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Black Country flag ‘offensive and insensitive' says leading racism campaigner

The Black Country flag is offensive, says a leading racism campaigner who complains that chains made in the area were used to shackle slaves.
flag racism
The Black Country flag, and inset, Patrick Vernon OBE
Political activist Patrick Vernon OBE described the flag as ‘offensive and insensitive’ and said its chains were a ‘disturbing’ image of an industry that profited from the transatlantic slave trade and colonial rule in Africa.
His comments - today dismissed as ‘political correctness garbage’ - came as thousands of people celebrated the region’s history over the weekend in The Black Country Festival and Cradley Heath’s Women’s Chainmakers’ Festival.
Annual Black Country Day celebrations take place tomorrow.
Mr Vernon, who grew up in All Saints, Wolverhampton, and is a former London Labour councillor, said the Black Country had shied away from addressing the role its industries played in slavery and that community leaders were trying to ‘pretend it never happened’. “The chain being used as a symbol in the flag is insensitive,” he said. “Shackles and manacles that were made by chainmakers in the Black Country were used to incarcerate slaves in North America, on plantations and in colonial Africa.
“The chain is not a swastika or a Confederate flag but it is offensive. While I am in support of the festival and think it is a great idea, the Black Country has never done anything to acknowledge that slavery was key to its economic rise. This is not political correctness, it is the truth. You can’t pick and choose bits of your history, they are interlinked. There needs to be a re-interpretation and leaders cannot pretend it never happened.
“It was not just the slaves who were oppressed by chainmaking, there was the women – the white slaves of Cradley Heath – and the working classes who were oppressed by the rich foundry owners. The chain is a symbol of their oppression too.”
The flag was designed two years ago by schoolgirl Gracie Sheppard, now aged 14, who attends Redhill Secondary School in Stourbridge, in a competition by the Black Country Living Museum. The chains represent its chainmaking and industrial heritage while the red, and black colours on the flag are a reference to the description of the Black Country by Elihu Burritt, who said it was ‘black by day and red by night’. The white cone shape represents the area’s glassmaking industry.
Thousands of flags have been sold since its launch and have been spotted at England football matches, Glastonbury Festival and at the former British Armed Force’s base in Afghanistan, Camp Bastion.
Mr Vernon’s comments have caused outrage among MPs and top councillors on the eve of Black Country Day tomorrow.
Dudley North Labour MP Ian Austin said: “This is ridiculous nonsense. The Black Country Festival brings everyone from our diverse communities together. If he had come to Stone Street Square this weekend he would have seen people off all races and backgrounds enjoying the fun. It was an example of what makes our society something to celebrate.”
Dudley South Conservative MP Mike Wood added: “While we need to be sensitive, we should not be trying to re-write history. Chainmaking is part of our identity and industrial heritage. It is a history we should be proud of, not one we should be running away from.”
West Midlands UKIP MEP Bill Etheridge, who posed with the flag in the European Parliament in Brussels with most of his party colleagues last week, said: “This is political correctness garbage. The chains represent the chains built for the Titanic and in that spirit, Mr Vernon’s comments should be condemned to the bottom of the ocean.”
And former Mayor of Walsall Pete Smith said: “Chainmaking in the Black Country is world famous. It is part of our history. There may be parts of our history we are not proud of but to say the chains are offensive is far-fetched.”
Black Country Festival organiser Steve Edwards said: “The truth is, there is no offence intended to white people or black people in the flag design because like the flag, the festival is for everyone. We live in a proud multicultural society.”
Flying the flag with pride – Steve Edwards, one of the organisers at the Black Country Festival in Dudley on Saturday
Mr Vernon, aged 54, was made an OBE in 2012 for his work in tackling health inequality and supporting black and ethnic minority communities. In 2010, The Vernon Hall at The Chalkhill Health and Community Centre was named in recognition of his work in Brent. He said other cities like London, Bristol and Liverpool had publicly recognised their roles in the slave trade and that he would like to work with festival organisers and the Black Country Living Museum on educational programmes about the Black Country and the slave trade.

Comments for: "Black Country flag ‘offensive and insensitive' says leading racism campaigner"

Who cares what you think

I'm offended by Mr Vernon's comments.

Deb Brownlee

So am I


You wouldn't know the meaning of Offensive Debbie Brownlee, as it's something you are everyday!


As in my other post, You Tube, LOVE THY NEIGHBOR
Greatest comedy show of the 70s
Vernon should be forced to watch every episode !!!
how the hell could a so called Wulfrunian bring so much shame onto his home city !!

Hatherton Beerwolf

I can see where he's coming from.......the Romans fed my ancestors to the lions, it now makes me that angry every time I see a pizza that I rip it into six slices.
There's only garlic bread that can calm me down, or some of them little mozzarella sticks.


so advertizing clothes made of cotton is racist.
as most slaves were working in cotton fields


What nonsense. From someone whose aim in life is to find and take offence where there is none.

W C Boggs

I don't know that Mr Vernon's doings constitute "work" - he seems to have got his gong for being a full-time pot stirrer. Seems they hand 'em out to anyone these days.
Good to see politicians of all sides condemning this nonsense.
The Islamic world was engaged in black slavery before most Europeans had even been near Africa. Is Mr Vernon going to acknowledge that, or mustn't we even mention it?

Sir Billy Quiet

If Patrick Vernon looks for his definition of racism he will find it everywhere throughout the UK. The empire was built on the oppression of millions of ethnic groups across the world.
Patrick has now successfully turned a flag of unity into one that will be exploited by racists at every opportunity.
The people of the Black Country have moved on from the past, they are now a mixed race community and it is perhaps this new integrated community that people like Patrick seek to undermine.
Single issue politicians don't care what damage they do so long as their own agendas are at the forefront.


It matters not that in our history we supported slavery, thats the past, you cannot change that. What is important is that we support racial integration now and this man has given ammunition to the minority of racist people in this area and should be ashamed of what he has done.

W C Boggs

Shades of "Nineteen Eighty-Four" - where history was constantly being re-written to suit the ruling elite. That's what the Patrick Vernons of this world are attempting to do.

Who cares what you think

He has to find racism where there is none his gravy train depends on it.


What a shame when someone is trying to make a political point out of nothing. The Black County also made chains for the Titanic and for every factory making heavy industry in the world which is something to celebrate. I think that the comments are a disgraceful attempt at trying to create racial tension rather than making a valid point which is of relevance.


What a joke, why don't we stop the sale of chains altogether so we don't offend anyone. While we're are at it get rid of the wolverhampton coat of arms as it displays a lock which would have been to lock the chains together. If we get rid of all images that are connected to anything bad in history we can pretend it never happened. I think we need to stop living in the past and live for the future.

the dog

It's only took him two years to think this one up, chains were used on ships does that make us shipists.
Do some real work mush.


All I can say is you are causing a situation that is not there. I was always aware that the chains were because they were made in the Black Country and are famous for making them for the Titanic .. How dare you take this away from us. Racism is there because of you is this just to get your name in the press.


Its idiots like this who help to create barriers and reinforce the idea of racism.
The slave trade is as much our history as it is Americas. It happened and were not proud of it but you can't erase it from history.

We Only Need One Half!

Where's Darren Cooper? whats the leader of Sandwell Council stance on this matter? unlike him to let a bandwagon trundle by without at least attempting to jump on it?


What a load of B########
I have never heard anything so banal in all my life
his comments are ANTI WHITE


The design for the flag was by a 12 year old girl & rather than being of racial intent shows the lack of teaching of British history. If our children were taught ALL aspects of Black Country origins then that design would have probably not been drawn.
To say Patrick's views are PC madness is madness itself when we have idiots banning phrases such as "black board" when the board is obviously black, and the rhyme "baa baa black sheep" - black sheep do exist! As a Black woman, neither of the 2 phrases offend me or any other Black person I know and no Black person as far as I know had any involvement in making those decisions. Banning these kind of phrases undermines more serious issues and then as a Black person, when we identify racist behaviour are labelled with using "the race card".
On the other hand everyone was quick to celebrate "Black Friday" a few months ago whilst not understanding it's history or origins.
Black Friday was the day when wealthy slave owners sold their weakest & less useful slaves to poor white land owners wanting to get on the slave property ladder. So where was the outcry from our White PC Patrol then? Probably out shopping!


Wholeheartedly agree, you've absolutely nailed the issue here, unlike this charlatan stealing a living.


Pauline, you are standing with a foot in each camp where there should be only ONE camp. I was born in 1930 into a large extended family of foundry workers, miners, glass blowers and other such 'slavery', men working 48 hours a week and dropping down dead before they reached 50 years generally. Until I was 9 years old, we lived in a slum the like of which you would not keep animals today. 1 cellar, 1 'living room small' ONE bedroom where 5 of us slept with Grandad shovelled into a slot bed above the entry. Water tap 'up the yard' along with 3 lavatories. The wealth of the Empire NEVER, EVER filtered down to the working class, so if you want reasons to hate, try the aristocracy, wealthy industrialists, even so-called Royalty. But leave us alone, we ain't dun nuffink !

Poem Master

Here here!!!


Cyril. You were lucky! 29 of us used to live in a shoe box in ter middle of ter road!


Well said sir.


Pauline, have not been able to find any reference to Black Friday on the flag, would suggest this part of your statement is not relevant


Why would it have not been drawn? Just because something is used for one bad purpose doesn't negate all the other good uses for it does it?

Poem Master

Yeah, like chaining up bears...and...erm, tigers!


Or the chains for retrieving water from wells in Africa, or as someone else pointed out the chains on the Royal Navy ships that enforced the abolition of slavery etc, etc etc. Poets don't have a lack of imagination by the way.

big H

Mr vernon. I would like to personally apologise for my role in the slave trade, it was all my fault, im sorry. Now can we move on, and can you naff off back to london, or is that racist too?


So the prosperity of the Black Country was due to slavery. There was silly old me thinking that it was due to the thick coal seams that were close to the surface (almost) throughout the region. I fear that the complaint is founded on closed minded bigotry (clearly not the sole preserve of white people) rather than on just cause.


Mr Vernon - grow up!!!!


What a disgrace this man is! It was designed by a 12year old schoolgirl, who had taken the time to look at the history of the Black Country. Should we also drop the word "black" to appease this idiot? It is people's like him that actually cause racial tension! This is our herritage he is talking about! Does he want to be like isis and destroy people's heritage?


It's people like Patrick who are the big problem because they go around finding things to stir up Racism within communities. The politically correct brigade gone mad. Patrick-if you don't like our area then I suggest you do one!!


The trouble when people throw the "Racism" tag around without doing any research, they make themselves look fools.
Another way of looking at this, The Black Country made chains for the Royal Navy that was used to enforce the outlawing of slavery.


Exactly!! A very good point.

Putza Shiftin

I've always thought the Black Country flag was nonsense, as it isn't even a county, but this guy makes the most tenuous nonsensical argument I've ever heard. He should never be in public office if he is that determined to find racism where it doesn't exist.


The Black Country was built on men who died in the foundries and furnaces. This idiot's comments are offensive and insensitive and he should apologise. The Black Country is known for it's acceptance of migrants. That is why we have such a diverse community.
He will be blaming us for the Titanic sinking next.


Responding to Pauline_Jazzi (above); "Black Friday" has nothing to do with slavery: http://www.snopes.com/holidays/thanksgiving/blackfriday.asp


Voice your opinion direct to mr vernon Twitter account @ppvernon
I have.


The manufacture of chains have various uses - and still does. My first thoughts when I saw the flag was to think of hoists, lifting gear and it's use when big ships are launched. - it certainly wasn't about slavery. Without delving into the history books, I'm pretty sure that rope was also used to secure slaves - should any emblem with a rope on it be banned?
The flag is an innocent representative of one particular industry of the area that helped create the name of the Black country. Mr Vernons comments are a perverse view of that industry, and what it represents.

always a wanderer

Well Mr Veronn, what can I say? How about shut ya cakehole and get a real job that supports the economy and community rather than evoking a racial tension between our diverse and growing country. If yow dow like wot we am, yow ad better think o gloin else where! worra lowd of owd trollop yow am spaekin!

Dave W.

Patrick Vernon ..... if you don't like it here you are free to leave , I suggest you pack your bags and leave right now , we don't need people like you stirring up racial hatred . Its people like you who cause trouble .... GO NOW .... LEAVE .


The Express and Star: If You're Not Angry, We're Not Doing Our Job.


booster, I think the E&S are quite right to report this rant by Patrick Vernon, OBE, (Order Of The Boiled Egg ?). His whole life depends on being controversial to stay in the public eye, a bit like having a stye really. Probably never done a real day's work in his life. An idea.....how about the E&S do a small feature on what this geezer does for his living ?

W C Boggs

Not quite - OBE = Out of Bloody Expenses.

Who cares what you think

OBE= over blown ego


Words cannot describe how I take to this offence!
According to Mr. Vernon, the chains represent slavery. However, your excellent history of the region is floored. Having family history links to the iron and chain industry the chains represent the good old days of proper industrial strength. May I Also add that I attended Stourbridge Redhill School where the flag was drawn upon the extensive historical research by the students on the Black Country.
Mr. Vernon, consider reading through
I also advise you to take a trip to the Black Country Museum
I expect a formal apology to the people of the Black Country.

A Lone Voice

This man is a professional trouble maker whose sole role in life is to find none existant issues and then make them into controversial one's that promotes his own warped view of the world.
Of course, by highlighting these "issues" he ensures that his no doubt well paid roles on numerous bodies fighting racism in all its formats will continue to be " a nice little earner" for him.
Sadly for Mr Vernon, most of society has moved on but he hasn't and he wants to play the "persecution card" so beloved by people of his mindset........
In a spirit of good will and to show the craftsmanship of products skillfully made in the Black Country, perhaps we could return him to London restrained in chains and shackles !!!!


Well said, on this you are not a lone voice.


Go back to London you big male chicken

Deb Brownlee

This man and his 'type' do more to damage race relations than any right wing group member ever could. His comments are ridiculous, damaging, offensive and show more that he is trying to look for trouble, for instance to justify his own job?
He has created such anger with this incredibly stupid comment, that he lays the ground for unrest.
This man is a danger to society.

We Only Need One Half!

Who were the slaves exactly?
During the Industrial Revolution, which this flag commemorates, in the 1860's the average life expectancy in places like the Black Country, Manchester and Liverpool was 25 years old (seems hard to comprehend but check it out for yourself)
In the U.S.A. during the same period a slaves life expectancy was 36, and in the Carribean the lowest it ever fell was 31.
It could be argued that the workers of this country were just as much slaves as any African, if not by name very much so by nature, in these areas if you, your wife and your children didn't work and do the Masters bidding you simply didn't eat. Our forefathers may have had the illusion of freedom in that they were not physically shackled, but never the less they were as much tied to the local employer has any Negro working in a Cotton Field.
Not trying to claim two wrongs make a right, but it would seem to me this area and the rest of industrialised England are owed an enormous debt that is so often forgotten for advancing the Planet the way we did with goods, services and scientific discoveries that were ultimately to prove to be for the benefit of 'all' mankind.
We shouldn't have left wing P.C. stirrers trying to make us feel ashammed of it, that's for sure.


A superb post wonoh, we'll make an historian of you yet!


Haha racism..RACISM because of the chains??..will someone take this guy to the Black Country Museum!!
And he quotes racism unyet Sir Lenny Henry is proud of the flag!!
It's simples.. Everyone in the Black Country should buy the flag and hang it on the front of their house!!
AND.. At all football matches parade the matches as sheer defience at these morons who try to interfere in the way we live and interfere in our Heratage!!


I sometimes work on things which are used on aircraft, so I am sorry for allowing idiot's slamming two into the WTC, and world wars and anything else to do with aircraft, I will put my notice in forthwith ! has the barometer of racism really swung the other way, I needn't answer !


Yet again A NON WHITE using the get me out of jail race card.........
You are never going to bring them BACK.
Us WHITES are sick of this slave thing being brought up time after time, get over it, get a life, move on.
Because us white Anglo Saxons have, otherwise we wouldn't get up in the morning with what has happened to US over time.


And they conveniently forget their own slave trade that raided Cornish shores and took white slaves!!!

We Only Need One Half!

Thats a very good point Dragonslayer, the Moors did indeed take English/Celts for slaves. An even more obscure fact is that from the time of Oliver Cromwel's son Richard suceeding him British born Gypsies from Ireland, Scotland, Wales and even England were being sent to plantations in Virginia, Barbadoes and Jamaica to be in "perpetual servitude" by a 1661 Act of Parliament. In fact in 1714 British Merchants were actively lobbying the Privy Council for permission to enslave British Gypsies so they could be used in the Caribbean. But you won't find those facts in any school textbook, or hear today's Gypsy Council banging on about getting an apology over it.

A Roberts

Its a bizarre comment to say the least, by his logic the English flag should be banned too since it contains a cross and the KKK burn crosses.
Flags, in and of themselves, are inherently nationalistic, but not racist. Be more concerned with the person displaying the flag. An English flag flying on a church, no problem. An English flag being flown by a EDL member on a march against a mosque, far more problematic. Its the intent.

the dog

Mr Vernon, aged 54, was made an OBE in 2012 for his work in tackling health inequality and supporting black and ethnic minority communities.
So where does his work extend to white people, if this was the opposite way around he would be ostracised for being racist.
Strip him of his OBE as he is not acting like a British subject!!!


If the government wants to make savings they could start by getting rid of this idiot. Sack him today.


Well, my considered opinion is:
I think Patrick Vernon OBE is MEGA offensive!!!


If ever there was a man who needed to be taken roughly from behind over a Council grit bin with the business end of a rag man's trumpet, he is it. What stupid, stupid, STUPID little prat of a man . . . . .


I'd buy a ticket to watch that.


That made me loff!

Moxey's right nut

I feel saddened to read this article and wonder how much more of this politically correct nonsense we should have to tolerate. Should Willenhall, home of the lock industry for many years, forget its association with locks; used to secure the shackles, Walsall, forget its association with leather goods; as whips were made to keep the poor captured slaves in order, Bridport in Dorset forget its association with rope making.. The list is endless. I believe that the British have recognised their role within slavery of the 16th, 17th, 18th, 19th century and have made it known what a shameful stain this is on our glorious history.
Might I suggest that making statements and indeed printing articles of this nature are at best puerile and at worst might incite individuals and the mindless minority in particular, to stoke up racial hatred once again. Sadly it is this form of political correctness that has helped to decimate our industry in the Black Country and whilst we played fair on the advice of the successive governments, in particular the labour party, much of what we manufactured in Britain is now undertaken overseas and guess what? The workers are paid much less, work in appalling conditions, have no healthcare and could be described as "modern day slaves".

the dog

There was also rope works in the black country Moxley to be precise.


Another high quality post, this "issue" has certainly brought out some well considered answers if nothing else.

the dog

Looking at the rest of your posts I must agree!


This man will see racism in every aspect of our society WHY because it perpetuates the reason for his overblown salary

Birmingham Chris

Without any understanding whatsoever of history, he is trying to compare the Alabama flag issue with a local industrial history flag. Perhaps a little education would help here.


Mr Vernon is right but wrong. Has he not seen that it is the black link that is holding the chain together. Black Power then.
This may also be suggesting the link between black people selling some of their own people to white people in Africa. Could it not?
The child artist is well ahead of her youthful age. Why has she not become a World renouned artist?
Held back by the education service,, like most?


what is offensive is someone who alleges to represent the black country using headline grabbing tactics for cheap publicity,the real offence is him not knowing the very traditonal chain making industry that has provided jobs and security for many families within this region for decades.He needs to take a look at why he felt he needed to increase the already hardening divide between those of an extreme view.


Patrick Vernon OBE is a bigot as only a bigot considers that members of the human race are of different races based on their skin hue or place of birth, they whole concept of racism is a fascist ideation that some people are superior to others, it is time that Patrick Vernon OBE and his bigoted ilk were shut down instead of making a living out of it.


I'm an old leftie but I must say Patrick Vernon has lost the plot here. The Black Country Flag commemorates our region's proud industrial heritage and nothing more.


Agree with everything Thomas says, this man should be grateful that his father was accepted into the Black Country, all those years ago and allowed to work. Mr Vernon appears to have forgotten or does not want to accept that 50 years ago we did not have huge numbers of West Indians or Asians in this country, his "free" education was therefore paid for with the taxes, paid by the mostly English workforce, many of whom made chains in this part of the country. Would like to know which charities Mr Vernon supports so that I can avoid them and believe that if the Government funds any of the charities, the funding should be withdrawn because of what, I consider, to be racist comments about a flag designed by a talented young lady who has obviously studied the industrial heritage of the Black Country.


Well with that logic we best re-write history
Because we also made the chains and anchor for the Titanic.
Thus it now must be seen as it being historically incorrect when the titanic went down as a result of an iceberg collision, but infact the weight of the chains and anchor pulled it down quicker killing 99% of those who perished, damn that anchor, damn those chains
This is a comical story and as the poll above shows 95% disagree with the guy claiming it is racist, not just that but I dare not say the 5% probably wouldn't of even given it any thought until this clown stated otherwise of which that can boil down to a condition known as Narcistic Mirroring
As some one above stated, best not advertise Cotton clothing as its offensive to those who were cotton pickers, I mean come on
As Black Standup comedian Eddie Griffin stated, (Swearing removed)
"... and white people, that slavery , I aint even mad about you about that, for real, Black people will be messing with you about that... because there is not a brother or sister that is in this room that has been a slave, not one of us picked no cotton, we wouldnt of known about it if you had not made the movie roots"

El Berto

The word Black Country will be next under fire, it's not All about you,
If you want to segregate yourselves with your federation for black police officers or mobo awards you don't need to shout it from the rooftops.
This flag was designed by a small girl who hopefully hasn't been exposed to the racist views of people like vernon yet.
The BLACK country was forged by industry which the flag celebrates.


Offended by some chains ? If he is offended by this then I would love to hear Mr Vernon state his views on the Africans who sold their own people into slavery. Obviously Mr Vernon expects to turn his OBE into something else and has created this "band waggon" following the Southern States uproar over "Old Glory" in an attempt at self promotion.




The guy isn't a racist. However, he is a misinformed idiot. It's people like that who actually stir up the race question where there isn't one. This guy should be roundly condemned and forced to apologise for such stupid comments.

PJW Holland

Chain making was prevalent long before Britain involved itself (as the middle man) in the slave trade. It is not the fault of the real slaves who made the chains (underpaid and living in squalor). The fault, if there is one, lies with those who misused the product and those who rounded up and enslaved their tribal foes, friends, neighbours and families to sell on as slaves. Guess who the people were that were responsible for that.
The supposed flag is offensive for other reasons. It is poorly designed. It is ugly. It depicts a non-existent redundant idea of a supposed regional identity that has never existed in truth.
I would not vote in the poll above since to do so would add credence to this idiot's pronouncements.


Hmmm....poorly designed and ugly? Your entitled to that opinion. I think its great. I have seen a lot worse. Try those Country flags with their 'imaginative' tricolors for example. It was created by a schoolgirl for a competition and has been taken up by people in this region who do share a sense of history and regional identity.
The supposed idea of regional identity exists here and always has done to my knowledge. I think it exists in the hearts of anyone who flies the flag. I have always been proud to call myself a 'Blackcountryman' and will continue to do so.
I'm guessing 'yow ay from 'round here am yer?'
If you are, I'm sorry you don't share the same sense of regional identity as myself. Have a happy Black Country day anyway, or at least a pleasant Tuesday. I'm off for some Scratchings and Bathams, happy Black Country day everyone!


Mr Vernon
Any problems with any of the following?
A Zebra
A Zebra crossing
A chess board.
A pre 1970 TV ( Black and white )
What a pratt


He was a Brent councillor, enough said really.


Two words for Mr Vernon,
William Wilberforce.

Sir Lupi

Mr Vernon, you are quite right...
Shall we change the name of our area to 'The Grey Smoggy Country' as well as 'The 'Black' Country' is frightfully offensive as well...don't you think??
Or shall we all grow up and act like adults instead??

We Only Need One Half!

I'm more concerned where I will get my favourite gateau from if Angela Merkel doesn't but her foot down, I lived in Germany and believe me trying to order a Schwarzwalder Kirschtorte is no mean feat after a few glasses of apfelschnaps!


This guy is the reason racism for all the wrong reasons gets hijacked by the far right. He really needs to engage his brain before he opens his mouth.
What an utter stupid analogy of a newly formed local identity flag, he needs to concentrate on feeding the poor of today and solving issues in inner city areas.


Mr. Vernon man up, will you? Offended with a low rank flag? About time you stopped seeing the world black and white and stopped hiding behind your skin colour like a coward. You are an embarrassment to other black people.
We as individuals and as a species have to raise above and beyond our skin colour, black, white, brown, yellow, etc; if we want to make progress.
I am tired of minorities bringing up the slavery issue without giving any thought that the white plebs in Europe had very little freedom and rights either, and lived in miserable conditions. The only reason we were not in shackles was because the ruling class wanted to milk all our very little money for taxes, so we had to get paid, very little, but we did, which then almost everything would go to the church and King as taxes. And if you knew any European and Middle Eastern history, you would know that the first slaves in Europe were White, Arabs and Jews, and that all the Kingdoms in Europe went about trying to enslave each other. We were being enslaved for over thousands of years before black people.
Maybe black people should take Hollywood movies with a pinch of salt, instead of letting themselves being brain washed by them because slavery in America lasted till much later than in Europe.
And lets not forget that Martin Luther King was murdered by black people, hey!


I think you mean Malcolm X.


I think he needs to grow up and stop trying to fuel the people who think every word with black in is against them, the black Country was called that before the influx of coloured people, I bet he drives a black car or is that racist, farmers dye your black sheep, best change the colour of tarmac, ,


No wonder the EDL want to march in Walsall when idiots like Vernon come out with stupid comments.


I've just binned my Beatles 'Please, please me' CD.
I was shocked to find it contains a track called 'Chains'
Mr McCartney, you should be ashamed!

W C Boggs

I wonder if he's seen all the comments so far?
With the twisted logic nestling in what passes for his brain, he could be showing them to his mates and saying "see, I told you so - they're all racists".


It's idiots like Mr Vernon who incite racist tension. Did he really think that a 12 schoolgirl designed this flag with slavery in mind? This stinks of self promotion to me. Go back to London Mr Vernon you are not welcome in the Black Country. Are we still allowed to call it that??


Most peoples of the world have at some point in history been enslaved by others. It's not so long ago that some black groups were demanding compensation for the enslavement of ancestors from generations ago, (We'll pay you when the Romans settle up with us).
Are there any figures relating to the numbers of slaves making their way back home when they were freed ?.

Jan R

I am offended by Mr. Vernon. The people who worked in the chain making industries of the Black Country were desperately poor and in ill health for most of their short lives. They worked very hard in heavy industrial processes in order to live. They had no choice in what they made and had no idea where their produce would end up. Large numbers of chain makers were women who had to do this work to feed their children and stay out of the workhouse.
They made the chains for the Titanic. Were they to blame for the iceberg too. Do think before you react Sir. Not every 18th century Brit was a middle class slave owner you know. The vast majority were living in poverty and pollution and barely keeping body and soul together for most of their lives.


Those particular chains on the flag were actually used to clamp my mountain bike to West Park railings. I think he's getting his chain silhouettes mixed up that's all. Easy mistake to make...If you're a pedantic fool.


I've been meaning to get one of these flags, Mr Vernon has just ensured I will get at least a couple.


Having read this artical, it has become very clear to me that the adage the loadest squeak gets the oil.
I am dual heritage (bit of PC there) and I am deeply offended by this man. In recent weeks we have seen the damage and destruction that men can do because of a perverse misinterpretation of a book.
This poorly educated man is no better than this. The likes of him are always waiting in the dark, ready to strike when they think the climate is right for their ideology.
The Black country has thrived for years with the hard work of it's citizens, of which we have the most amazing diverse group of people. Go to any establishment and it is made up of every nation imaginable, that is good for every one.
Vernon, I hope you are taking the time to read this news story, and when you do, bow your head in shame, and take on board what damage you have caused by trying to be clever. By the way it took you two years to come up with this nonsense, so please do not take your time in apologising to the good folk of the Black country, and understand that you will not devide this area, if anything you have added extra cohesion.


He waits two years to give his thoughts, then speaks out on the eve of Black Country Day........... Self serving man, but it's backfired for him I think


Sorry Express and Star,have you nothing more 'newsworthy' to report?


Total rubbish, & why has it taken a year to come up with this ridiculous viewpoint. You also claim the comments on here are very one sided, well so is your opinion which actually counts for nothing!

Captain Sensible

It's idiots like this chap who find racist nonsense in everything that cause a lot of the damage.
The article says the flag was designed by a small schoolgirl who most probably does not have a racist cell in her body but this clown thinks differently.
To see any sort of racist intention in this means the guy must have an enormous inferiority complex or else he is just making mischief. Either way he should shut up ...........after apologising.


Sod of back to London and leave the black country.


Make the moron watch Love Thy Neighbour !!
Now there was a GREAT COMEDY !!!

Blue Boy

What about the cotton picking slaves? Does that make Patrick Vernon a racist for wearing a shirt? Come a lad stop talking crap.


Yes Insensitive and offensive ----- not the flag but you Mr. Vernon.

Quinton Baggie

The Black Country is steeped in history and heritage as the back bone of heavy industry and this flag celebrates the hard working folk from the area and if im correct Netherton is the epi center?. Im not from The Black Country but was born is Swindon Wilts then move back to Brum after 9 months old some 49 years ago. Im not as old as some but my father who is 77 is from Birmingham and suffered real hardship and poverty that the younger people could not imagine. As an adpoted Brummie ive worked side by side with folk from the Black Country and now living here in Rowley Regis i feel ive found home. How did you feel Mr Vernon about the confederate flag being taken down in South Carolina? I believe this was the right thing to do as it symbolises Black slavery. However the Black Country flag symbolises folk who grafted hard in tough conditions that ended up with Black faces with the dirt they grafted in. So go back and crawl under the stone you came from. The Black Country is Black, White, Asian, Chinese, Polish etc Its Albion, Wolves and Walsall, so sod off cause THE BLACK COUNTRY IS OURS AND ALWAYS WILL BE AND THE FLAG STAYS.


Ahhhh, the fight against racism...by making everything racist. Good work.

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