上位 200 件のコメント表示する 500

[–]plabadajan 3124ポイント3125ポイント x3 (73子コメント)

As victims of domestic violence, you, your mother, and your younger brother are likely eligible to legalize your status with a "U visa".

Please read this (en espanol): http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/ht_uscis_immigration_remedies-spanish.pdf

You will probably need a lawyer. You can probably get one at low cost or pro bono (free).

Here are some resources: https://www.justia.com/lawyers/immigration-naturalization/texas/el-paso/legal-aid-and-pro-bono-services

I am sure all of these will speak Spanish.

[–]partyhat 2552ポイント2553ポイント  (23子コメント)

¡Sí-- oye a ese persona! La ley que puede ayudarte se llama "la Acta de Violencia Contra la Mujer", o VAWA en ingles. Además, recomiendo que llames a un refugio para mujeres-- estoy seguro que ellos pueden ayudar, y posiblemente conectarte con un abogado. Hay uno en El Paso se llama El Centro Contra Violencia Sexual y Familiar-- hay un numero que puedes llamar en español. Buena suerte, y dime si no entiendes un consejo-- mi español no es lo mejor, pero puedo traducir.

Yes, listen to this person! The law that can help you is called the "violence against women act". Also, I recommend you call a women's shelter-- I'm sure that they can help, and maybe connect you to a lawyer. There's one in El Paso named the Center against Sexual and Family Violence, and they have a number you can call in Spanish. Good luck, and tell me if you don't understand any advice-- my Spanish isn't the best, but I can translate.

[–]justice_seeker6 1087ポイント1088ポイント  (133子コメント)

The first step is to contact a local domestic violence or battered women's shelter. Most battered women's shelters have a program in place to take minors and a lot of times the "battered women's" part of them name is a leftover from when it was believed that only women were abused.

Once you are somewhere safe, find and talk to a domestic violence advocate. These people help people in situations similar to yours daily and are going to best be able to help you. When talking to them, ask about the possibility of a 'U-Visa'.

The U-Visa program was created to help encourage crime victims who came here illegally to report their crimes. Under the program, victims who cooperate with the prosecution of the criminals who victimized them are eligible for a special visa which will allow them to stay in the country legally.

I hope this helps and please let me know if you have any questions I can try to answer.

[–]spike1478 1624ポイント1625ポイント x2 (127子コメント)

Same reply but in Spanish

Misma respuesta pero en español

El primer paso es ponerse en contacto con un local de violencia doméstica o de un refugio para mujeres maltratadas. La mayoría de los centros de acogida de mujeres maltratadas tienen un programa en el lugar para llevar a los menores y muchas veces las "de las mujeres maltratadas" parte de ellos nombre es una reminiscencia de cuando se creía que sólo las mujeres fueron abusadas. Una vez que esté en un lugar seguro, encontrar y hablar con un defensor de violencia doméstica. Estas personas ayudan a las personas en situación similar a la suya a diario y van a ser más capaz de ayudarle. Al hablar con ellos, preguntar sobre la posibilidad de una "visa U '. El programa de visa U fue creada para ayudar a animar a las víctimas de delitos que vinieron aquí ilegalmente reportar sus crímenes. Bajo el programa, las víctimas que cooperan con la persecución de los criminales que los victimizados son elegibles para una visa especial que les permita permanecer en el país legalmente. Espero que esto ayude y por favor, hágamelo saber si usted tiene alguna pregunta que puedo tratar de responder.

[–]justice_seeker6 600ポイント601ポイント  (108子コメント)

Thank you for this. My Spanish is limited to ordering beer and finding a bathroom.

[–]FARTBOX_DESTROYER 362ポイント363ポイント  (91子コメント)

For some reason, everyone knows how to ask where the library is, though.

[–]MartyMcFake 615ポイント616ポイント  (69子コメント)

Donde esta la biblioteca

[–]coldbitterness 325ポイント326ポイント  (23子コメント)

Me llamo T-Bone, la araña discoteca

[–]lawfairy 44ポイント45ポイント  (36子コメント)

Technically it's "donde está la biblioteca"; "esta" without the accent is a different word and is pronounced with the emphasis on the first syllable.

[–]MartyMcFake 78ポイント79ポイント  (33子コメント)

splitting hairs we also need both sets of question marks, but if I'm not looking up the ANSI for the accent, I'm not looking up the ANSI for an upside-down question mark.

[–]mxzf 57ポイント58ポイント  (13子コメント)

The ¿ is Alt+168 and the é is Alt+130. Alt+160-165 are also handy to have, áíóúñÑ.

I did all of my Spanish homework on the computer since I dislike writing lots of text by hand. I got very good at those alt codes for Spanish accents.

[–]lawfairy 26ポイント27ポイント  (14子コメント)

On iPhone you just hold down the letter/symbol and options pop up ;)

[–]shlewkin 95ポイント96ポイント  (11子コメント)

¡Šämè fõŕ Ăñđŕôíð!

[–]Laureril 239ポイント240ポイント  (10子コメント)

Holy flipping hell - linguist lurker here but I just read that as "Shah-may fon-er ahny-drioh-isth" ... Urk.

[–]justice_seeker6 17ポイント18ポイント  (1子コメント)

I always end up doing that in French when I try. Damn wanting to be a nonconformist in high school.

[–]charlie6969 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

cartoons. I learned that word from cartoons. :)

[–]helpppppmemybrother[S] 1119ポイント1120ポイント  (10子コメント)

muchísimas gracias

[–]spike1478 464ポイント465ポイント  (3子コメント)

No hay problema, espero que recibe la ayuda que necesita. Buena Suerte.

No problem, I hope you get the help you need. Good Luck.

[–]lilamoi 811ポイント812ポイント  (10子コメント)

Hola, llama a este centro http://www.casfv.org/ y pregunta por Roberto Escobedo:

915.593.7377 x 310 rescobedo@casfv.org (ubicados en tu ciudad)

Explicales la situacion en la que tu familia se encuentra y ellos te brindaran un hogar donde quedarte mientras te ayudan a conseguir algo permanente. A ellos no les importa tu estatus indocumentado, asi que nunca tengas miedo de eso. Lo mas importante es documentar, que exista prueba de la violencia domestica que viven. Tomen fotos, hagan reportes policiales. Todo esta sera utilizado como prueba para que tu mamá y ustedes pueden sacar documentos legales estadounidenses. Por favor, no esperen mucho.....llama a esta organizacion lo mas pronto posible para evitar una tragedia. Si crees que en algo te puedo ayudar con cualquier duda, entonces escribeme.

Espero regreses a este foro prontamente para contarnos que estan a salvo y viviendo mas tranquilos, como toda persona lo merece.

Te deseo lo mejor a ti y a tu familia.

EDIT: THANK YOU SO MUCH to whoever decided to give me gold on my comment. Now onto figuring out how to make the most of it. :) MUCHAS GRACIAS!!!

[–]JohnDoe_85 402ポイント403ポイント  (1子コメント)

My rough translation:

Hi, call this center http://www.casfv.org/ and ask for Roberto Escobedo:

915.593.7377 x 310 rescobedo@casfv.org (located in your city)

Explain the situation your family is in and they will provide a home where you can stay while they help you get something permanent. They don't care about your undocumented status, so don't worry about that. The most important thing is to document that there is evidence of domestic violence happening. Take pictures; make police reports. All of this will be used as evidence for you and your mom to get legal US documents. Please, don't wait long ... call this organization as soon as possible to prevent a tragedy. If you think there are any questions I can help you with, then write me.

I hope you return to this forum soon to tell us that you all are safe and living more peacefully, as everyone deserves.

I wish the best for you and your family.

[–]gravitythrone 82ポイント83ポイント  (5子コメント)

Just wanted to point out that this poster is afraid to go to the police. Any advice for them beyond taking pictures re: documentation?

[–]soybean 433ポイント434ポイント  (34子コメント)

Someone who speaks Spanish should translate one or two of the top comments here.

[–]helpppppmemybrother[S] 1364ポイント1365ポイント  (33子コメント)

it is ok my friend. reading english is good for me. writing and speaking is hard for me. because when i want to write something, the word for that thing does not come easily in my mind. i just get spanish word for it in my mind. i know words.but it takes time to write it. spanish word does not take time. it come speedy and naturaly.

[–]dmyerty 813ポイント814ポイント  (10子コメント)

You are very good so far. I hope you succeed in learning more. Look after yourself.

EDIT, still be careful, but OP may be trolling. Take a look.

Doubters, and believers alike, please be aware that in worst case we got trolled, but in the best case we have provided some assistance to an abused kid and family. Please still consider that OP is legitimate.

Quote: /u/soeiner

I can't say whether he is faking about the domestic abuse, but he is not a Spanish speaker struggling to communicate in English. I have a doctorate in linguistics specializing in second language acquisition, so I know a thing or two about what kind of errors make sense. The "errors" he makes in word order, for example, are inconsistent both for English and for Spanish. You would see them in someone who speaks a language where the verb follows the object in deep structure (German, for example). His errors in forming plurals makes no sense for a Spanish speaker, given that Spanish forms plurals in essentially the same way as English. He exhibits mastery of complex grammatical structures that are acquired late, but makes gross errors in simple structures that are acquired very early. OP is trying to mimic someone speaking "school English", but uses slang expressions instead of more normative forms ("a lot of" and not "many"). So to a linguist, the errors in this text give the game away. Coupled with the fact that he refuses to use Spanish with people who respond in Spanish and even tries to dissuade people from using Spanish by saying "reading english is good for me". Please. Someone in a dire situation like this is not going to purposely impair getting accurate information so he can "practice his English". I won't even address the socioeconomic improbability of OP having a computer available to him for hours or the fact that his "friend" told him Reddit was a great resource for getting help with these issues (yeah, right), but didn't tell him about Google translate or just... Google.

[–]bearsnbears 124ポイント125ポイント  (0子コメント)

My mom was able to be immigrated as a refugee because she was a battered woman. This was through a Catholic church. If you have a church you attend, they may be able to help you.

I'm very sorry about your situation. I have been exactly where you are. Please know that life gets better. There are so many kind hearted people in the world.

Your family is in my thoughts.

[–]Nik_tortor 442ポイント443ポイント  (10子コメント)

Going to rewrite this to help out OP.

Hello, i am a 15 year old from Mexico. We have been living in El Paso, Texas for two years now but did not come to the United States legally, we payed someone to help us cross the border. I love this place, it is a good city and I've made nice friends.

My father is an alcoholic who comes home from work late and hits my little brother, mother and i very hard. He punches and slaps us in the face and pulls our hair. My father is a very bad man

I'm afraid to call the police because we didn't legally come to the united states so I'm afraid they will take us back to Mexico. My father took a lot of money from some criminals in Mexico. They attacked us at our house and threatened to kill us so we fled to the united states so we could be safe. If we get sent back to Mexico the men that threatened us before will kill us.

I am very afraid, What do i do? Please help, my friend said this website could help me.

Edit: Words...all of them

[–]yaazz 86ポイント87ポイント  (2子コメント)

There's a save button to accomplish what a presume you're doing here.

EDIT: op edited post, it originally said "."

[–]Nik_tortor 33ポイント34ポイント  (1子コメント)

lol i accidentally hit the reply "save" instead of the "save" for the post.

i was just going to help out OP and make it easier for people to read. My bad.

[–]shlewkin 48ポイント49ポイント  (22子コメント)

Good luck, I really hope these resources help you and your family. Hoping for all the best for you from Kentucky.

[–]themaxviwe 28ポイント29ポイント  (21子コメント)

I'm writing this on verge of being downvoted to oblivion, but anyways,

Why do some people mention their location with the comment, like you? What was the relevance of mentioning Kentucky? It would be perfectly alright if you had written "Hoping for all the best for you".

Don't want to criticize your or something, I'm just curious with this writing style.

[–]idontgetbacon 275ポイント276ポイント  (4子コメント)

I always saw it as a quiet way of saying "I'm too far away to help but wish you the best"

[–]katanin 113ポイント114ポイント  (137子コメント)

I'm still not convinced OP isn't trolling

[–]FailedTech 77ポイント78ポイント  (1子コメント)

Does not matter if he is, this is still insanely important as there are others who go through this. Always the chance that someone in a situation like this could see this post and this could offer help.

[–]Taedirk 131ポイント132ポイント  (1子コメント)

Sure, he could be, but it's not like it costs anything to post actual helpful information that would keep him safe if true. Net gain all around.

[–]cuplionrug 188ポイント189ポイント  (6子コメント)

Its Reddit. One is never convinced that OP isn't trolling.

Suppose OP is just some bored 4chan kid? If one upvotes the post in any case no harm is done and there is a possibility that a child in an actual abusive situation may read the post with its helpful legal advice en espanol.

I don't really see a downside to this post.

[–]Major_Dork 40ポイント41ポイント  (4子コメント)

There is a downside in that fake posts create a "boy who cried wolf" situation. If people believe that posts are fake, they are less likely to respond in a helpful manner because there is no sense of urgency; the other person isn't really in need. This leads to real posts getting ignored in the future, and people who actually need the help get burned.

Of course, one post isn't going to create this situation, but if there is a high volume of fake posts (because the community tolerates it) then there could be problems, so I don't think the "no downside to fake posts" mentality should be adopted.

That said, I think this post has been handled quite well. The necessary information is there, and at the top. Someone in a similar situation can find the information in the future. There's a couple people posting doubts, so if it's fake OP isn't "getting away with it". There's also some assholes, but hey, waddyagonnado?

[–]lawfairy 45ポイント46ポイント  (113子コメント)

Because it's so far-fetched that an immigrant family fleeing the father's criminal associates could have problems with domestic violence?

[–]DrKronin 136ポイント137ポイント  (108子コメント)

So far, OP has only responded to posts in English and hasn't swapped parts of speech like many Spanish speakers learning English do.

That's hardly proof of anything but a bit curious I'd say.

[–]Soeiner 1117ポイント1118ポイント x2 (96子コメント)

I can't say whether he is faking about the domestic abuse, but he is not a Spanish speaker struggling to communicate in English. I have a doctorate in linguistics specializing in second language acquisition, so I know a thing or two about what kind of errors make sense. The "errors" he makes in word order, for example, are inconsistent both for English and for Spanish. You would see them in someone who speaks a language where the verb follows the object in deep structure (German, for example). His errors in forming plurals makes no sense for a Spanish speaker, given that Spanish forms plurals in essentially the same way as English. He exhibits mastery of complex grammatical structures that are acquired late, but makes gross errors in simple structures that are acquired very early. OP is trying to mimic someone speaking "school English", but uses slang expressions instead of more normative forms ("a lot of" and not "many"). So to a linguist, the errors in this text give the game away.

Coupled with the fact that he refuses to use Spanish with people who respond in Spanish and even tries to dissuade people from using Spanish by saying "reading english is good for me". Please. Someone in a dire situation like this is not going to purposely impair getting accurate information so he can "practice his English".

I won't even address the socioeconomic improbability of OP having a computer available to him for hours or the fact that his "friend" told him Reddit was a great resource for getting help with these issues (yeah, right), but didn't tell him about Google translate or just... Google.

[–]KinneySL 73ポイント74ポイント  (3子コメント)

I suppose it's remotely possible that the refusal to speak Spanish and the lack of its syntax and grammar in his English could be due to his native language being Nahuatl or something, but Occam's Razor suggests it's just a troll.

[–]RealDeepIsRealShallo 78ポイント79ポイント  (4子コメント)

It's sort of hard to imagine a 15 year old without access to a smartphone or a computer, I grew up with a bunch of first generation Americans whose parents were illegal immigrants and they all had computers. that was close to a decade ago too.

[–]lawfairy 21ポイント22ポイント  (2子コメント)

Eh. I mean, if he starts hinting at needing money, okay, I can see it. But until then, or until he says he manages an IHOP in WA, I figure why not give him the benefit of the doubt?

[–]DrKronin 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

Sure thing. But even when you give someone the benefit of the doubt, you're still acknowledging the presence of doubt. That's all I was doing.

[–]tinyneko 21ポイント22ポイント  (4子コメント)

Reddit likes to pretend like everyone had the same opportunities for education, but that's not the way the world works. When I started learning Spanish in high school, some of the native Spanish speakers in my class had more difficulty than I did. They had never learned proper Spanish grammar and by the time high school came, the habits were ingrained. These same students also had trouble in English class, because if you never learned grammar in your first language, it's hard to apply those concepts to a foreign language.

We don't know anything about this kid beyond a few comments.

Edited because I lack reading comprehension.

[–]DrKronin 12ポイント13ポイント  (3子コメント)

If you think you're disagreeing with me, you don't understand what I wrote.

Edit: And if it still isn't clear, all I was saying is that he/she might be pretending not to speak English.

[–]tinyneko 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

I think I am not interpreting you correctly and if so, I'm sorry. It's one of those days. I think we agree now that I'm looking at it again.

[–]DrKronin 5ポイント6ポイント  (1子コメント)

No worries. I'm still a bit under-caffeinated myself.

[–]brysodude 8ポイント9ポイント  (1子コメント)

It's not uncommon for young recent immigrants to America to speak much better in their native language but write better in English. Often the first schooling they receive is in English. For example, back when I was in high school Spanish, there were young immigrant students who obviously spoke Spanish fluently but were almost illiterate. I think that's one possible explanation.

[–]I_work_in_HIED 15ポイント16ポイント  (1子コメント)

Recuerdas hombre marcar 911 por teléfono en caso de emergencia en los EEUU. Si ataca tu padre a ustedes siempre puedes llamar, ¿vale?

[–]ferdynand 9ポイント10ポイント  (7子コメント)

Rofl OP is an epic troll. Source: I'm mexican and teach english. No way this is for real.

[–]iamabiz -4ポイント-3ポイント  (14子コメント)

As someone who lives in El Paso, the way this is written seems totally fake.

[–]coldbitterness 92ポイント93ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm a little doubtful too but as others have pointed out, OP has yet to ask for money and no one's giving him any, and there is a lot of actually useful advice being posted in English and Spanish so even if it's fake, still good to know?

[–]BigSmootchie 35ポイント36ポイント  (1子コメント)

A skeptical part in the back of my brain tells me this may be a stunt for someone's immigration policies agenda, nevertheless no one should be subject to domestic abuse.

Hang in there fam