1. 1191




    “Feminist” men who talk over women by derailing posts 


    This post shows EVERYTHING that is wrong with social media “activism”. People will jump at the first chance to tell someone they are wrong, usually in the most condescending way possible, but rarely do you ever see someone take the time to respectfully explain why they are wrong.
    Nothing will ever get accomplished until people understand that education is the only way to battle ignorance.

    Yeah, feminists not explaining to a guy who doesn’t think feminism is necessary why saying “not all men” is derailing for the 13 millionth time is the REAL problem here. Nice catch eagle eyes. 

    …what? “Men are babies” may be a statement which was not meant in earnest, not intended to mean “All men act like children”, but the person responding was not going “NOT ALL MEN” in an attempt to defend men due to feeling like men are being attacked, they were bringing up the point that making blanket statements about groups of people is how harmful stereotypes arise. 

    If you are to attempt to fight for social justice, or even just take part in activism, you must check yourself at every corner. Movements are volatile, dangerous things, and if one is to succeed then it’s failings succeed with it. If a feminist movement is to truly overhaul a patriarchal society, then it must do what it can to prevent the misandry which may arise, especially over a medium like the ones we use for communication.

    It is so very easy to forget the meaning of a social movement and turn it into a social group functional only as a dopamine producing machine fueled on anger, hate, and bitterness, so you must closely examine your behaviors.

    “Darkness can not drive out darkness. Only light can do that. Hate can not drive out hate. Only love can do that.”

    Like, if you’re some annoying prat who needs to be explained why “not all men” is annoying and derailing even though it has been addressed a thousand times before then get out. Honestly, how did you end up following me in the first place? Are you lost? If you think my social activism will ever revolve around the fragile egos of cishet men not wanting to be stereotyped so bad they invent the idea that they were being stereotyped in the first place then just unfollow me, it will save me having to put you on ignore. 

    Also if you’re a person who will use any kind of variant on the above bolded quote to empty that we must all be lovely and kind at every given moment this is really not the blog for you.

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      Having no priority on supporting women can hardly going hand in hand with calling yourself a feminist???
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      Because even if you smile and explain calmly why you’re being an ass, you are still being an ass. When one group is...
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