What is it with MRA’s and their really offensive, misleading metaphors? You know what all of this sounds like? TERF’s. Trans-Exclusive Radical Feminists. Only instead of it being a small group of exclusionary gatekeepers that most feminists have been trying their best to distance themselves from for the last twenty years, the MRA’s pride themselves on it. Maybe you should put a “Cisgender Problems Only” disclaimer on your group until you get your act together. You talk about men being imprisoned at higher rates, but fail to address that black men are disproportionately victimized by the prison industrial complex and systemic racism in the criminal justice system. You talk about men having high rates of suicide but ignore that elderly men are at the highest risk of suicide than any other age group. You talk about how men don’t have as much formal education (and yet they still manage to hold practically all of the most well-paying and influential job positions in the Western world), but don’t want to acknowledge that queer and genderqueer men are paid 27% less than their straight, cisgender counterparts regardless of education. If you insist that passing, cisgender men are the only ones worth your time then that reflects really poorly on your “movement”. It has with feminism in the past and they’ve learned and grown from it as a whole. But if MRA’s want to complain about issues without thinking too hard about them or doing anything to change things for the better, then that’s on you, friend-o. 226 notes tagged as: goose in the yard. mra. men's rights activists. feminism. anti-feminists. reblogged from the-cure-of-folly originally posted by transdisneyprince posted on July 7, 2015 |