
Congratulations, Supernatural, You’re No Longer Queerbaiting

For better or worse, you were handed an ultimatum by the changing standards of culture. A shit-or-get-off-the-pot sort of thing. 

And you decided to get off the pot. 

Weighing on the one hand following through with one of the most popular fictional romantic pairings on the internet, the source of most of your free late-series hype, and a critical driving force within your fan cult,

but kinda gay,

and on the other hand, the demolition of one of your few remaining character relations, you chose: demolition. And kudos–you succeeded in that. You have now successfully erased an entire dynamic and retracted the scope of your story! Back to two characters! Family ends in blood! No more pesky enthusiastic people! 

Your ratings are plummeting, your reviews have tanked, and your fan cult is fleeing, but hey–maybe that’s all a coincidence, right?

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