I've been in a relationship for about 5 months now; she earned her way up to where she is now. For over a year I've been following TRP, and I know I'm still a far ways off from where I want to be (I've been reading, eating right, improving my mindset, gotten better at conversation, but haven't started lifting yet). So I don't consider myself that attractive.
This girl is chubby but everything else, we've connected. She's pretty with and without makeup, she just has one of those faces. She also works two jobs in retail, so almost every day I hear how guys have hit on her (rather pathetically) and are turned down. I don't understand how so many guys can see around her thick body and assume she's going to say yes. They all get the "I have a boyfriend" rejection, because I am her rock, her muse. I provide her with happiness like no other.
Aside from being valued in that regard, ever since she persuaded me into the relationship, she's stopped trying to "chase" me, or "keep" me. I miss that.
I go out somewhat often, I continue to live my social life, but I'm never surrounded by other women (I'm a car guy, I hang out with guys), so I guess she never feels threatened by another woman. However, once when I mentioned I lived with my ex, she became insecure, being angry that wasn't her in the past. (She did realize her reaction later, and apologized.)
Lastly, I'll mention she doesn't know all that much about me. I know to let her talk, and keep most conversions about her. Most of my time is a mystery to her, so this time I could be spending with anyone never reaches her attention.
I think it's weird though, she doesn't fear me straying. She has faith in me, she knows I know she wants me (you follow?), so she doesn't try to keep me, to surprise me, to remind me why I should be wanting her. Honestly no, I am not going to spin plates, I'm not looking for another mate; I wasn't looking for her in the first place. She wanted me, she had to struggle to get me, and now that she has me, she doesn't really "want" me like she did before.
Am I looking too much into this? Am I blessed to have a non-insecure girlfriend?
My priority is my happiness, so I'm working towards my future. She's along for the ride. I know my SMV isn't that high yet, so I assume the only way to feel more desirable again is to raise it. That was my plan anyway. But for the time being, what could I do?
[–]BinglesTRP 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]suchhound 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]69Cobalt 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]Chilezen[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]69Cobalt [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)