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submitted by BluepillProfessorMarried-MRP MODERATOR
This Thread was attacked and completely eviscerated by TBP.
Long/Short, wife brought her entire family to vacation in their home and then denied the dude sex so he locked the bedroom door, jerked off, and went to sleep. Wife freaked out- not that she was locked out of the bedroom but because her man is realizing quickly that his wife provides very little value to his life except an occasional sock puppet cum dump and constant irritation.
The Blue Pill feminist Trolls absolutely freaked out at the suggestion that a man is entitled to sex from his wife.
Moreover, the MAN is not permitted to do ANYTHING to change his sexless life. If he lifts weights, he is leaving his wife. If he stands up to her bullshit he is being abusive. If he jerks off rather than lay there half the night crying and thinking about how he can better serve his wife later then he is a Shitlord.
And if you think anything except this then are a RAPIST who beats his wife and doesn't understand consent.
For the record, the Married Red Pill position is that a man IS entitled to sex from his wife. Furthermore, if he isn't getting it and is being routinely denied, then it is the WIFE who is in breach of the marital obligations- wow! Who knew that women were obligated to do anything! This is groundbreaking stuff guys! We have made an important discovery!
In the case of continual sexual denial of the husband and wife's ENTITLEMENT to the other's body, MRP recommends the man pull back his material, emotional, and psychological support until the woman he is with decides to act like a wife.
To encourage this result, we employ game and Dread Game, improve to become more sexually attractive, and begin to mentally withdraw from the relationship. Ultimately, we begin getting our needs met elsewhere- preferably from a younger, tighter, and MUCH more pleasant model- and the sex denying harpy is free to go fuck her own used up golden vagina- just lock the door first cupcake and turn on a fan because your tangy smell doesn't do much for me any more.
Read that thread, guys. See the angst and discomfort. Notice how they bleat like fools and turn the man's power of commitment into "rape." That's right, anything that empowers men and attempts to limit the scope and stench of the golden uterus is RAPE and WIFE BEATING.
all 14 comments
[–]UEMcGillMarried- MRP MODERATOR 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
I have banned all who participated in TBP discussion of that thread. They can dislike our ideas, talk junk all they want in their own thread, but the Down vote brigade is where I draw the line. Don't like what's on the menu? Don't come to the restaurant.
[–]stonepimpletilistsUnplugging 3 points4 points5 points  (4 children)
I'd value their input if they had an alternative.
They don't, it's just crabs in a bucket.
And semantic argument... It's not that we are entitled to sex, that implies we need something from the wife... I'd rather phrase it as we expect that or wives are into sex as much as we are... We can't spend our attention and limited resources when our needs aren't being met. We will find someone else who will
I'll bet I'd the husband stopped working, ate like crap and got lazy, she would feel mighty irritated, and probably not fuck him anymore.
But it's not 'you will do x, because I'm entitled to it', but
My life provides x, and need y... You do what you want with that information.. I know I will.
Besides, imagine if one day he told her he was cutting her off from being married for a month... Outrageous!
And could we have a ruling? I worry that by engaging that place, tempting as it is... We validate it as a viable alternative, or equal philosophy, it isn't.
I'd rather not feed their egos... Total blackout. No links allowed from there, no posting there, no ackgnowledhement...
Until they provide value for anyone here, they don't exist
[–]BluepillProfessorMarried-MRP MODERATOR[S] 2 points3 points4 points  (3 children)
I used the word entitlement deliberately- first to piss of the TBP feminazy trolls and second because I mean it, damn it. My father lives a sexless hell on Earth and has no idea how to deal with the dominant, frigid, unpleasant harpy known as his wife so let me vent my anger on his behalf and on behalf of the vast majority of married men in todays society.
Marriage is an agreement, a contract, a quid-pro-quo, and women have not been fulfilling their end of the contract beginning in the 1960's. Since men lost the right to spank a disobedient and unpleasant wife like the bratty little girl she is, and marital "rape" statutes were repealed, and "No Fault" Divorce laws, the 'tender years doctrine, feminist courts, and complete female supremacy in the family, every year has seen increasing feminization of the culture, strengthening of woman, and total kneecapping of men. I am sick and tired of the bullshit.
All that said, I also used the word "Man" very deliberately. A MAN is entitled to sex from his wife (or he can go get it elsewhere). Bluepill manginas are entitled to the hand.
Marriage is about SEX. Marriage is about fucking your wife and husband. If you are not doing that, you are not married in any sense of the word. If you are a man supporting his wife and is getting constant Shit Tests and unpleasant behavior (and no sex) then you are not married. You are a slave and your mistress is treating you with contempt and cruelty. A slave is justified in using any means to escape his bondage and frankly, our suggestions on MRP are weak broth. The SJW's and women in general are not going to like the masculine backlash that is coming if we don't get on top of this problem soon.
The problem with trying to ignore them is that TBP does exist and they represent the dominant feminist culture of complete female entitlement and complete male capitulation. They don't even try to hide it because they are proud of their victory even while failing to understand it as the source of that constant itching sensation in their bone dry vaginas.
[–]Scrub_runner 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
The SJW's and women in general are not going to like the masculine backlash that is coming if we don't get on top of this problem soon.
I agree, but what does that look like exactly? You can't argue with these people online, and the only effective way to make a difference IRL is to set a good example. Aside from that it feels like huge fucking wave is approaching and getting out of the way is the only smart thing to do, aside from participating here.
[–]stonepimpletilistsUnplugging 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Damn. I totally misunderstood the meaning. Wasn't expecting the language to be that exact.
Having said that... Bp are girls then right? Because if those are guys in there...
You win again bpp, with your damn fine rhetoric
[–]totorox [score hidden]  (0 children)
Marriage is about SEX.
No, about reproduction.
[–]angels_fanUnplugging 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
I've read TBP and it astounds me just how badly they miss the entire point of TRP.
I have yet to see them condemn a woman for her shitty behavior when x-posting stories from here.
I recall a post where a BP guy says he watched his dad go out with his buddies and leave his mom crying at home and it made him hate his dad. Okay... so whatever you do, don't try an analyze WHY your dad left your mom (perhaps because she's a bitchy, harpy shrew that denies him sex?) and how he isn't responsible for HER happiness. Easier to just call him an asshole for not constantly entertaining her.
Condoning the entitlement of women is strong there.
[–]TrainingTheBrainMarried- MRP APPROVED 5 points6 points7 points  (0 children)
For the record, the Married Red Pill position is that a man IS entitled to sex from his wife.
I wasn't sure of the point of the post as it seemed as though you were just trying to remind everyone that TBP doesn't know shit about TRP/MRP, but I saw it with the point I quoted.
Reaffirming our position and defending it.
Fuck the national consensus, fuck popular opinion, fuck conformity, MRP is for Masculine Married Men, and it is the results that drive our opinions, not trying to 'go against the grain'.
We do what works in our Marriage as Masculine Men should, the results guys (including myself) have shown speak for themselves. MRP is on point, fuck TBP's inability to open up their perspective and face reality. Which, if they were to do that, would lead to some enlightenment and self realization (not to mention improved relationships and happier Men).
EDIT They brought the downvote brigade on that one.
[–]Scrub_runner 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
This is both the base of my unplugging and the thing that makes my anger resurface the most. Women aren't even trying to hide it anymore, they will outright say this is the deal (demanding each side of the coin separately) short of directly saying they don't owe their boyfriends and husbands anything for what They want. And their men agree to it!
This is especially apparent in the community I am apart of. There's a lot of talk about women that ride the CC and the wall forces them to opt for a BB/meal ticket situation... They will at least embrace some kind of whorish sex for someone and theres a lot less hamstering about what they're doing. At least they put out, or know how to do it well to some degree if they want to. This is why I laugh at anyone thinking they can opt for a conservative/religious girl and avoid the worst parts of hypergamy. If anything, these ones can be worse because they treat their pussies as free passes to demand everything you mentioned regardless of how poor and infrequent the sex is. Some of them will be so fucked as to demand no porn and no jerking off AND THEN have the nerve to only toss their husband a bone once a month. And these fucking idiots complain to me, yet think being a martyr is their only option. It's like a bad form of prostitution, but the whore doesn't put out and you can't go anywhere else.
[–]Scurvemuch 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Does anyone have the post with the deleted comments still up? not sure if its possible
[–]SexistFlyingPig 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I don't like the word entitlement here. Entitlement means you get something automatically. If TRP were suggesting that, then I'd be with you, but it's not.
When you say, "Oh, no sex? Here's what you can do to change the situation. 1) lift, 2) improve SMV, 3) game, 4) dread game, etc. etc." That's a lot of work. You don't work for things you're entitled to.
[–]RedPillForever 0 points1 point2 points  (1 child)
Most BP thinkers have a half view of the obligations of monogamy.
Monogamy is not, as BP thinkers assume, an agreement to have sex with one person and only one person, regardless of how they behave or how often they put out.
That is an incredibly unbalanced, unhealthy relationship, which affords one partner (usually the woman) massive power over the other by becoming the gatekeeper to their partner's entire sex life.
Monogamy is an agreement to sexual exclusivity, in exchange for reasonable access.
If you expect monogamy from your partner, then yes, you are obligated to sex. If you do not have sex with your partner at a level that satisfies their needs, then you are the one who has violated the bounds of the agreement and you can no longer have an expectation of exclusivity.
[–]RPAlternate42Unplugging 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
Monogamy is an agreement to sexual exclusivity, in exchange for reasonable access.
Boom. The perfect, succinct definition in one easy to swallow sentence.
[–]theultmatecadMarried- HARD CORE RED 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I a strong supporter of a man becoming a controlling, abusive dickhead. The problem is that TBP calls a man who controls who enters his life and who gets to stay there as abusive.
TBP is a satirical sub. I actually enjoy when they bash my comments as its kind of funny. As if I followed any of the nonsense they speak about.
I know my wife spent years thinking she had eternal commitment NO MATTER WHAT. She didnt worry about whether I was pleased because she didnt have to. Spent my money frivolosuly, invited her family to stay with us whenever she wanted, lied, cheated, gave starfish sex etc etc.
Why shouldnt she? I certainly wasnt telling her what to do. I whined about it sure...but that barely registered. Cant really blame her, she had nothing to lose, and nothing to work for.
So I came to my sense and started "abusing" her.
Here is how I did it:
I dropped 25 poinds and wear the same jeans and bench the same weight I did as a high school football player.
I wear great clothes and take pride in how I look.
I stopped worrying about her wants and needs took care of my own.
I let her bad moods amplify my good ones.
Ramped up time playing sports, coaching kids sports etc.
Socialize regularly with old and new friends.
No longer ask for sex from her, I take it. Then use her for my pleasure and tell her I own that pussy. (Surprise..she loves it)
Stopped.making her comfortable that I wouldn't leave her or cheat on her. I used to run to make her envy disappear.
So in the end I became an abusive, controlling asshole. I had the gall to control how much of my life I was willing to give to a woman who didn't appreciate it.
I cant say what happens next. I can say my marriage works well and the whole family is very happy. All of it is because I started abusing the wife
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