IAmA 内の 5secondfilms によるリンク We are 5secondfilms and we just released our first full length feature film: "Dude Bro Party Massacre III" AMA!

[–]butthurtstalker -28ポイント-27ポイント  (0子コメント)

Hey just wanted to let you know that I think your unfunny hipster "comedy" videos are cringe inducing. The lack of self awareness is baffling.

You suck

subredditcancer 内の KrustyKoonKrackers によるリンク You spoke, we listened. Public modlogs are available now using the open-source publicmodlogs git repo.

[–]butthurtstalker -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)


Half the mods have 0 mod actions or posts or comments here its just all the same people from all the meta mails

/u/28danslater /u/krustykoonkcrackers /u/Nechaev

Why was I removed when you have 18 mods half of which have 0 mod actions

subredditcancer 内の KrustyKoonKrackers によるリンク You spoke, we listened. Public modlogs are available now using the open-source publicmodlogs git repo.

[–]butthurtstalker -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

But has anyone a dressed what's on the logs?

/u/Nechaev and /u/goatsac removing critical posts

I have had 2 threads deleted about it

subredditcancer 内の KrustyKoonKrackers によるリンク You spoke, we listened. Public modlogs are available now using the open-source publicmodlogs git repo.

[–]butthurtstalker -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

If you actually check the log you can see they do a fair bit of censoring dissenting and mod critical posts

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク What happened to "letting the community decide" Goatsac censoring mod critical posts

[–]butthurtstalker[S] -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

So you want the rest of reddit to be transparent but not your sub?

I'm tired of seeing my messages oranged.

Goats removed it without commenting why, most subs give an explanationation.

So I'll ask you since goat won't respond. Why was my post removed?

trees 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク This is what we smoke in DC

[–]butthurtstalker[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Have half o if this and 2 g of bho from this strain. Purple train wreck. Legal here


Other cheesy stuff


subredditcancer 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク Mod Cancer /u/28DansLater apologizes: "We screwed up. Not just on July 6, but also during the blackout

[–]butthurtstalker -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

He's not cancer but /u/Nechaev is.

Anyone who treats the top mod spot like he does has no business being there.

Loving this revolt we need more voice tho

subredditcancer 内の jesus_laughed によるリンク Ellen Pao apologizes: "We screwed up. Not just on July 2, but also over the past several years" but nobody believes her, too little too late.

[–]butthurtstalker -4ポイント-3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dude stop contributing here. If it's not critical of the recent mod actions than don't bother until it's properly addressed. With these new rules they will have no content.

subredditcancer 内の jesus_laughed によるリンク Ellen Pao apologizes: "We screwed up. Not just on July 2, but also over the past several years" but nobody believes her, too little too late.

[–]butthurtstalker -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Dude stop contributing here. If it's not critical of the recent mod actions than don't bother until it's properly addressed.

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]butthurtstalker[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

You didn't ask me at all and not everyone on the mod list responded but you selectively chose who to remove. This is the most you have ever posted in this sub and it's because your scrambling to cover something done in the dark that's being brought to light.

Once again, who put you in charge of who's active enough, it should have been a consensus decision or I should havec been told you were going to remove me.

I didn't contribute after you readded me the first time because it was then that I realized you were cancer . I was waiting for this to happen again so I could show how opaque the moderation is here and how you run the show yet don't contribute

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]butthurtstalker[S] -3ポイント-2ポイント  (0子コメント)

It's funny compare that to any other mods and I beat half of them. I even have you beat on number of submissions here. All you cate about is being top mod.

You did this before but I complained privately and the other mods saw you power tripping g and added me back. Now I'm done doing this privately, you added multiple mods and removed other mods like alien22 and didn't even make a n announcement.

You didn't even send me a PM or ask me if I was still going to be a mod or wanted to be more active, you did not ask the other mods. You run this sub like a dictator and that makes you cancer. Nothing happens here unless you allow it, but you did nothing to earn that spot. No one even knows who you are

subredditcancer 内の butthurtstalker によるリンク Can we get a statement from someone besides goatsac on why I was removed as mod and cancer like meowing_cows added?

[–]butthurtstalker[S] -2ポイント-1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Nech what are your contributions do this sub? Who determined you were the one who could decide who mods here? I don't even know how you ended up as mod here but you are typical top mod cancer, writing paragraphs in modmail and manicuring the mod list to your liking.

The top spot has gone to your head, you don't contribute here, many of the other mods don't . I called you out for removing drape like months ago and ever since then your feelings have been hurt and that's why you removed me. You don't like me.

Don't use contributing and activity as reasons. No one is on the mod list unless you want them there. The other mods are scared to speak up because you remove anyone who calls you out.

YOU DONT CONTRIBUTE https://www.reddit.com/r/relationships/search?q=Author%3ANechaev++subreddit%3Asubredditcancer&sort=relevance&t=all

I haven't done it for the other mods but I bet I'll find the same thing. You just hold the top spot and only losers who spend 12 hrs a day in modmail and other communication with you are allowed to mod here apparently.

subredditcancer 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク This sub has got cancer. Mod refuses to have a public log on removals: "We will not publish the log

[–]butthurtstalker -1ポイント0ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ya dumbs and Mc are jerking around in vagboys and dickgirls but can't come post in this thread. Dan is the only one here

subredditcancer 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク This sub has got cancer. Mod refuses to have a public log on removals: "We will not publish the log

[–]butthurtstalker 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

And what does "modding" mean? Please look at the mod list, then compare it to the mod logs. Ishould have made them public before I was removed (Without notice or warning). lets see what being an"active" mod means.

Nech has never even contributed OC here. And half the mods have no mod actions EVER, but they suck your dick in meta mod mails so you add them here.

subredditcancer 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク This sub has got cancer. Mod refuses to have a public log on removals: "We will not publish the log

[–]butthurtstalker 9ポイント10ポイント  (0子コメント)

thats the problem with this sub, the mods dont care about the community. all they care about is being mod at SRC. They want to be "in" on the meta crowd.]

They judge you guys and make fun of you in modmail. Hardly any of the mods ever submit OC. When I was mod I was threatened with removal if I didnt have a 50+ post by kamen aka bongo. That same standard did not apply to any other mods. There is a lot of overlap between SRC and SRSSucks and the shitlord crowd but they are just as bad as any other cancer, collecting mod titles and modding friends to subs.

subredditcancer 内の RamblinRambo3 によるリンク This sub has got cancer. Mod refuses to have a public log on removals: "We will not publish the log

[–]butthurtstalker 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Ya when I was a mod I was all for it. Now I don't even get ah explanation or warning before some cliqued up loser mod removed me. They added me as mod here but not /r/src_mods they did the same to you. They talk trash about the other mods in there like a bunch of gossiping girls.

Nothing of substance is ever talked about in the modmails.

subredditcancer 内の 28DansLater によるリンク SubRedditCancer is open. (again)

[–]butthurtstalker 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Well no one wanted to let me know before in modmail or pm so I am gonna keep it on the sub. It's up to you if you want to keep things as is, this sub is about as transparent as tar.