by the term "nazi". The word Nazi (from Hebrew Nasi meaning “Knight”) came to be used in 1933, as the 'official' new name of 'The National Socialist German Workers Party' (The Nazi Party). The word (Nazi or Nasi), dates back to the time of the Sanhedrin councils of Palestine, first formed by the Romans in the 1st Century BCE. To members of modern Judaism, the Nasi were the appointed spiritual leaders of the Sanhedrin of the office of Nasi and the bloodline of the Rabbinical Scholars of the House of Hillel.
The Nazi SS also known as "SS" is a shortened name for the "Knights of the Holy See" and is/was a Roman Catholic spiritual and military order first formed in 1933. It was based completely upon the Jesuit order structure, upon the signing of the "sacred" Reich Concordat between Franz von Papen (on behalf of Nazi Germany) and Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli (Pope Pius XII). - Interesting when you connect the dots to the British (and other European) Royals, isn't it....
... wut?
But, seriously. What? What did I just read?
Taking it point by point:
We have to understand exactly what was / is meant by the term "nazi". The word Nazi (from Hebrew Nasi meaning “Knight”) came to be used in 1933, as the 'official' new name of 'The National Socialist German Workers Party' (The Nazi Party).
Nope. The word 'Nazi' is formed by a contraction of the German 'National Sozialistisch' (National Socialist).
The word (Nazi or Nasi), dates back to the time of the Sanhedrin councils of Palestine, first formed by the Romans in the 1st Century BCE. To members of modern Judaism, the Nasi were the appointed spiritual leaders of the Sanhedrin of the office of Nasi and the bloodline of the Rabbinical Scholars of the House of Hillel.
Also nope. The word nasi appears in the Masoeretic text of the Hebrew Bible (132 times, no less), with the Aleppo Codex dating back to 10th Century BCE, a good 4 centuries before the Roman Republic was even founded! The Romans did not found the Sanhedrin Councils, though they did recognise the Nasi as Patriach of the Jews and required Jews to pay taxes for upkeep of that office.
But somehow, it gets worse!
The Nazi SS also known as "SS" is a shortened name for the "Knights of the Holy See" and is/was a Roman Catholic spiritual and military order first formed in 1933.
This is so unbelievably counter-factual, I genuinely wonder whether this is an elaborate troll but I've seen people say weirder shit before in earnest, so I'm taking this at face value.
SS is an acronym for Schutzstaffel, literal translation Protection Squadron. It has nothing to do with Knights of the Holy See. The only reference I could find to link them came from the totally legit and this entire paragraph appears to have been directly copied and pasted from there. Apart from this lovely rejoinder:
Interesting when you connect the dots to the British (and other European) Royals, isn't it....
Is it? Look, we all know Edward VIII was a Nazi sympathiser who had to be shipped off the Caribbean so he wouldn't do anything embarrassing, but it seems a bit far to start blaming all the European Royals for National Socialism. Especially when you consider that Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and the United Kingdom (the 4 largest European monarchies) all fought against the Nazis (although, we should note that Leopold III of Belgium had a dodgy relationship with the Nazis).
N.b. After a little more digging, it turns out this entire post was copied directly from, which appears to be a very silly place indeed.