It's hilarious to listen to AJ talk about the revolutionary war in the context of a future conflict with today's military.
The "patriots" of that time had support from France (a superpower of the day) and four other European naval powers providing logistics, training, equipment and direct military support. Incidentally, the revolutionary war was probably the least important theatre in the ongoing wars in Europe at the time.
The equivalent for today's situation would be if "patriots" had support from Russia or China!
Otherwise where would the organisation come from? The cover to plan, communicate, coordinate etc. etc.
Rag tag bands do not beat professional armies - never have done.
The only hope is that the US military will not attack its citizens, but of course they will not be citizens but "terrorists".
Actually, not a single finger has to be lifted against the government. The New World Order one-world government is destined to fail, because it's economically untenable. Economic law cannot be repealed.
The one-world government will be instituted, but it will only last a short time: a few years at the most.
The reason why is because economic calculation is impossible in a socialist economy due to private ownership having been de facto abolished in the means of production (i.e., land, capital goods, etc.), hence no actual market can exist in factors of production and therefore market prices cease to exist in factors of production. That is to say, in a socialist economy, no means exist in which to engage in rational economic calculation.
The way such governments as the U.S.S.R. and the Republic of Cuba have handled this problem is by referring to prices on the world's markets: of which is a highly inefficient means of attempting economic calculation and has doomed such economies to poverty because the prices obtained in this manner don't take into account the specifics of such socialist countries' economies, but at least such a method of obtaining prices has some connection to reality instead of being totally arbitrary. Yet with a one-world government, there would exist no outside economy in which to obtain such economic data.
Bear in mind that fascism is merely a subset of socialism whereby people retain de jure title to property in the means of production, but the government exercises de facto ownership over said resources. That is, under fascism the government centrally plans the economy in telling such de jure property owners to what ends the resources are put to use. Thus, the impossibility of rational economic calculation applies every bit as much to fascist economies: which, again, after all, are simply a subset of socialism.
And make no mistake about it, this New World Order one-world government that the globalist oligarchy are in the process of setting up is very much going to be a planned economy, i.e., it is definitely going to be some variety of a subset of socialism in one form or another. We can see this is to be the case in many different ways, from the globalists' pushing for such things as animal of farm livestock; Codex Alimentarius; a world central bank; microchipping of the populace to buy and sell; massive enforced population reduction (i.e., mass-murder of most of the world's population); among a plethora of other totalitarian controls on the economy. This New World Order will be the most totalitarian government to ever exist, and as a necessary corollary, its economy will also be the most tightly controlled, as well.
With no economy outside of itself in which to gather the necessary economic data in which to engage in economic calculation, unavoidably the New World Order will quickly collapse.
For the logical impossibility of economic calculation in a socialist economy (i.e., a planned economy), see the following articles:
Ludwig von Mises, "Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth," translated by S. Adler from "Die Wirtschaftsrechnung im sozialistischen Gemeinwesen," Archiv für Sozialwissenschaften, Vol. 47 (1920) von Mises, Human Action: A Treatise on Economics (Auburn, Alabama: Ludwig von Mises Institute, 1998; originally published 1949), Chapter XXVI: "The Impossibility of Economic Calculation Under Socialism," pp. 694-711 N. Rothbard, "The End of Socialism and the Calculation Debate Revisited," Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 5, No. 2 (1991), pp. 51-76 Hoppe, "Socialism: A Property or Knowledge Problem?," Review of Austrian Economics, Vol. 9, No. 1 (1996), pp. 143-49 course, while it is unavoidably true that the New World Order is doomed to quickly collapse, nevertheless, the globalist parasitical ruling elite can mass-murder hundreds of millions and and even billions of people in the process of setting up their one-world government, i.e., via World War III, bioweapons plagues, nuclear bombs used by governments against their own populace, extermination camps, etc.
What waking people up to the truth does is, first and foremost, it saves people's souls (i.e., the programs of their minds[1]) by getting people to understand the nature of the New World Order the globalist ruling class is instituting, so that they will not go along with it or receive a mark in or on their bodies in order to buy or sell. Second, by waking people up who then will not go along with this system (including the oligarchy's own military and police), all that much sooner will the collapse of the New World Order come before even more destruction and mass-murder can take place.
But even if all the nuclear, chemical and biological weapons were to be released by the globalist oligarchy in such a way as to have the greatest kill-factor, mankind would still survive and life on planet Earth would go on. And with the governments of the world having all collapsed, not only would mankind survive, but its survivors would prosper in a way never before seen on Earth as the full productive powers of unhindered capitalism are for the first time in human history unleashed in all their glory.
Combined with the already-extant technological knowledge, the progress of mankind would be phenomenally fast as new technological breakthroughs are made at an unparalleled pace. Under such conditions mankind will quickly obtain the practical quantum computer, and with it baryon annihilation via electroweak quantum tunneling: for if one solves the one problem the other problem is automatically solved, as the practicality of both depends on being able to create and maintain a coherent quantum state across many particles.
At the same time, the resolution of brain-imaging technologies will be getting ever finer, to the point where the state of individual neurons can be accurately scanned. Having obtained the practical quantum computer, we will be able to upload our minds into simulated environments that can consist of anything one can think of.
Death and poverty will have been abolished forevermore. Literal Heaven on Earth will have been established.
And with practical baryon annihilation having been obtained, humanity will have the ideal energy resource and rocket propulsion for use in colonizing the universe: as ordinary matter can then be converted into pure energy.
For post-apocalyptic humanity, the word "government" and its synonyms in the various languages will be the most detested curse-word. They will wonder how it is that present-day humanity could have been so deceived as to put up with such a ghastly machination.
For much more on the above subjects, see the below resources:
"God Proven to Exist According to Mainline Physics," TetrahedronOmega, December 26, 2008 God Is the Ultimate Physicist see my below article. For details on the one-world goverment prophesied in the Bible, see in particular Section 20.
"Jesus Is an Anarchist," James Redford, Social Science Research Network (SSRN), February 13, 2009 (originally published December 19, 2001)
1. Regarding the universal resurrection of the dead, given an infinite amount of computational resources, per the Bekenstein Bound recreating the exact quantum state of our present universe is trivial, requiring at most a mere 10^123 bits (the number which Roger Penrose calculated), or at most a mere 2^10^123 bits for every different quantum configuration of the universe logically possible (i.e., the multiverse in its entirety up to this point in universal history). So the Omega Point (i.e., the physicists' technical term for God) will be able to resurrect us using merely an infinitesimally small amount of total computational resources: indeed, the multiversal resurrection will occur between 10^-10^10 and 10^-10^123 seconds before the Omega Point is reached, as the computational capacity of the universe at that stage will be great enough that doing so will require only a trivial amount of total computational resources.