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e.g. subreddit:aww dog
subreddit:aww dog
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284 人のユーザーが現在閲覧しています
Let's talk moderating.
This subreddit is a point of contact for moderators to discuss issues with reddit admins, mostly about mod tools.
Specific ideas for site-wide improvement that isn't moderation specific should go in /r/IdeasForTheAdmins
General questions that aren't moderation related, please send to the rest of the community team here.
Use /r/ModSupport's modmail to discuss things privately with the three admins listed in the mod box.
What are some *small* problems with moderation that we can fix quickly? (self.ModSupport)
Deimorz[A] が 34分 前 投稿
Mod Subs (self.ModSupport)
LagunaGTO が 20分 前 * 投稿
Similar to reddit themes: Talk to popular CSS theme creators and allow subreddit moderators to apply them with one click. (self.ModSupport)
allthefoxes が 9分 前 投稿
Can we get searchable mod-mail? (self.ModSupport)
GreyWalker が 12分 前 投稿
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