subredditcancer 内の KrustyKoonKrackers によるリンク You spoke, we listened. Public modlogs are available now using the open-source publicmodlogs git repo.

[–]Nechaev 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

You made one thread that wasn't just trying to start shit here or an SRSsucks repost.

One thread.

Who are you trying to kid here?

And that mod log... half of that was either you undeleting shitposts that other people had removed or distinguishing your own non-moderation comments.

What are you doing here?

subredditcancer 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク Mod Cancer /u/28DansLater apologizes: "We screwed up. Not just on July 6, but also during the blackout

[–]Nechaev 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Jesus dude!

Why do you suddenly care so much? You haven't given a shit for months and suddenly you want to be a mod here. You weren't doing anything here before and we brought you back once because you said you'd do something now you knew, but you didn't do anything again.

What do you want exactly? You want this sub on your moderator of list but you're not interested in the place except when you get demodded.

Just make a sub a with JL and his butt monkeys and you can suck his cancerous dick as much you like. You're really living up to your username.

Let it go. Have some dignity. It's embarrassing.

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]Nechaev 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't accuse you of baiting me, I just regretted certain past conflicts between us as wasteful.

As far as cow's inclusion: what I wanted was to make some gesture towards the larger mod community which signalled a cessation of automatic and absolute hostility towards their kind. I'd talked with him him privately about being unhappy how SRC hadn't become what I'd hoped for: A place to call out mod abuse and hypocrisy, without being a place for trolls and shitposters to grizzle when they got their comeuppance and he seemed to be on board with the principle I talked of.

I trusted certain people (who I assumed knew the crowd a little better) to guide me towards a suitable candidate. He's at the bottom of the list so his power is more symbollic than practical. Which is not to say that I'm convinced one way or the other, but I'm definitely open to your input on the issue.

For the time being if he's active in the sub and isn't abusing his position I don't think he can do too much damage Our modmail has never been very private.

I'd still genuinely like to hear your thoughts on the ideas for a reboot and on dan's metapost on the topic.

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]Nechaev 3ポイント4ポイント  (0子コメント)

I know we've had our personality clashes drape, but you seem like a thoughtful chap and when you're not just baiting me I value your opinion.

Is your objection to cows purely one of guilt by associatation or has he done speciific things to merit your hostility?

P,S. I'm genuinely interested to hear your thoughts on the change of approach we're trying in here. Do you get what we're trying to do and the distinction we're trying to make in here now?

I regret that we fell out (for my part at least) because you had some interesting and well thought out ideas.

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]Nechaev 6ポイント7ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks david.

I Pm'ed you hoping you'd show some interest in what we wanted to do with the sub, but as you didn't respond I inferred it wasn't especially important for you.

Of course you're still very welcome here and a friend of the sub, but it seemed unfair to keep you on when we shed certain others. If you want to take an acitve role your contribution would be valued.

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]Nechaev 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)


P.S.. Here's you entire mod log for the last two plus months:

( (

And here's your post history: ( which includes this post naturally.

P.S. I did actually boot goatsac for a month or so, but he came back, accepted the situation and his role in it, asked reaonably if he could contribute again (without any threats) so I remodded him and while we might like to collect subs a little he's been active and showing an interest in this sub.

If you had any sense you wouldn't have made a thread about this Xine, because it does you no credit

You're still welcome to post here though if you want to commit your time, but you let us down when we needed your input so you've got to rebuild some bridges if you want to be taken seriously.

In honesty I think you thought this sub was a fun sub for trollng - and when JL was here that was kind of true. We want to try something a little more constructive though now.

If you didn't like that plan you should have said something in the last month or so.

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]Nechaev 24ポイント25ポイント  (0子コメント)

I''ll quote what I just told goatsac.

I booted him essentially for an utter lack of activity. His only contributions seemed to consist of brown-nosing either JL or posting old SRSs material.

He modmailed the sub no less than three days later (it took him that long to notice) "why was I demodded" and then adding "I didn't know I was expected to do anything to mod here.".

He then threatened he'd join the LH antiSRC club if we didn't remod him.

Dan let him back in and literally his only mod action since he knew something was expected of him was to distinguish a non moderation comment he made in some thread before slinking back to some FPH spin-off.

When he was active in SRSS and GRC he was cool, but he was inactive and then he tried to blackmail his way in.

He had no excuses this time. I kept asking for our quiet moderators to comment in that reboot thread and several of them just couldn't be bothered to even acknowledge they'd seen it. That's what annoyed me.. [..,] To be honest I don't expect everyone to sit on the new queue and moderate comments, but when the whole philosophy of the sub is under discussion at least act like it interests you.

I'm trying not to run this place like a dictatorship, but that requires others to give some input.

edit: tl;dr

You ignore all our requests for some token contribution then act like your presence here was some birthright and get annoyed when we don't answer your questions in intricate detail.

I asked you to participate and post more. You said you would, but then went back into inactive mode.

How long were you expecting us to wait for you to start being active? I really wanted some feedback on what we were doing, but a number of you just didn't appear to care.

Same goes for /u/alien122 and /u/david-me, I'll ping them now since they probably haven't noticed yet.

subredditcancer 内の darockzilla25 によるリンク Former /r/subredditcancer mod defines what constitutes true meta cancer. The dickgirls modlist that mods here does not agree. Know when you're being trolled.

[–]Nechaev 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The mods of the defaults hold a lot of power and there is no system of checks and balances.

When people complain of this or the fact that they're abusing their position they have the audacity to say that reddit isn't important and that we are taking things too seriously.

For a lot of people reddit is a primary source of information. If a news story is removed here there is a decent chance a lot of those people won't see it.

Apparently according to these anonymous indviduals that's fine if they do it, but quite different if something like the Murdoch press buries a story they don't like.

Make no mistake Murdoch is utter shit, but at least I know who is and can find out a fair bit about him. At least I can anticipate the kinds of things he's going to neglect coverage of, whereas I don't know anything about these meta-mods and I have no idea what their personal values and biases might be yet they have powers similar to one of the most reviled media-barons in the English speaking world.

That's hardly satisfactory.

subredditcancer 内の darockzilla25 によるリンク Former /r/subredditcancer mod defines what constitutes true meta cancer. The dickgirls modlist that mods here does not agree. Know when you're being trolled.

[–]Nechaev -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

SRD mods have started to behave a bit more lately, but they used to remove a lot of material not strictly according to the "is it drama?" criteria.

There's also an awful lot of shitposting in there now too, which turns me off, but if that's the crowd they want to cultivate I suppose that's their business.

You guys participated in the blackout right? Can I ask why?

We've been strong critics of Pao since the start and that hasn't changed.

Mods aren't inherently bad. Internet sites need them and reddit (the company) needs to support reddit (the community built on users and mods).

As far as certain mods having too much power, you're not alone in that thought (although I think we need better measurement system than how many subs a person has on their "moderator of" list).

The admins already instituted a rule that a person couldn't moderate more than a certain number of default subs and I'd be surprised if they didn't expand on that in the wake of the blackout.

subredditcancer 内の darockzilla25 によるリンク Former /r/subredditcancer mod defines what constitutes true meta cancer. The dickgirls modlist that mods here does not agree. Know when you're being trolled.

[–]Nechaev -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

mostly SRD (yes I'm cancer),

Firstly please read Dan's post to get an idea of what we're trying to do here, because there are a lot of misconceptions all round.

but does it bother you to have personal remarks leaked about you?

JL immediately started going through our private correspondence to leak anything he thought he could use against me when left the sub. He's also made up a fair bit of stuff from what I've seen.

I'm hardly happy about it and I've not consciously done it myself. The fact that he's doing it probably tells you a lot more about him than it does about me or anybody else.

subredditcancer 内の darockzilla25 によるリンク Former /r/subredditcancer mod defines what constitutes true meta cancer. The dickgirls modlist that mods here does not agree. Know when you're being trolled.

[–]Nechaev 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I don't get it. Why follow JL around like a little puppy dog treating his every word like gospel if you're not his little catamite.

He's just a troll. I'll readily admit sometimes he's funny and sometimes he's annoying, but he's never been anything more than that. You go on like you're very good mates with him.

you're much more interested in getting added to more subs

I removed myself from a bunch of subs a while ago (including dickgirls) so that's not quite it.

subredditcancer 内の darockzilla25 によるリンク Former /r/subredditcancer mod defines what constitutes true meta cancer. The dickgirls modlist that mods here does not agree. Know when you're being trolled.

[–]Nechaev 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

The way you and darock talk to each other (if you're not the same person) it's hard to believe you're not sucking each other out while you type that nonsense.

subredditcancer 内の darockzilla25 によるリンク Former /r/subredditcancer mod defines what constitutes true meta cancer. The dickgirls modlist that mods here does not agree. Know when you're being trolled.

[–]Nechaev -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Your Jesus abandoned you.

I don't know why you're brown-nosing him so damn hard. It's a little embarrassing. Does he a put a lot of peanut-butter on his prolapse for you?

subredditcancer 内の 28DansLater によるリンク Let's discuss some changes here at SRC.

[–]Nechaev 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nobody is banned simply because of their values - it's far too subjective.

Racist and Sexist Shitposters are not going to be welcome, but neither will shitposters who aren't being Racist or Sexist.

subredditcancer 内の 28DansLater によるリンク Let's discuss some changes here at SRC.

[–]Nechaev 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I believe you, but mods come and mods go. Who knows what the situation will be 6 months or a year from now.

That's all very true. For now we're just trying to get this sub back to the reasons we created it for. It got overrun with trolls and shitposts and whilst we might have got some attention most of it wasn't positive. We have serious concerns about how reddit is run and the sub wasn't doing them justice or making anybody better able to understand the points we were trying to make.. We'd like to get things back on track.

You're absolutely right, but that's exactly the same thing they're doing.

For me it's about running subs according to their stated purpose. If you have a sub like /r/videos and a mod removes content solely because it offends their political sensibilities I think they're a bad moderator. They're perfectly within their rights to set up a sub for "politically correct" videos and that would be the way to go about it. At one point SRS set up their own version on /r/Aww (because they were bothered by comments in the main sub). While I'm no friend to SRS I can at least respect them for something like that. Nowdays they (and like-minded individuals) seem more interested in bending the default subs (which are purportedly neutral) to suit their agenda and values.

My interest is in keeping political bias to a minimum. It's the same objection I'd have to a government competely controlling the media and removing anything which made them look bad. We all have our biases and opinions and that's fine by me, but I'd like people to moderate without betraying their biases. My biases and values are there in my comments, but I'd like ideally to moderate in such a way that those biases aren't evident from what I remove and approve ... and I'd like others to do the same.

We have plenty of partisan political subs and it's only natural for them to moderate according to their respective beliefs and ideologies. I might not agree with all of them, but that's not "cancer" for lack of a better term.

If nobody can accumulate that much power, then the problem is avoided altogether.

I get your point and it's certainly valid. The admins actually made a rule restricting the number of default subs a person can be a moderator of. That was a start, but more could be done. I seriously doubt any of the mods here would object to you arguing that in principle there should be a limit on how subs one should be allowed to moderated. Our point was only that we have discovered the occasional exceptions which make certain types of generalizations about all moderators with >n subreddits somewhat inaccurate and unfair.

subredditcancer 内の 28DansLater によるリンク Let's discuss some changes here at SRC.

[–]Nechaev 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I certainly wouldn't exclude a post on that basis as long people aren't just accusing somebody of being a bad mod on the basis of a modmail they happen to share with some abusive mod.

What if you were able to join the mods on a sub that had been up to some doubtful conduct? Should you refuse for fear of being tainted, or perhaps join and try to change things and even if you couldn't get them to change their ways it might serve justice to at least keep an eye on them.

I might leave in disgust after a while, but I imagine I'd try at least.

My impression is that these people that push their ideologies in places where they don't belong usually aren't consciously motivated by malice. They mean well (in their own minds) but think that they know better than their subscribers.

subredditcancer 内の 28DansLater によるリンク Let's discuss some changes here at SRC.

[–]Nechaev 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's generally not a good thing to have too much power in too few hands, but it's how that power is applied that concerns us mainly. I'd probably put some limit on things like that (if it was up to me too), but when I see somebody using restraint with their power it hardly seem as toxic as some of the other stuff we're complaining about.

Some mods respect their responsibity to the community and don't drag their agendas with them into different subs. A lot of modding is simple and relatively dull as long as you're not trying to influence people's opinions with your position.

Now, squatting on subs to prevent them from being used by the community that wants them (/r/gamergate for example) is very shitty though.

Blackout2015 内の [deleted] によるリンク Shouldn't this sub be trending right now?

[–]Nechaev 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

I'm not sure if you're just making the point that it should be, or if you are really wondering about this.

fulltvshowsonvimeo 内の KhamZ_98 によるリンク The Walking Dead Season 5 - 720p

[–]Nechaev 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

S05E16- Conquer.mkv seems to be deleted.

Could you re-upload it please

subredditcancer 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク "European grew by 500 subscribers today" thread removed by mods to hide the exodus that resulted from their own censorship.

[–]Nechaev 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

No I'm putting you in time-out because you're being an obnxious insolent little brat.

Come back when you've learned that disagreeing isn't the same thing as fucking political correctness because I can't be arsed trying to explain it to a brick wall anymore.