全 31 件のコメント

[–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan 32ポイント33ポイント  (6子コメント)

and that she wanted to see how I'd react.

The same bitch who does this is the same bitch compartmentalising on the internet that shit tests do not exist, that she doesn't play mind games, and that red pillers are manipulative and immature.

Well, that sure is rich.

Problem with women is they believe in their own bullshit, that's part of their game, so arguing with them is generally quite pointless.

Saying you don't play games, is its own game. Everybody plays games, that's human nature. The only thing that changes is the level the game is being played at, not whether the game is being played at all. It is. It always is.

[–]Username-_-2015 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

She said she lied about having anal sex with another dude. Yeah right she probably did that with tons of dude's in the past. Most girls will be hesitant to try anal for the first time and take some time to convince. If she was lying to him about the anal, he would of plated her but she probably would of refused anal and after awhile of platting her she would proceed to do anal. Yeah she lied to you already about something nasty, what is stoping her from lying again. Once a lier always a lier!

[–]SephiXen 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Playing devil's advocate here, what if you reach this level of Red Pill Zen Master where you legitimately do not give a fuck but continue to subconsciously employ red pill philosophy into your daily life?

I understand where you're coming from, the men that go out of their way to not play the game are still going to put in effort in that regard but for "The One" listed above does that still hold true?

[–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan 1ポイント2ポイント  (3子コメント)

Playing devil's advocate here, what if you reach this level of Red Pill Zen Master where you legitimately do not give a fuck but continue to subconsciously employ red pill philosophy into your daily life?

Yes, you still have a game if this describes you. Everyone has a game (Machiavellian ability, charm etc,) whether they have to work their ass off to deploy it, or not.

IMO, red pill simply streamlines guy game via internalisation. Just because it's natural to you and you're not pouring over blueprints like these new guys, doesn't mean you don't have a game plan.

You're distinguishing between a guy with game that's so great he's reached unconscious competence, and a guy whose game is so bad that he's somewhere between unconscious incompetence, and conscious incompetence.

But every guy strives for good guy game, just as RPWs strive for good girl game. And hence, everyone is playing a game - and refining it. We're all players (of the game.) If you're not, you're a loser, the game doesn't stop playing because you don't know how to play or won't play it. Robert says in the 48 that people who think they can transcend the game by not playing are fools. We are all in this.

Relevant: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Four_stages_of_competence

Also realise when I speak about "game" it is not one thing, eg: seduction, Machiavellianism or survival. Think of Russian dolls. Life is a game. That's the most outer doll. We're all smaller dolls inside that doll, playing the game of life, running our own game alongside the game of life to maximise our own ends. Then we run games inside of games, eg: we show one person the side of ourselves we think will benefit us most, and another person an image that may run entirely counter to that.

So you end up having all these micro games (one on one manipulations - not necessarily negative, but just practical in nature) running inside a game with a bigger goal (to fit an agenda) - which is an agenda that can be constrained by the agenda of others (that's politics) which are constrained by the rules of the greatest game - survival and navigating human psychology.

I know this may sound obtuse and a little difficult to follow, but I hope you follow. It's not easy to explain "the different levels that game operates at." So you have the different scale of game, that's one way of measuring game. Then you have the level of competence that one operates at in executing their game, another metric of game. Both measure "the level of game" but in different ways - one is competence, the other is scale.

When you realise this is how things are, you will realise people who say they don't play games are either very manipulative, are simply UNAWARE of the nature of reality, or both (as is typical in the case of women who are dissociative in nature.) They play games but think they don't and have no greater understanding of the abstract reality around us. Solipsism kind of has that effect on a person. People who flat out reject reality are beyond help IMO. They usually end up being losers.

[–]SephiXen 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Interesting. I have yet to pick up 48LoP but you may have just persuaded me to get that one next.

Thank you for the further reading.

[–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Will throw you a heads up and say a lot of people don't understand all that book has to offer - hence why I write essays on it from time to time and people learn something new. I found the book easy to comprehend, but that is not common. So your mileage may vary. Great book! Get a little notepad and write down notes as you read. Enjoy.

[–]SephiXen 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

The russian doll thing is a good analogy, I follow what you're saying there in that the game you play with a potential plate or your LTR is radically different from the sort of social energy you give off towards a best friend or even your boss.

Your observation on the duality of a women's personality in regards to playing the game is spot on. I've seen that behavior time and time again without really understanding what's going on.

[–]FangoFett 14ポイント15ポイント  (6子コメント)

My amateur model plate tells me how many times guys try to hit on her, hit her up on social network, and etc.

I'm not sure if this is a good response, but normally I say something like "I love that all these guys try so hard, but you're still sucking my dick."

[–]TRP Vanguard: "Dark Triad Expert"IllimitableMan 15ポイント16ポイント  (0子コメント)

She tries to make you jealous so that your jealousy shows you care. You caring = validation for her.

Women are insecure fucks who don't speak their mind directly, so they do bullshit like that instead.

[–]babyicanchange 9ポイント10ポイント  (2子コメント)

"You think one of them would buy you a car? I could use a new car."

[–]NidStyles 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

That would be awesome to see.

[–]FangoFett 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Haha, oh you think they would fly me down to the carribeans too? I'm really in need of a free vaction.

[–]TomDemian 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

My amateur model plate tells me how many times guys try to hit on her, hit her up on social network, and etc.

I've been to photography meetups and I'd say 90% of the guys photographing amateur models are like this. The other 10% are people who just want to make art and are confident in their abilities, so they approach the whole thing with an IDGAF attitude.

At some point during a meetup, a model approaches the guy who hasn't said much. She looks through his photos. They quietly make plans to meet for a shoot later that week.

Everyone else is sitting around jerking each other off over how much their gear cost and then asking the model "Can I add you on Facebook?" right before she walks out the door.

[–]FangoFett 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

All good, she's high maintenance so if some beta takes her off my hand i wouldnt even be mad.

[–]Reanimate_87 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's funny they mention them, because it's says something about their care for your opinion. She's basically trying to get your validation after their validation. That's the place they should be: an afterthought.

The time to take caution is when a 'new' friend is mentioned quite often, even more when there's emotional content tied to him.

[–]Dsyelcix 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

In your situation ignoring it was the best you could've done. But it's one thing with a plate, and another with a LTR. You want to know her better, so you can't always ignore "the other guys".

My last LTR would mention her exes, especially when she had a few drinks. We would talk about whatever but somehow she'd always get to "that time when she was with that guy".

I could always make her laugh and mess with her so it was easy to get more out of her even without asking directly. If you're acting playfully curious she won't mind.

You can't let any of it bother you, she will know. And two things will happen: 1. You'll look like a jealous beta; 2. She will stop being so open in her stories.

I liked her and thought it could last but the more stories I heard the less I felt for her. Breaking up was an easy decision.

[–]naturalredpill 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I just flip the script, since I am one of the cocks on the carousel. If they want to talk about the glory days, I'm happy to do that. I have some funny stories. Fact is, I'm not the last cock on her carousel, and she's not my last carousel rider. It's not so much a LTR as it is a FWB with a covenant not to compete during the relationship.

[–]mismm 2ポイント3ポイント  (2子コメント)

she told me flat out she lied about having done it before and that she wanted to see how I'd react.

Womem are borderline psychopaths. This one reminds me of Hannibal Lecter. ''I was curious to know what you would do.''

[–]2Occams_Shiv 3ポイント4ポイント  (1子コメント)

This gives me a good idea. Whatever shit test your girl/plate throws at you, repeat it back in the voice of Hannibal Lecter. (or Buffalo Bill)

"My last boyfriend had a 9" cock. How does that make you feel Clarice?"

"It carries my purse in public or else it gets the hose again."

[–]NidStyles 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

IMO it's best to auto pass shit tests because you simply ignore them completely... I simply ignore childlike banter and ridiculous commentary out of practice. Works like a charm for me. I can spit game, but I don't as a matter of practice. Waste of my time with women, and with dudes I speak straight forward and to the point.

[–]The_BeardedGentleman 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

I noticed the longer I go with a chick without giving into the ltr talk the more frequently she mentions other dudes shes fucked. Yeah, what a convincing way to tie me down, tell me about how you're leftovers. lol. Just ignore the tests and keep on trucking.

[–]S74RK 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Can confirm, had this exact experience more than once. One ex told me that during our early dating days she would purposely switch the pronouns of who she was going to hang out with, or people in her stories (her --> him) to see how I'd react. Of course, I gave zero fucks, and smashed the vag.

The mindset I cultivate is, "I'm the most alpha guy in her life." Believe it and it becomes true, and you generally start acting accordingly, as positive feedback will flow (like smashing vag). And the behavior of the most alpha guy in her life is obvious: who gives a fuck if she's gonna hang out with her (possibly gay) orbiter friends?

I read a really good post summarizing this form of "ego as a tool" on /u/IllimitableMan 's blog the other day, and it explains succinctly what I figured out through my own experiences. Essentially, ego acts as a way to short-circuit the chicken-and-egg problem of needing good experience to be confident, but needing confidence to get good experiences.

That's not to say that there aren't risks to ego. Here's the post, is certainly worth a read:


[–]Rufio0331 1ポイント2ポイント  (2子コメント)

I got this shit test the other day. Girl posts a picture of her out to dinner with her ex....I said something about it and then she told me she did it on purpose to see if i reacted. However my reaction was "Best of luck, he seems like a good dude"

[–]BowlOfCandy 1ポイント2ポイント  (1子コメント)

Low class move on her part

[–]Rufio0331 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

well I told her a few weeks ago I deleted her on social media, i looked it up, called her out on it, but didn't get angry. Like I said I said best of luck but then she kept talking to me.

[–]Endorsed Contributornyrp 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

In my experience, you aim to pass these shit tests, but if they continue for too long, next the bitch.

In my last LTR, my ex would bring up exes over and over. When I didn't react, she amplified and amplified,getting more explicit in sexual detail until I started losing attraction for her. She made herself look like plate material only. And I soon dumped her.

Afterwards, she tried to explain that she made most of it up to just get reactions from me (and in fact her talking about exes was "my fault" because I didn't tell her enough how I felt about her thus forcing her to provoke me). But it was too late. I didn't want her long term any more. She couldn't keep straight which parts she allegedly made up and which things she said were half true.

If it were up to me, exes simply wouldn't be brought up and 90% she and I would still be together. If you have doubts about your girl, let her talk about exes and you'll know where you stand. Doesn't matter if what she says is true. It matters whether she maintains respect for you or not. If you want to keep your girl, firmly tell her to stop talking about exes or you will immediately become one.

[–]2 Endorsed ContributorCisWhiteMaelstrom 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

We got on the topic of anal sex and she said she had "recently" done it

I'd cut her off and go: "Ha, does not surprise me one bit". Not sure if it's the best response from a get laid perspective but it's just so damn fun.

[–]magus678 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

another man who isn't her family

I would argue even men in her family count. Not for sexual reasons, obviously, but make no mistake; she doesn't talk about being daddy's princess because she is tired of it. She wants you to continue that horseshit tradition.

In a sense it is dread game: her brothers/father will basically be there for her forever, and the bar they set (which she probably made up) is one of the many you are being measured by.

[–]TomDemian -4ポイント-3ポイント  (1子コメント)

We got on the topic of anal sex and she said she had "recently" done it before and loved it, but only because the guy turned her on so much.

Agree and amplify. Ask how big his dick is.

[–]Jaghiro 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why the fuck should someone ask this? It's like you try to compare his dick size with yours. It's not Agree and amplify, just unsecurtiy.