全 17 件のコメント

[–]FacetiousSage [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

SJWs would never write this opening line:

"Those in the FreeBSD community should have a right to be free from hate speech, harassment and abuse, but not a right not to be offended."

[–]subhorizonKOBS Reject | Happy Camper [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

SJWs run on offense. To not be triggered runs against their very nature.

[–]Wolphoenix [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

The thing is, it will never get that far. To these people, there is no difference between being offended at someone else' viewpoint and or words, and calling it harassment, hate speech and abuse.

This particular CoC was heavily promoted by Randi. She started mouthing for it after Milo told her he is talking to her co-workers about her antics. This CoC will stop any co-workers from telling the world how horrible of a colleague Randi is and how she regularly harasses people. If they do, they can be removed from the community.

[–]DeadGamerWalking [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

So can we have Randi Harper removed from the project then?

[–]Limon_LimeSeven-37k Get. Eleven more drug deals. [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

She's exempt because......

[–]Piroko [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

"safe space"

That must be a jemalloc feature.

[–]Abelian75 [スコア非表示]  (5子コメント)

That's actually not a particularly scary Code of Conduct, imho. There are a number of lines in there that are pretty aggressive toward the type of people who abuse CoCs, imho, not least of which is that opening line.

And they even say "meritocracy". Shudder!

Edit: Don't get me wrong, I definitely prefer no CoC at all.

[–]Limon_LimeSeven-37k Get. Eleven more drug deals. [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

Yeah, it's hopeful, but watch Randi try and abuse it.

[–]Lhasadog [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

I would suggest learning from the foes methods, and using it first. Gee wouldn't it be far more powerful and an important lesson to all to use said CoC against M's. Harper and her free wheeling "rules and standards of behavior are for other people" ways?

[–]mybowlofchips [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

Its called entryism and its how SJWs take over institutions. If they came in full batshit crazy everyone would be onto them from the start. Instead they come with a reasonable request (we just want a code of conduct) and then they gradually increase their control until you are being thought policed at every turn.

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    [–]ggburner23 [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    We've been contacting them pretty hard about one of their people, a horrible leech who shall not be named. This is probably in response to that.

    [–]TimetravelerKihot MILF in your area - chat now! no login required! [スコア非表示]  (2子コメント)

    Just use another OS, then.

    [–]davispuh[S] [スコア非表示]  (1子コメント)

    That's not my point, if this will continue then it will be hard to find SJW bullshit free projects and might not have any other OS to choose from :P

    anyway I'm not going to stop contributing to good projects just because they're SJW infested as projects themselves are more important than SJWs.

    [–]TimetravelerKihot MILF in your area - chat now! no login required! [スコア非表示]  (0子コメント)

    I bet that they all will disappear after a while, anyhow. Just let them mess up things a bit, then they get tired and sleepy and next day, they'll mess up somebody else's project.