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Tim Swanson 7月4日
re: fork, there are 2 reasons that financial institutions should rethink using a communal/public chain 2 transfer title of registered assets
Tim Swanson 7月4日
the first reason is that despite posturing by some CEOs/VCs, forks can and still do happen due to differing economic incentives, not tech...
Tim Swanson 7月4日
this 6-block fork cost $38,250 in lost wages for hashers who outsourced security (block making) to at least 3 pools (~40% of the hashrate).
Tim Swanson 7月4日
2nd reason, for entities using watermarked tokens like Open Assets (Chain, NASDAQ, Gyft), Counterparty, Omni: if a user of their product...
Tim Swanson 7月4日
...sent a transaction that was in one of the orphaned blocks, this orphaning could dramatically impact time-sensitive financial instruments
Tim Swanson
Bitcoin has turned into an artificially expensive permissioned ledger & primary utility of BTC as bearer asset morphs into registered asset
Wong Joon Ian 7月4日
meaning pointless to use watermarked tokens on btc blockchain?
Tim Swanson 7月4日
#1 watermarked tokens do not have post-trade finality: #2 it potentially destabilizes the network incentives
Gabriel D Vine 7月4日
Why artificially? Speculation on future use potential is a natural human process, like preserving fruit for the winter.
Tim Swanson 7月4日
the marginal costs of running a permissioned network is different. that is not to say one is "better" than the other.
Gabriel D Vine 7月4日
Then why is one more "natural" than the other?
Tim Swanson 7月4日
permissioned ledgers are more effective w/ off-chain, registered assets and permissionless with virtual bearer asset
Ian Grigg 7月4日
Essential diff is that if issued assets have an ISSUER then rules exist & state has modicum of control anyway.
Ian Grigg 7月4日
If assets issued to contract by ISSUER, there's little point paying for PoW. Permission is probably cheaper.
Ian Grigg 7月4日
(These are generalisms. NASDAQ can still experiment… so can you & I. But there's no avoiding the contract…)
Ian Grigg 7月4日
There is no avoiding the contract: Nor the liabilities. Snake oil not withstanding…
Otonomos 7月5日
not sure if same analysis applies to shares in non-publicly traded companies