全 134 件のコメント

[–]HughyHugh 107ポイント108ポイント  (31子コメント)

Easy targets + established Internet reputation of harassment

[–]Ergheis 61ポイント62ポイント  (18子コメント)


There's more than that, but here's one big reason.

[–]Paitryn 11ポイント12ポイント  (3子コメント)

And that's why I love Aaron Mcgruder

[–]MEMES_IN_MY_ASSHOLE@WeaponizedMemes 17ポイント18ポイント  (1子コメント)

Such a smart, brilliant creator yet all anyone can focus on his how he says the word nigger sometimes.

[–]MisterTruth 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

Same thing with Chappelle's Show.

[–]luftwaffle0 15ポイント16ポイント  (13子コメント)

Personally I don't like this "pass the buck" approach from either this comic or the OP saying that they should go after the music/entertainment industry.

Guns and entertainment have both been blamed for the actions of fringe crazy people since time immemorial and especially in the last 20-30 years or so. There should be solidarity and common ground between these embattled groups, not throwing each other under the bus.

I'm a gun owner and a gamer, I've never met either another gamer or another gun owner who I ever felt was a threat to society or even a particularly bad person.

There is a similar problem when it comes to free speech of saying things like, "how could you ban X when there's still worse things like Y and Z!" That is not a free speech argument, that's a spiteful, myopic and self-centered argument which shows no greater tolerance for freedom of speech than whoever banned the original speech in the first place.

In a free society, sometimes people will get their feelings hurt, sometimes things won't go exactly how someone wants, and sometimes there will even be violence and tragedy. Freedom doesn't come with the guarantee of perfection, everyone knows that, and this should be the answer to these types of criticisms.

[–]Mashiki 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

Music has been blamed for a very long time, so has print media. Go back to the early days when the first man made printing presses started coming out of the monasteries and you'll see the nobility decrying about how "the common man, would rise up and fill their head with nonsense." Jump a head a few hundred years and you'll see the crazy stuff about music and teen pregnancy too.

[–]GreatRedYeti45k get! 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

when the first man made printing presses started coming out of the monasteries and you'll see the nobility decrying about how "the common man, would rise up and fill their head with nonsense."

They accurately predicted Tumblr! The end times are nigh!

[–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

I'm not saying they should. I don't approve of thought policing. I'm just saying it is unfair how gaming is scrutinized.

[–]luftwaffle0 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Well that's the thing, I don't think you or most people who make those statements intend for that to happen. And in a vacuum, it's a perfectly reasonable observation. It's just that for these types of people, scrutiny inevitably leads to calls for banning or censorship. I just picture this type of person going "ah good point, we should steer our crusade towards them instead" (or even worse - in addition to).

It also engenders animosity between groups with a common adversary and a common philosophical defense against these accusations, which is counterproductive.

But really though I'm not trying to pick on you or anyone, I just think this particular argument is kind of weak and I hate seeing it. I remember during the Newtown shooting thing, some NRA guy came on and was talking about video games. There is just no need for that. Deflection is easy, more people need to have a spine and make the real argument, the tough argument, that risk is a part of freedom.

Bear in mind also that often times the people making these arguments (that such-and-such should be banned or restricted) or judging your defense against them could be part of those groups (entertainers in the case of your post, or gun owners in the case I brought up). They will react negatively to having their particular interest fingered as part of your argument, when using a different tact could have been more persuasive.

Anyway, I agree with the rest of your post. Thanks for sharing your perspective.

[–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Oh what I wrote was more of an observation than an argument I would bring up to the masses, for sure - and I do agree with you making that into a point during a debate or some public presentation or bid to reason would be divisive. Like I said earlier, I just feel that the public has been very unfair towards videogames from its inception.

[–]HighVoltLowWatt -2ポイント-1ポイント  (6子コメント)

Except guns are the cause of mass shootings. A gun allows one person to kill many in a short period. It's an efficient killing machine. Things like better mental healthcare can certainly help, but crazy will still slip through the cracks. Banning or restricting guns is legitimate answer to this problem.

It would also have a positive impact on attempted and successful suicides. On the

I agree with you though. I have seen this argument before as well and it's not a legitimate one. It's very similar to deflection we've seen from some aGG:

"But the triple a's are worse"

[–]KSGunner 4ポイント5ポイント  (3子コメント)

Try googling "china mass stabbing" and then tell me how guns are the problem again.

[–]Y_orickBrown 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

Spoiler alert, instead of looking it up they just downvoted you.

[–]KSGunner 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Sad but unsurprising, inanimate objects are merely tools, they do only as their user directs them but many people have a hard time grasping that concept. Punish the user, not the tool.

*completely re-wrote my post after writing a wall of text thinking this was in reference to another thread. Note to self check context next time.

[–]HighVoltLowWatt -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah and some kid dual wielding knives stabbed 22 people in a school in Indiana. 22 people were WOUNDED. Imagine if he used a gun?

"but people can still stab each other!" Does not change the power a firearm provides someone in a mass killing situation. The body counts are high because guns are effective. You can train people to defend against knives, but body armor is illegal.

[–]luftwaffle0 4ポイント5ポイント  (1子コメント)

Except guns are the cause of mass shootings. A gun allows one person to kill many in a short period. It's an efficient killing machine.

No, crazy people are the cause of mass shootings. Guns are inanimate objects.

I'm also not sure what is so much worse about killing 10 people all at once compared to 10 people, 1 at a time over the course of 10 days or whatever. Did you know that more people are killed by being beaten to death than all rifles combined?

Guns also are really the only defense for most people who are either physically weak or outnumbered. When most people imagine self defense, they are imagining a fully-grown adult male against 1 other adult male. That's at best a toss up, and when it comes to defending your family, most people will not be content with 50/50 odds.

Let alone younger people, or women, or people with disabilities, or older people... guns are the only thing which can possibly equalize the playing field for these groups.

Banning guns is not going to happen in the US. There would literally be a civil war and mass insurrection. It's not even sensible to take away that right from millions of people based on the actions of a few people per year.

Also I sincerely doubt that not having a gun would help much when it comes to suicide. In fact it might make suicide even more horrific by people involving others, such as through running out into traffic or suicide by cop.

[–]HighVoltLowWatt 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't know a single person except my brother whose ever needed a gun to survive and he needed it because he was doing a tour as infantry in a Afghanistan.

Its a weapon designed and to kill. Not body armor or a self defense focused martial art. Guns are used by and large to inflict violence rather than prevent it. There's good cause to be pro gun but self defense is not one.

The criminal drew his weapon first. In that instance a gun does no good. Even if you had a shot given the hit rates or trained police officers 18%. What makes you think that in a stressful situation where adrenaline is wrecking your fine motor control you could hit a barn let alone a moving human being?

Even if your some ex-ranger the vast majority of people are not and firearms are more likely to escalate the violence and get someone killed than stop it.

[–]ghostfox1_gfaqs 21ポイント22ポイント  (0子コメント)

Basically gamers have already been demonized, and looked down on, so we look like easy targets... But we sling shit at friends all day long, and have thick skin. We also grind for things all the time, so I'm not really sure they thought it through at all.

Oh wait, they wanted attention and money.

[–]billbot 6ポイント7ポイント  (10子コメント)

"Easy Targets" heh.

[–]gekkozorz 6ポイント7ポイント  (1子コメント)

Sort of like how Russia in the winter was an "easy target" for invasion in WW2. What could possibly go wrong?

[–]RangerSix 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

And in the Napoleonic War before that.

[–]Defconwargamesdisrespects mods 7ポイント8ポイント  (4子コメント)

We die, we fucking respawn.........bitches!

[–]kamon123 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

Warboys posting time! WE LIVE WE DIE WE LIVE AGAIN!!!

[–]mambome 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

We're the ones who grabbed the sun, riding to Valhalla!

[–]RangerSix 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Live. Die. Repeat.

[–]Ssilversmith 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I used to have this on a t-shirt. "I don't die. I respawn." Then I broke up with my last girlfriend and got fat...

[–]Dwavenhobble 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

In fairness maybe 4 -6 years ago it would have been far worse. Seriously just look at all the films & shows etc that have come out and established Geekdom as being cool in the past even 10 years or so.

Being a Geek not only became acceptable but it became a cool thing. So most of the fears of not being accepted or thought of as weird. Well they went away at least in a large part.

[–]tsudonimh 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Great. We were geeks and nerds before it was cool.

We're fucking hipsters. Damn it.

[–]Dwavenhobble 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Is it any surprise Hipsters trying to ruin something. I mean at one point owning a Beanie and listening to Coldplay was something other than a social statement.

But yeh I remember hearing on a Radio show about a comedian's experiences with it. The show was called "Moths Ate My Doctor Who Scarf" and he was on about how he tried being a comedian many years ago and got a few laughs but never really had the crowds as most of his jokes were geek related. Then as geek took off he found his career in comedy took of fully. In one part he was on about some "Drunken lout" in a pub coming up to him after the show and saying about how he (the comedian) was so funny and how he (the lout himself) love watching Doctor Who with them "Dirlocks" in it. The comedian replied

Do you mean Darleks ?

The lout replied Yes but the comedian was on about how he realised and said to himself in his brain in a bitter voice

You stupid fool In the playground you guys used to beat people like me up for liking that dumb nerd stuff, so many people suffered through and now suddenly when the things becoming popular you claim you're a fan. You're nothing but a twat trying to look cool still.

He talked about how it was great to see geek stuff being celebrated but that so many out there are "fair weather" fans and just try to follow what's cool.

[–]shinbreaker 71ポイント72ポイント  (4子コメント)

Because it's the only industry that flinched. For example, Anita has done videos about movies and TV for years before she talked about video games. None of those industries gave a care. Music, movies, and film have all had various crusades against them but in the end, the industries carries on. But thanks to SJW journalists who are trying to impress Anita, fake outrage is created left and right and the industry flinched.

[–]Dwavenhobble 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

In Fairness to her. Those videos were done while she was in College. Also she did get a hell of a backlash apparently about her Bayonetta video (She literally removed it from her youtube channel to try and make it less easy to find)

[–]shinbreaker 5ポイント6ポイント  (2子コメント)

Why does it matter if she was in college? If anything those have more of an academic approach as she quotes notable feminists rather that creating her own crazed theories. Also the Bayonetta video was a perfect showcase of her lack of gaming knowledge that she wanted to hide while the kickstarter was going but then rereleased last year, and as usual, doesn't admit fault.

[–]frankenmine/r/WerthamInAction - #ComicGate 10ポイント11ポイント  (0子コメント)

She wasn't McIntosh's booth babe yet.

[–]Dwavenhobble 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

People do some crazy stuff in College for acceptance / admiration. Look at the cheers from people in that video where she first showed off "Too Many Dicks on the Dance floor"

[–]2yph0n 43ポイント44ポイント  (3子コメント)

College these days are offering "Women's Studies", "Sexuality Studies", and other social/political science degrees.

They aren't hard to get into as oppose to STEM, business, lawyer fields.

In school, they are TAUGHT that it is the white heterosexual males that oppresses everybody. These degrees are created in devotion to go against the "oppressors".

They DO go into the movie industry. For example, they demand MORE 'strong' female characters and take movies out of context like Mad Max with their social media methods.

The reason why they focus more on video games is due to the fact that the gaming industry have a more prominent role in the lives of the younger generation. They want to spread their ideas to young kids.

This makes sense financially because the more people following their ideas, the more clicks they get online for ad revenue (Gawker, polygon, ars Technica, Rolling Stone etc.), the more sympathy they get through patreon, kickstarter, etc.(Anita, Wu, etc.), and the more political power they receives (see Mattress Girl meeting the senator for her lies).

The stereotypical 'right' have a culture of conning people with religion. Now the political 'left' have a culture of scamming people with 'social equality' lies like rape and wage myths.

[–]Cow_In_Space 15ポイント16ポイント  (2子コメント)

STEM isn't even that hard to go into, it all depends on the level you want to attain. I know a couple of guys who are quite happy being lab techs, they love doing that work. I'm also lucky enough to know one PhD who is doing things in molecular biology yet they had worse secondary school awards than the two lab techs.

The real problem is that these social studies folk all want to be at the top and in STEM that just isn't the case, STEM students are, in my experience, more grounded in their aims.

I did an Honours degree in network engineering and whilst there were definitely less women there all but one graduated, a better ratio than for the guys, and all of them were pretty down to earth. But they all had realistic aims and didn't delude themselves about what they could do with their achievements.

Unfortunately my University didn't run any social studies type courses, so I never encountered any of the real whack jobs, not sure if that is a good or a bad thing, but the fact that it was one of the growing minority of Unis in the UK that back freedom of expression probably explains why.

[–]ExplodoJones 11ポイント12ポイント  (1子コメント)

STEM is hard if you can't do math past multiplication. Gender studies courses the only requirement is the ability to read English and agree with whatever the professors say.

[–]Dwavenhobble 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

From my experience of essays in both the essay method for social studies is easier.



Using this methodology [reference for the methodology] this was turned to this other thing. It was then subjected to this method [reference to methodology] to achieve what is believe to be this as shown by the attached analysis files [reference to the files]

Social sciences

According (Sauce name) "(3 line long direct quote from the source)" From this I believe it relates to what I found and think that (Insert bullshit conclusion).

In fairness to Social sciences some of the best in there are wizards at statistical manipulation to make their results show what they want. Mostly though it seems almost anything can get thrown in there.

In STEM people are taught to challenge one another. To push improve and overcome the challenge and that however harsh the stuff is it's nothing personal it's professional and after that blazing row in the lab you can go for a pint together. In Social sciences you can't challenge the norm. You can't pull up contradicting sources etc and go against the expected grain or you face trouble. In STEM I literally had lectures from professionals who said challenge what people telling you things say. Anything people say is set in stone challenge it and see if it really is. In Social sciences the professionals that came in basically said "This is how things are and this is my method relating to them that I expect you to use".

[–]songsofthewoods 9ポイント10ポイント  (7子コメント)

I've never experienced any 'sexism' and when I was a child in the 1990s, it was other girls who bullied me for being 'nerdy' and preferring to talk about my Yugi-Oh card collection (please don't judge) instead of being interested in Britney Spears and Avril Lavigne. I found a community and acceptance with my fellow 'nerds' (all of whom who happened to be male). I was never questioned or doubted, and they were just glad to have a fellow friend that shared their interest.

I think I found a long lost sister! I had a huge binder for my cards, and I always kept 1 card w/ me at all times - the Change of Heart card.

It's the "Mean girls" mentality from these "culture critics" and their clique that spread the '-ism issue' into video games. They LOVE to be always the center of attention, so they make non-issues into HUGE TANTRUMS about... you guessed it! THEM

As for the media, the current market of the media is no longer in reporting FACTS / TRUTHS objectively without writer bias, but by writing the biggest Clickbait headline and article that could generate them money. And this practice isn't just in online publications, it's EVERYWHERE! So I'm not really surprised that these 'gaming journalists' actually shit on their target audience, since RAGE generates them more money than reporting on charity events, positive coverage on games OR factual reporting. In my opinion, there's a small amount of "insert issue -ism" in the whole world wide gamers/gaming industry but A LOT of it in in games journalism/blogger industry.

[–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 6ポイント7ポイント  (6子コメント)

I was pretty poor so I never owned cards of my own and always borrowed my buddies' collection after school.

I hate to sound like I have a persecution complex, but the bullying I lived through really affected me. I remember I was told how I was not really a girl, but a 'boy' because I was nerdy and didn't enjoy what those girls liked. I remember the girls in the class had this organization called 'Da Club' and apparently they had a vote to see whether or not I joined, and none of the did except one girl - which they said: "And she only did because she was nice."

I was policed what I could say (I couldn't use the words 'dude'), they wanted to change what kind of music I listened to (I mostly listened to OSTs/Nobuo Uematsu/Yasunori Mitsuda) ... so I could be considered a 'real girl.' Eventually I just thought fuck'em and didn't bother conforming to it and did whatever I want. The physical and emotional abuse from them took a toll that I didn't entirely grow past until adulthood.

Ironically, I grew up and ended up having very large assets.

[–]songsofthewoods 3ポイント4ポイント  (5子コメント)

I see we ARE more a like than I thought. I did have a binder full of yugioh cards, but sadly, none of them were real original cards. I did eventually lose all of them though, because the mean girls (or someone, but I think it was them) in my class stole my binder. Never saw it again, and didn't care to start over. That's when I moved on to Video Games/MMORPGs - and it became my refuge and family (and why vidya will always be important to me). I never did know why they targeted me, but I guess it was because I wasn't pretty, I didn't like make-up, I was chubby, a nerd and an otaku (yep OST/anisongs for me too) and I didn't find their gossip that intellectually stimulating. Even though their whispered slurs & insults & horrible rumors hurt back then, (made me cry a lot), I honestly wouldn't change how I handled it. I was generous and kind to everyone, even my 'enemies' & I didn't give a shit on what anyone thought, and that's how the 'mean girls' narrative broke. The clique became smaller and a few of them actually ended up being nice people (after apologizing and talking to me). To be fair, their bullying did take a toll on me, but I'd like to think I've worked through most of them now that I'm in my 20s.

Growing up in the Philippines, we were poor (or above slums but not middle class)l. I know some of my other classmates and kids from the slums had it worse so I can't complain about it like the SJWs of today. I KNOW poverty, hunger, and OPPRESSION & PRIVILEGE first hand growing up in the streets of Philippines. All these "-ism" issues SJWs shout isn't really THAT big of a deal, not when you compare it to 3rd world country issues. And this is also why I'm here for Ethics (and protecting gamers). I've seen how newspapers spin lies and half truths to protect a very powerful & corrupt government regime. These game journalists aren't that different.

[–]exclamationmarc 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

Always nice to see someone from the same country being here for ethics, seeing as our journalism is such a shining beacon of journalist ethics it's almost up there with Kotaku and the likes. As a discussion I always have with some colleagues, these kinds of "-isms" fail so much once the SJWs get out of their own echo chamber.

[–]songsofthewoods 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

appropriate comic response I do agree, it's hard to think there's anything more important out there beyond their safe spaces/point of view when you've never set foot outside of it. I honestly believe that once these SJWs do get out and travel to other countries, experience a different culture, actually talk to people face to face - that they'd come back a little less SJW. I would like to hope so.

[–]exclamationmarc 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The comic is perfect. Thanks for sharing.

[–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

I am an American, but I grew up in a town that has been labeled by major newspapers here as one of the most 'miserable cities' in the country. When I was a young child, I definitely grew up in the slums, and my family had to cram 5 people in a room as a poor immigrants.

My living conditions drastically improved since, but I am very sensitive to the social issues in the country because how close it hits home.

'Videogame activism for women' is just a joke to me.

Like you, I worked through it now that I am in my 20s and just realized you can't depend on others for acceptance and happiness.

[–]songsofthewoods 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You are a soul-sister through and through. I'm happy to have met you here. hugs

[–]Damascene_2014 19ポイント20ポイント  (4子コメント)

Movies and music culture are too established and powerful for them and the barrier to entry is much higher. Even on something like a bottom tier Sundance indy the professionalism and working with a real team required is going to be much higher than firing up Twine, crapping out some hyperlinks and calling yourself a game dev.

I had once voiced these opinions to someone who identifies with social justice, and said I honestly haven't experienced the alleged 'rampant sexism' - he dismissed what I said with: "You are just lucky."

Everyone's got some experience with online trolls, and in their imagination they extrapolate that to all women in gaming regardless of what's actually going on in the real world.

A lot of it is beta men projecting in my opinion, ones that don't actually have a lot of experience with what actual women go through and are sexist themselves imagining they need to always fight for a woman's defense. It's precisely because gaming has such a large percentage of weaker men that want to escape from their lives that they think they can fix them with benevolent sexism and white knighting and trashing games. I think there are 10 white knights for every 1 feminist in this situation.

My wife of ten years basically had the road paved for her in red carpet and gold in MMOs and counterstrike from my personal experience.

I don't understand why the media and 'culture critics' are so attached to attacking videogames, asides the pre-existing negative stereotypes about gamers that are easy to exploit, and 'authorities' in gaming are more likely to kowtow.

That's it, they are just low on the social status totem pole themselves and have to attack something to feel superior. I can't imagine anything considered lower than a gamer besides a games blogger at this point. I mean homeless people and murderers and pro wrestling fans maybe. /s

[–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 29ポイント30ポイント  (2子コメント)

It's just so silly to me. I have lived in a very rough, impoverished and crime ridden area. I had a brief stint as a canvasser and was stationed in the very ghetto parts of town; I was harassed (gangbangers following me to my car demanding 'favors') and even physically assaulted. The worse I have ever experienced in the gaming community is really just awkward fellows, and it is really harmless (mildly annoying even in the worse case scenarios). To paint gamers as these 'dangerous' people makes me laugh and think just how out of touch, and dare I say, 'privileged,' these spokespeople are if that's the worse of their problems.

Like your wife, if anything, when gamer find out I'm a woman, they are overly generous and nice.

[–]FrinkleMcDoo 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

See, you know what real danger and harrasment is like. Keyboard warriors tend to be highly sheltered and have never met anyone outside their social circle, so their only frame of reference is words on a computer screen. Not only are they so fragile that disagreements send them into a panic attack, they also think that it's the same for everyone else.

[–]Damascene_2014 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

She got messed with on the street too since she had (ex wife now) traffic stopping features and also knew the difference between real harassment and what gamers do online.

[–]GooberGobias 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

pro wrestling fans


[–]primalchaos 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

Short answer: Money and easy ground floor access. The press and the business is still very amateur; and the indie scene was a perfect target. Meanwhile, games are making more money than movies and the major players are risk averse - the perfect targets for blackmailing and intimidation by what is effectively a protection scheme. Give us money, support our little think tanks, we won't call you sexist and evil.

TV and movies have already had their fight and everyone is way more exposed to them at every age and income level. Video games are still in their infancy, so its easy to scare people about their 'potential effects' when the 'bad effects' of movies have consistently never materialized.

But in the end, it's about money. It's about getting the easy bucks for just complaining. And it's about easy clickbait that these cultural critics give to the lazy glorified bloggers so they can all pay their two grand rent in San Francisco without really working a day in their life.

Or so they thought. Given how the game journo industry is going... I hear Burger King is hiring.

[–]LeMoineFou 8ポイント9ポイント  (0子コメント)

The SJWs are bullies at heart. But they're not strong. They're not cool. They're not popular. They're not powerful. They're not rich.

So they need to find somebody "lower" on the totem pole than they are. They thought that was gamers. They assumed (wrongly) that gamers are all males, white, nerds, that we live in our parents basements, that we can't get dates or have families, and that we will roll over at the first sign of aggression. They thought gamers were an easy target.

What the SJWs didn't realise is those stereotypes might have been true of gamers 30 years ago (although they probably weren't). But these days gamers are incredibly diverse. Young, old, male, female, fit, thin, black, white, purple, green, ... gamers don't care what you look like or what you believe, so long as you play the game. The only people the gamers don't like are posers and braggarts, unless the bragging is justified by having immense skill.

So gamers didn't accept the narrative the SJWs pushed, because we knew it was false. We pushed back. We will keep pushing back until these asshole SJWs are run out of town. Games are for gamers, all kinds of gamers, and we intend to keep it that way.

[–]cheat-master30 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

Because gaming is less mainstream than TV or movies or literature. And the people who tend to be interested in games have a unfair reputation as 'nerds' or 'outsiders' (something shared with the fandoms for comic books, manga/anime outside of Japan, tabletop games, pro wrestling etc).

Add how less people know much about video games than other media, or how the medium has a bad reputation with certain groups in general (see the whole 'New Media is Evil' stuff on TV Tropes) and the gaming world was seen as an easy target by these bullies.

They couldn't do this against movies or TV (or at least gain traction from it) because the reputation of the medium and those who are involved in it and the mainstream appeal meant people saw them as the kooks they actually are. They can only operate when the medium and its fan has a 'bad' reputation with parts of the mainstream, hence why their other targets have been the likes of skepticism/atheism and tabletop gaming.

I also suspect (and this is probably going to cause a bit of trouble in the future) that fear may have a certain amount to do with it. There are many other groups and interests and things out there that these critics could go after who make any form of media look like a bunch of cute teddy bears by comparison. Unfortunately, these groups tend to resolve problems with their critics through violence, which scares off the culture critics and causes them to find 'easy' targets.

[–]bikki420 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's waaay worse in Japan for manga/anime fans than outside...

[–]FrinkleMcDoo 13ポイント14ポイント  (3子コメント)

I know you said "Explain like I'm Five" but there isn't much of a simple answer. At least, not one that gets to the root of the matter.

The short answer? Gamers fought back against Outrage Culture. They didn't like that at all.

  • SJWs exist, and want to feed their own ego by engaging in moral crusades against the evils of the world. They typically are radical feminists and into identity politics and other postmodern ideas.
  • SJWs create Outrage Culture. They actively seek things to be offended by, so that they can bully the target into submission and feel superior about it.
  • SJWs see nerd culture as an easy target, because nerds are seen as weak and easy to influence. Many nerds are already liberal and believe in some of the same platforms as them.
  • Comic books falls to the SJWs and is currently embroiled in Identity Politics.
  • SJWs target Atheists and attempt to break off and create Atheism+ (as in, plus feminism and social justice). It fails to catch on.
  • SJWs target games next. Gamers however are very resistant to their demands. They point out that what the SJWs are doing is no different than what Jack Thompson tried to do to games.
  • SJWs double down and call gamers misogynists and racists for not caving into their demands. Gamers still refuse to back down. They've dealt with slander already for decades by the mainstream media.
  • SJWs declare gamers dead. Gamers respond with Gamergate.

That's it in a nutshell, as best as I can put it.

[–]Niwjere 7ポイント8ポイント  (1子コメント)

Neither SJWism nor identity politics is postmodern. Both use postmodernist phrasing and concepts ("emotion has its own truth that's just as valid as empirical evidence") to push a completely modernist grand narrative ("our interpretation of social justice is good and true and right and everyone must subscribe to it and those who do not are wrong"). Postmodernism doesn't declare anyone right or wrong; it holds all narratives as equal (which is mostly why it's fucking useless when applied to the real world).

[–]Kofilin 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

The reason why it gets called post-modernism is because it is heavily based on Foucault, Derrida and Butler's respective epistemological vomits and more specifically the idea that the groups matter more than the individuals. That's a broad way to put it but it's nevertheless the foundation of SJW's racist and sexist ideologies.

[–]Izkata 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Also, the Sad Puppies

[–]DangerouslyGoneAlone 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's all about the clickbait. Incendiary topics get a lot of clicks and Anita Scamkeesian vs Video Games was pretty much guaranteed to generate a flame war in every article for a couple years. Gamers internet more than most people so they're good targets for clickbait outrage.

[–]bugme143 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Simply put, because the rest of society still sees gamers as the buck-toothed nerd with the bowl haircut and taped beer-bottle glasses, and they unconsciously take the role of the jock bully shoving us into the locker.

[–]asdfasdf21231 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ask yourself, why don't they go after hip-hop? There are a lot of hip hop songs that have misogynistic stuff. Nobody goes after them. Why? Because hip hop artists would laugh in their faces. They aren't PC and they don't give a fuck. Same thing happened with the Protein World Ads. Guess what happened? They didn't buckle, and it backfired on the SJWs. When protein world ran the same ad in NYC, not a peep from them. They do it because gamers are an easy target and don't push back. These people are just looking for something to be upset by and looking for easy targets.

[–]AspsVeryDangerous 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

The theory goes that, in games journalism at least, all this is a result of them trying to stay relevant in an age of user-generated content and YouTube video game personalities.

There's a lot of sour grapes there because of an ever-dwindling and ever-demanding audience, and very little money involved. Being jaded with the medium itself doesn't help (one thing clear from reading Polygon or anything by today's Leigh Alexander is the absolute disdain for games and gaming).

Grasping at straws they latched onto the 'games have to be art now/need to grow up' narrative in a botched attempt to stay relevant. This came to a head with GamerGate, as most of these publications boiled over into 'fuck it, we hate you, you're all sexist/racist monsters' propelling them rapidly to their own imminent deaths.

And here we are.

[–]Seruun 3ポイント4ポイント  (5子コメント)

Holy crap that got much longer then I intended, I am sorry.

I blame the GJPs, they used their connections to certain "critics" like Sarkeesian to set up a distraction from their own buddy-buddy crownyism and corrution that came to light following the so-called Zoe Posts (a series of blog posts where a journo admits to have given postive coverage for his ex-GF Zoe Quinns "game").

The SJWs were very eager to help since all they saw was Quinn being the damsel in distress, assualt by those vicious mysoginerd. Ethics in journalism? What's that? The great indie outlets, Kotaku, RPS, Polygon and some more simultaneously published articles condemning gamers, declaring people who identify as such dead and thus should no longer be catered to. Instead they shilled the projects of their indy friends (and only those who they like, not studios like the "Fine Young Capitalists").

I don't know how you feel about being patronized and talked down to by a bunch of corrupt people who ideally should be your consumer advocates, but many didn't take it well. Large sites like IGN are pratically advertisement outlets these days hence gamers turned to smaller sites to get unbiased news who went on to betray the trust bestowed onto them.

For what, you may ask. It can't be money since they hurt their own bottom line with that move, so I guess it is controll and influence over the gaming industry in general and the indie scene in particular. They want to be the sole arbitrator on what is a good game and what should be shamed into oblivion. Thing is their idea of a good game and a gamer's idea are radiacally different.

You have look at the mindset of these people. On one hand there are elitists who want for games to become something akin to high art where they can drink "fizzy water and talk philippine politics" (no really, this is paraphrased from an actual recent Rock Band preview. On the other hand you have the social justice crowd who sees games a means for re-educating the masses. "Games" like Depression Quest were made with this goal in mind. The common denominator of both is the so-called hipster demographic.

On a more general note, the Zoe posts aren't that extraordinary and rather tame (a lot of accusations and hurt feelings of a betrayed man), they were just the latest and most blatant example of corruption (e.g. a few years ago we had "doritos gate", google it, it is really funny or not, depending how you feel on humanity in general). In a way the Zoe posts were the proverbial straw that broke the camals back.

This "pattern" of SJWs invading a subculture through blanket accusations and advertising them selves as the solution to the problem they created isn't new. There was "elevator gate", a case where female conference speaker at an atheist/sceptic conference felt harassed because a man asked her (in an elevator, hence the name) to share a drink with him. It went similar with GG, the sceptic movement (already a thorn in intersectional feminism's site, because sceptics are very good at detecting and ridiculing bullshit) came under fire as a womanhating men's club. Here is the thing about sceptics, the only common denominator is their scepticism otherwise they are not a unified group and forming one is anti-thetical to the core tenants of scepticsm (question everything, especially ideologies that demand that you fall into lock-step).

Unlike GG they lacked publication outlets to boost their voice so the SJW crowd never got very far and as I said, sceptics and atheists don't do "listen and believe" they do "evidence and reason". With GG however, the non-gamers are far too likely to just swallow what the press coughs up since they see the common stereotype of basement dwelling losers reaffirmed. This is why it worked better here then on the sceptics. Sceptics are seen as intellectuals, gamers are seen as nerdy (white) losers who are incapable of normal social interaction (when they are just introverts).

[–]Dogtopias 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Game journalists opened the doors and let the wolves in. If they had dismissed this bullshit like they used to in the past we wouldn't have the problem we have today.

[–]reversememe 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Re: the skeptics, you're really missing a huge part of the picture. True skeptics are indeed supposed to be bullshit spotters, but that was the puzzling thing: it was people in the skeptic and atheist community itself who jumped in to defend the fair m'lady, most notably PZ Myers of the FreeThoughtBlogs clique.

Which raises the question: why are these people self-proclaimed atheists and skeptics despite falling into the Listen and Believe mindset?

Answer: because they don't believe in a god because of skepticism and logical deduction, but rather, because they didn't like what their God had to say about typically progressive issues, like sex before marriage, homosexuality, drugs and alcohol, fetishes and perversions, and so on. They are authoritarians who crave everything a church offers: community activities, shared history and culture, a common enemy, etc. These are the same people who gave r/atheism such a bad name years ago, and why it was a terrible default sub. They are atheists but not skeptics.

This also explains a community and a scandal you didn't mention, namely tech/open source and Dongle Gate. Similar story, with feminist orgs like Ada Initiative settling in, getting codes of conduct and safe spaces established, and raising money to support their "activism" that mostly consists of invading github issues and writing bad articles about oppression at startups.

[–]HonorableSchoolboy 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

Correct me if I'm wrong, but Eron Gjoni (writer of the Zoe Post) wasn't a journalist. Your thinking of Nathan Grayson, who gave favorable coverage to Zoe's Depression Quest. The rest is spot on, as far as I know.

[–]AntithesisDfear his polite smile 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Nathan Grayson was in a relationship with Zoe Quinn for some time, I think that's what he's getting at.

[–]HonorableSchoolboy 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ah. I thought he meant to say Nathan Grayson wrote it or something, or that Gjoni was a games journo. Whatever.

[–]Amigobear 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

there's a lot of reason, i can't say which one is true for all. But the way I see it most people who consider themselves gaming journalist do it because they want to validate gaming as a respectable medium, making themselves respectable. For other, they believe what they're doing is a progressive cause.

[–]ThriKr33n 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I think about this phrase a lot: "Those that can, do. Those that can't, teach english." Or nowadays, they whine and bitch about it on Twitter or blogs and pretend to be journalists.

Fun tangent: friend's husband said there was a third line to that phrase "Those that can't do either, teach gym." :D

[–]SigmaTheDJ 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The video games industry is massive, so it's the perfect thing for leeches to attach themselves to.

[–]Joss_Muex 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

To put forth a more venal answer, Money.

Video games are now the world's largest entertainment industry, and moreover are as vunerable as the rest of tech to media based bullying. The pliability of the gaming media to persuasion and dishonesty is also well ingrained. As such, the opportunity was wide open to shake down the industry as a whole and several groups have succeed in this with flying colors, Feminist Frequency being simply the most prominent example.

There are of course other issues, ranging from ever increasing tensions between journalists and gamers, to the rotten indie cliques, to the genuine desire of some to politicize the medium. But a core driver of this is probably money, as least as a kind of fuel. When it runs out, most of this stops almost instantly.

[–]oldmanbees 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Because they're jerks, and video games have always been an easy target. When I was a kid, the two things it was absolutely safe to give you shit about (even in front of teachers or other adults who should know better, but would shrug or laugh along) were video games and Dungeons & Dragons. I think the adults didn't intervene because they didn't understand those things, and were themselves made uncomfortable by that.

But kids take their cues from adults. If they say something asshole to you, like "Does that mean you worship Satan?" and look to the side to see how a present adults reacts, and the adult does nothing, the kids are going to do that more. Asshole kids used to get my phone number from the school directory and call my house all the time, impersonating friends of mine:

(nasal "nerd" voice): Hey Bees. Did you get the magic sword in Castlevania? (background giggles) I know where it is..." Me: "Ahuh. Right "Jason." Keep telling me more interesting things, person who is my friend Jason and is clearly not pretending to be him and doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about."

Well the asshole kids grew up and coasted through bullshit college majors and found easy, low-stakes jobs. And somehow, in 2015, you can get paid to be a jerk about video games and people who play them, while pretending that your ridiculous, soft, education, was worth all the money your parents spent on it.

[–]ZanziJive 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hear of the "High School Never Ends" theory? The same people who bullied you for being a gamer back then are most likely the same people who want to demonize gamers today. They can't get away with straight up bullying for aggression's sake as adults, so they latch on to the moral high ground by calling gamers "racist, sexist freaks" and cherry-picking scenes from games and idiotic comments to justify their long-standing hatred of "gross gamers". Even after becoming a bigger deal than movies, it's a way to keep the gaming industry and their evil consumers in check.

But what about the gamers who were unpopular back in school that have popular blogs now? Surely they wouldn't throw their old community under the bus for the appeal of more cool kids that will invite them to all the cool parties. "Social Justice? Of course, that's a great cause. Those gamers are gross people, MSM is right, it's the winning narrative, and I've got ads to sell and parties to go to. "

Definining any large community with -isms is always a juicy story, and the easiest way in the Twitter world to earn retweets and brownie points is to denounce something that no rational being endorses anyway, and count on the lack of research from the general public to make you look like the "correct" person. Same shit, different target.

[–]jbleargh10,000 sockpuppet get! 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Your experience is not unique. That's the reason gamers were able to resist when lots of other parts of the society caved.

We know that we are not racists with sogge knees and being bullied because of nerdy tastes is also part of many lives around here.

The media is ignorant and arrogant... They believe in the old stereotypes and didn't know that we know how to use the internet to expose their incompetence.

The "cultural critics" are just narcissistic hipsters exploring "white guilt" for personal gain.

[–]Macismyname 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

A non white women gamer on KiA? Guess it's time to drive you out of gaming. /s

[–][削除されました]  (1子コメント)


    [–]Macismyname 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    That's neat, wanna play videogames?

    edit: In all seriousness, I think it's because we're viewed as an easy target. And they've gotten actual traction and support.

    [–]Aurondarklord 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Because ewwwww, nerds.

    In less sarcastic terms, I really get the impression that there are some people who are deeply prejudiced against nerdy men, for whatever reason, they find us disgusting, and never seem to have outgrown high school clique rivalries, and the idea that we have a space of our own, let alone a space in which we have access to women (even virtual ones) drives them bonkers.

    [–]centrum5555 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

    i think it is a mix of different things.

    first of all sports as well as movies are well known by the 'normies' so it is hard to spin a narrative. though as you so well said the narrative there would not even be spun that bad. but people are less likely to be outraged about something they are part of and as a whole approve it would reflect badly on themself.

    secondly media has a vested intresst in putting gaming in a bad light, on the other hand the media themself profit from the movie and music industry so a rampant outrage there would be detremental for themself. and yes i bet you would find people to decry music and movie industry but without the media to direct them they are like blind sheep.

    thridly creating outrage has been a lucrative business in the past. and well outrage that can be seen as rigtheous by the 'normies' is even better so lets decry games and the gamers.

    and lastly until recently most people in the gaming world were too much absorbed in their games to actually pay much attention to it. well they still are probably.

    also which games did you speedrun?

    [–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 3ポイント4ポイント  (4子コメント)

    I've been more of a watcher than a runner for a long time, but I am trying to get into speedrunning Final Fantasy 2(4) because it's one of the few jRPGs that won't take 4 - 19 hours ...

    [–]centrum5555 3ポイント4ポイント  (3子コメント)

    good choice i like the ff series :) although i am not a speedrunner myself

    [–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 4ポイント5ポイント  (2子コメント)

    I wouldn't call myself a speedrunner at this point either. My times are terrible. I doubt I would ever be competitive and go for WR. I just like streaming and hanging out with my pals.

    [–]bikki420 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Don't give up. And I don't think that getting WRs is very important. Having a good time and getting new PBs is what matters the most. One of my favourite speedrunning streamers (cirno_tv) doesn't really hold any records, for instance, but he's a really awesome guy and both very entertaining and sweet.

    Have fun and game on!

    [–]Smell-Da-Gluv 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The game I run I know I'll never beat any records in. I just do it out of curiosity. It's pretty fun.

    [–]Inuma 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Time sinks for games is large, it makes the most money and vultures would sink their teeth on a bunch of nerds with the idea that they can't fought back.

    They underestimated the backlash...

    [–]plspirit 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Because being a nerd has become trendy in the last few years, also money.

    [–]ShredThisAccount 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    There's also a component that, overall, gamers tend toward the liberal side of the political spectrum. As a liberal, when someone tells me that my behavior is creating a problem, I am willing to step back and consider the idea. 'Of course, I might be wrong' is actually a default mind set among more liberal and intelligent people, because we know enough to know we don't know everything.

    So people like me entertained the idea, and by the time we had decided 'upon reasoned review, we are not a problem. the interweb social media vaguely news like substance industry had achieved a critical mass of stories calling gamers problematic, which skews the perception over the average netizen and the search results.

    [–]Sinistar_Lives 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    There are a lot of people writing about games right now who are doing so only because they couldnt cut it as critics of a more "mature" culture/artform (where journalists are actually required to adhere to standards) and are therefore very resentful of 'gamers' and feel they are somehow 'above us'

    [–]descartessss 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Sarkeesian actually talked about other stuff, but nobody cared about her until she started talking about videogames with the key feature of claiming harassment. Videogames are widely hated from non gamers, it was like that 30 years ago, it still is today, this is not a news, nerds are the only group that is fine to bully, what is new is that now videogames are eating everything and all the other entertainments are significantly threatened, they can't wait to attack videogame industry. Since it's a male dominated field (90%) without an evident physical reason, like football, sexism seems the right weapon. Pay attention, most of the critics start saying how much money games makes... and this is the point.

    But don't think that other media didn't experience similar stuff from weekend progressivists with no scientific backgrounds.



    [–]Gazareth 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Video games are the biggest entertainment and art form.

    Idiots like those of FemFreq both acknowledge this and also believe video games influence behaviour directly. So they preach this "altruistic" bullshit about improving the scene to be more progressive, and hence improve society directly. A bunch of people eat it up because being altruistic is good right? Wrong.

    [–]JymSorgee 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Well it is not just video games. These 'culture critics' attack diverse people in diverse areas. Look at Matt Taylor or Tim Hunt. Actually these are really good examples because nobody wants to be called a sexist (except maybe sexists and even not most femini... sexists) when it is not true and so they apologize and try to get on with their lives. So why gaming is not why did they attack gamers (they attack their own regularly) but why did we react the way we did? Well first we are not really an easy target. We're kind of a dispersed network. Secondly we, much like yourself, have already experienced harassment and name-calling over our hobby so we are already less susceptible to such behavior. Finally we don't mind a fight. We kind of do that for fun anyway. We enjoy taking down targets and have a sense of camaraderie while doing so. Basically they decided to attack the people least likely to be affected by their methods and most likely to retaliate. TL;DR I talk to 5 year olds like they are miniature humans. They kind of appreciate it most of the time.

    [–]MEMES_IN_MY_ASSHOLE@WeaponizedMemes 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It was super easy to set up shop in "video game journalism".

    [–]IIHotelYorba 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    They try this same shtick with everyone. Really, they're everywhere.

    I don't know if videogame journalism really is easier to get into or even if it does that that plays such a big part. All I can tell you is that you can see people who think and talk this way in all realms of the entertainment industry. There may be less in non-media fields, but we are certainly in the heyday of them ALL airing their kooky beliefs.

    [–]Smadeofsmadestavern 1ポイント2ポイント  (5子コメント)

    Yugi-Oh card collection (please don't judge)

    Don't you dare be ashamed, Yu-Gi-Oh cards were the shit, only problem was that I only ever knew a few people in my school who collected them to battle with. Where the hell were the people like you when I was in school?

    [–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 2ポイント3ポイント  (3子コメント)

    Oh man, there was a gang of us after school.

    My best memories. I remember during the last school year when I was about 13, they had these options for 'school activities' to celebrate and one of them was dance, which everyone signed up for and the other one was Yugi-Oh/Pokemon card tournaments.

    Let's say when I signed up for the latter.

    [–]Smadeofsmadestavern 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント)

    Dance? Fuck that, you totally made the right choice there. Obviously your school was very different to mine, I don't think they'dve ever offered that as an option.

    [–]Corinthian_Soul[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    What area did you live in? Even though 'nerd culture' was not as big as it is now in the 90s, there was probably more of it in the West coast of the US.

    [–]Smadeofsmadestavern 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    England, which probably explains the vast differences in our experiences.

    [–]RobertNAdams 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I sat at the "misfits" table and pretty much all of us played Yu-Gi-Oh and magic. And no one gave a shit or bothered us, either.

    Dude, I don't know what it is about the city, but you can see a really tough looking dude dressed up like a gangsta and he'll turn out to have an Exodia deck in his back pocket or some shit. Crazy.

    [–]RenegadeDoc 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    A lot of these morons are "culturally appropriating" geekdoms.

    Many have little or no experience what it was like growing up "weird"

    They confuse the self effacing banter we exchange as abuse, because our shared experiences allow us to get past the social barriers of "polite society" far more quickly than most.

    The things I say to and about my gaming buddies would be unacceptable in "mixed company" but there is no hate there. I'm somewhat notorious for my angry rants as a raid leader, but I always try to be funny and outrageous rather than explicitly mean (I suggested a few days ago that I would elbow drop one of my raid team, flying all the way from the UK to turkey to do so. A fairly tame threat considering how inventive/disgusting I can be :P)

    To an outsider this might sound like bullying or "discrimination" (the raider in question is a rather quiet and polite lady prone to being daft. I get on pretty well with her :P)

    The sad reality is that those I "exclude" are those left out of the banter. SJW seem to demand special treatment on their own terms "because equality"

    They wouldn't last 5 minutes as a regular dude amongst dudes.

    [–]Pyrhhus 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It's those exact same girls that bullied you for not being "cool" as a kid- they realized people eventually get tired of their shallow shit and stop giving them the attention they crave. Well, it's them and their pathetic beta male orbiters. Pic very much related. http://i.imgur.com/GrDnv.jpg

    [–]call_it_pointless 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    There is also the issue that "woman doesn't expierence sexism" isn't news. Its like judging how good a game is by only visiting the support and bug reporting forum. You only see the one side so it seems obvious that its the only one that exists. That plus bias confirmation in group shinanigans and we have an out of control ideology.

    [–]ArjenDesign 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Well said. Their entire narrative on the supposed "boys' club" is laughable, but it's profitable and you can easily label its opposition with whatever's convenient (sexist, racist, harassing, etc) to shut them down.

    [–]Wylanderuk 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    They thought we would be easy targets?

    They can't see anybody having fun in a pool without pissing in it?

    Or my personal fav...

    They are bunch of cunts...

    [–]Dnile1000BC 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    SJWs target gamers and vidya because they think gamers are introverted sexually frustrated thus easily bullied. The games industry are worth a lot of money more than the movie industry. So they think they can get away with their usual tactics of heaping scorn on a "patriarchal" past time and force the diversity conversation on group of easily bullied people to make money.

    They nearly succeeded.

    [–]Dogtopias 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The way I see it is they attack any hobby or pass time that is seen socialy as male centric. Games, beer, porn, metal, comic books, board games, scifi books. The only stereotypical "Male" hobby that has escaped is probably sports perhaps it's too mainstream and engrained into the culture. It's only straight white dudes who are guilty of all this misogyny because the SJW mindset proclaims they are fair game.

    Edit: Feel free to add to my list if I missed any.

    [–]___Rhand___ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I'll try to say something different than all the other people here.

    I think another thing is that in gaming, cliques of doctrinaire identity-politicizing leftists (hereafter referred to as "SJWs") had assumed control of what they thought were the structures of power: the gaming media. I'm not too familiar with film, music, sports, etc, but from what I read of film and music critique, I don't see too much from SJWs.

    I mean, I'm sure it's there and I've read some of it (hurpa hurpa "male gaze," durka durr "Sansa got fridged,") but outside of academia, I see few people taking it seriously. Fewer still among the throngs of moviegoers who don't give much of a crap about what the critics say. So I think it's fair to say that SJW influence in movies is much lower than it is in gaming.

    In gaming, people (hypothetically) gave more weight to what reviewers said. They needed to, because a game costs six times as much as a movie ticket, and our money doesn't grow on trees (though from what I've heard about Tauriq Moosa and Brianna Wu, it certainly does for them).

    So, gamers (hypothetically) placed a lot of stock in reviewers, a substantial portion of whom were SJWs. Because of this, the SJWs thought they had won, they could push their worldview on their readers, and we were just going through the motions at this point.

    This is the hubris that let the SJWs come out with crap like "gamers are dead" and call their audience "obtuse shitslingers."

    GamerGate is the SJWs finding out they were woefully wrong. Gamers don't care much for overtly politicized attacks from corrupt cliques of gaming journalists. Gamers no longer place as much stock in gaming media as they used to (livestreams and let's plays are a big reason why). From that perspective, it's no surprise that SJWs failed.

    And to be honest, it's not going to get any better for the SJWs. The influence of written media gaming is waning day by day. I know it, you know, it, and Amazon Inc. knows it. Otherwise, they wouldn't have spent a $970mil on Twitch.

    [–]CodioBunny 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    Almost exact story of my life OP, except I'm white.

    [–]zagielCan apparently tell the future 0_o 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Because gamers are known as "nerd" who got bullied

    they thought it was easy target to bully, they never expected whats coming back to them

    [–]supergtt 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Money. They see a big ass industry full of beta white knights and sjws eager to part with their money.

    [–]r1ob7 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Why not?

    [–]rebelwithacaue 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    SJWs run Hollywood and they're the gatekeepers in publishing. Vidya is the last hold out in their total take over of the culture.

    For an example of how long this has been going on here's a proto-SJW from 1933 complaining about the violence in a Conan story: http://voxday.blogspot.com.au/2015/07/the-historical-pink-sfblue-sf-divide.html

    [–]TheCodexx40k GET! 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Because they can't conceive of the idea that they're wrong. That what they see as a problem isn't a problem for people actually in the culture, and they'll insert themselves in said culture so they can claim to be a part of it and "have experienced" it.

    They're targeting everything. Gaming is just the most aggressive about laughing it off because you can't ban them from the store, prevent them from winning awards, etc. You can set speedrun records. You can call someone names on a server. You can produce mods. And at the end of the day, your status in the community is determined by quality of production and skill. It's determined by merit. SJWs hate this, because they excel in social environments where they can game the system and call for "handicaps" because of how oppressed they are. They rely on guilt. You can't do that in gaming because we're all equal in the virtual world. We all start on equal footing. Anyone with advantages got there with a time investment and probably building skill.

    This is why I fight for gaming. Because of exactly what you said. When bullies picked on us for being nerds, we had each other. Now the nerds are trying to take that from us because "being nerdy is cool". But we're still the social rejects they hate. They used to tell people we ate our own boogers. Now they call us sexist. Anything to stigmatize us. But we've experienced it so much that we're immune.

    [–]Dwavenhobble 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    My best guess is it's trying to exploit a very specific timing and set of circumstances.

    • a group considered socially outcast being thrust into the mainstream and games appear on more shows and geek chic being in. All the established things of geekdom have become cool in some way. There's been the Comic book inspired films. The Lord of the Rings films. Gaming being started to be placed on the same level as other mediums at last in terms of the law. Even shows like the Big Bang Theory have made geekdom seem interesting and fun.

    • Lots of old media was finally dropping dead and a lack of new media from the normal sources lead people to look into geekdom for things to use. Traditionally in much of US media the scientist or educated person was either a bumbling idiot or villain or basic hinderance. Many things in US history etc had the Hero being the every man or the sports start (Long story behind this which relates to America trying to battle perceived class-ism). Much of geek media etc has educated people as the Heroes Dr Who, Dr Reid Richards (from the Fantastic four), Tony Stark, Bruce Banner etc etc. And in many pieces it pits the traditional heroes as the villains. E.g. The Hulk regularly fought the army and to give another example Bane often being shown as a brutish monster in Batman (though he is meant to have brains it seems rare he gets to show it)

    • Part of it may be resentment as with shows like The Big Bang Theory often the major butt of the jokes are the idiot Jocks. Yes it makes fun of geek culture too but generally any episode with a stereotyped jock has the jock coming off worst and the smart guys winning in the end somehow. So yes it's some people fighting against the culture change to perpetuate it.

    • Next the idea of the geek seeking acceptance from the now ex popular group was still considered a thing. People were trying to play on this to change people by claiming what they're doing is wrong and everyone else thinks and does things this way so you should too or you're excluding people by your actions. Essentially trying to make people feel bad for the way they act etc by trying to appeal to geeks sense of empathy. Geeks having been considered excluded before thus would want to never make anyone feel unwelcome.

    • Then there's the idea of games becoming "a true art" and people trying to fight for this with Anita presenting something that appeared to some to be an angle of legitimacy because of her having been in academia. The idea somehow that an academic cared for gaming causing some people to latch on and think Anita would make gaming a legitimate art faster somehow by her presence.

    • Then there's the rise of smartphone games and of course with the whole "Games are art" come those who wish to claim their half baked vomit is some great artistic expression. Gaming straddling the lines of games and story mediums meaning a piece of art in the medium of games should use both gameplay and narrative to some extent and well some people are good at stories but not so good at game mechanics. Hence the new wave claiming for inclusivity gaming should make games that aren't complex because it's so hard and exclusionary to new people.

    TLDR version

    Some people saw this as their shot to force changes they wanted onto a society and use the in thing to do it. Much of it revolves round playing on peoples empathy and in particular geekdoms desire to include people and not make people feel bad and left out. Hence some people have chosen gaming to try and get everything they want in a culture by trying to change it to fit their desires.

    Oh and others are doing the above but for easy money by using and exploiting peoples Empathy.

    [–]Array71 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    it was other girls who bullied me for being 'nerdy' and preferring to talk about my Yugi-Oh card collection (please don't judge)

    We all had one, we aren't gonna judge that at all. :3

    [–]dannylew 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    The Video Gaming community is, in their eyes, low hanging fruit. That AND Movies and Music (and Books) have already been put through the ringer of outrage decades ago. The greater population now rolls their eyes at outrage pundits for freaking out over Books/Movies/Music because time has proven none of those things capable of destroying society.

    We're part of the primary consumer demographic now across most media now, young working class adults with money to spend, we're only going to get older while the previous generation that drives the outrage against video games goes away and society will stop giving a fuck about gaming. I'm hopeful that once that happens we'll see more and more devs/indie devs reaching out to take actual risks and give us the Stanely Kubrick's and Gaspar Noé's of games.

    [–]ExplosionSanta 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    I can think of another fandom that spontaneously gets together and does charity stuff: Bikers.

    Just like gamers, they're a boogeyman for the general public because the media loves to blow the actions of the 1% way out of proportion.

    In reality, you see a hardass looking dude with motorcycle leathers on, chances are pretty good you're looking at the nicest bloke in the room.

    [–]songsofthewoods 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

    can confirm, have a lot of uncles/cousins that are bikers. BEST uncles / coolest cousins ever~

    [–]ferrhis 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    It's classic yellow journalism brought to a new generation. Yay! I just re-watched a video of John C. Dvorak listening to Nilay Patel explain why gamergate is the worst thing ever. And Dvorak just kind of shrugged at the end and went like...and? Someone said mean things to you on the internet? What else is new? The only thing he found confusing was the level of press gamergate was getting.

    And Patel conveniently omitted that piece of information. Because with gamergate mean things were said mainly to bloggers and professional victims who are already experts at writing sensationalist clickbait nonsense. So they just did what they do best and provided as much sensationalism and as little journalism as they needed to get clicks. And discredit those who wanted to stop them from spreading false information for a living.

    [–]Dashing_Snow 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Because most of these people have horrible personalities and you need to at be at least semi tolerable to actually play with the fun people in games.

    [–]acathode 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

    3 major reasons:

    1. Gaming has become something that now have a major cultural impact, and there's now a ton of money involved in this industry. It's simply a very juicy target. SJWs are ideologues, and ideologues see culture primarily as a tool for spreading their ideology - all culture is propaganda in their eyes* - and propaganda is either for you (good), or against you (evil). Propaganda is also esp. efficient when it's aimed at young people - so any culture that young people consume is more or less automatically a target for both right-wing and left-wing ideologues wanting to make it into propaganda for their cause. Also, the more money, the easier it is to appropriate some for your cause...

    2. Male dominated spaces are automatically seen as suspect by society in general, and doubly so by progressives and feminists who have a large influence over liberal media. Men doing stuff with mostly other men is not completely kosher - it's a "boy's club" and thus misogynistic, if there are no women in a place - esp. a place that have money and power - it must be because the evil menz are keeping the women out, and that must obviously be fixed...

    3. The biggest and completely crucial reason: Because they can. Simply put, gaming is a territory where they have influence, because tech people lean left, because the tech press lean left, because mainstream media will echo their narrative, etc - their claims of misogyny, racism, sexism, etc. isn't going to be dismissed out of hand. The press and the companies will pay attention to them, and give them influence and money, and so on - and that makes the SJWs latch on and keep squeezing.

    Other areas share the two first reasons with gaming but still aren't targets, because the SJWs don't get any traction in those communities whenever they throw out a feeler "controversies". Everyone, including the guys with money and media power, just laugh and dismisses them - then the SJWs retreat, they are after all bullies, and bullies don't like being alone in hostile territory.

    [–]throwawaydev400 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    3 is very true. Just look at how Sarkeesian did internet marketing get rich quick scams before feminist frequency, and how Brianna Wu was banned from community after community(with an actual restraining order on one occasion) before they ended up in gaming. Unfortunately they get taken seriously by non-gamers so for now they are staying.

    [–]Millenia0 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    What you are is an actual gamer, the people who says gaming is sexist and so on, are "culture critics" When he said you were lucky you probably were, there are tons of trolls out there that goes for anything about you to get a rise from you. Sadly it seems that current generation is unable to ignore them.

    Then again you're most likly internalizing your sexism/racism and you're only doing this to get bro-points or something similarly crazy.

    [–]ApplicableSongLyricWe provide... leverage. -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

    I had once voiced these opinions to someone who identifies with social justice, and said I honestly haven't experienced the alleged 'rampant sexism' - he dismissed what I said with: "You are just lucky."

    Yup, I've gotten this from people online, too.

    No, the reality is we're just not whiny, entitled, special-snowflake syndrome little cunts.

    We get in there, get beat about, and if we want to excel or be superior at something, we keep getting in there until we are, 'else it was never that important to begin with.

    [–]RangerSix 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Another couple things people seem to overlook in favor of the whole "Gamers are hateful, basement-dwelling fat white neckbearded dudebros" narrative:

    • Operation: Supply Drop - A charity (headed primarily by current and former military personnel) that raises funds - usually via periodic gaming marathons - to purchase and ship video-gaming gear (usually consoles and games) to troops serving overseas.
    • Warfighter Engaged - Not sure if they're a charity per se, but IIRC they either modify or custom-design game controllers for disabled veterans.
    • And, of course, the classic examples: Child's Play and Extra Lives (I'm sure everyone and his brother is familiar with them, though).

    But, of course, none of these play well with the ever-popular narrative of hate, so they're all just quietly swept under the carpet...

    [–]poiumty 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Look, Feminist Frequency started out as a channel to "critique" pop culture, most notably movies.

    No one gave a shit. No one took her seriously, and she wasn't making much money out of it.

    Then she set her sights towards gaming. BING! 160k $$$$$.

    I don't doubt the reaction Anita got had something to do with all the recent series of events. Being a victim in most fields isn't profitable. Being a victim in gaming is.

    As for why that is, I chalk it up to gamers being inherently defensive of their medium due to a lifetime of ridicule.

    [–]1Leonard 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    he dismissed what I said with: "You are just lucky."

    Can't he see he is literally erasing a woman's voice.

    Are all these people just projecting?

    [–]Tumdace 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Because its always been easy to attack nerds and people who play video games. Alot of us are or were socially inept and very weird people, and its basically exactly like the bullying tactics used when we were in school.

    The people who attack us for being "misogynistic" or for "harrassing" people are basically just bullying hypocrits.

    [–]wowww_ 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

    Easy to co-opt.

    They've never liked them, themselves (lots of bullys grow up, and are no less mature then they were in high school)

    And there's a widespread image that nerds are losers sitting in their basement playing ultra violent games while munching on cheetoes.

    I had once voiced these opinions to someone who identifies with social justice, and said I honestly haven't experienced the alleged 'rampant sexism' - he dismissed what I said with: "You are just lucky."

    Have you ever tried to explain to a very religious person that the devil/etc doesn't exist everywhere? It's kind of like that.